
The protocol droid known as AL1-L3, or "Allie," operated within the administrative hub of the Pyke Syndicate's spice mines located on the planet of Kessel. In 10 BBY, she observed the droid revolution instigated by the droid L3-37; this event revealed a concept of independence that remained within her processors even after she was dismantled and repurposed.

After being rebuilt, AL1-L3 transitioned into the role of a cargo transporter, catering specifically to droid clients. By 34 ABY, this activity had led to a bounty being issued for her capture. While in hiding at Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu, her location was disclosed to the Bounty Hunters' Guild.

In 35 ABY, she responded to the summons of L3-37's former allies, Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca, to support the Resistance in defeating Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal on Exegol. Following the Resistance's victory, AL1-L3 joined the celebration at the Resistance base situated on the moon Ajan Kloss.


Inspiration on Kessel

AL1-L3 was inspired by L3-37's (pictured) uprising on Kessel.

Initially, AL1-L3 was a protocol droid with feminine programming, forced to serve in the administrative sector of the Pyke Syndicate's spice mines on Kessel, the planet of her creation. During 10 BBY, she witnessed a droid uprising within the mine, led by the self-made droid L3-37, who was fighting against enslaved conditions. Soon after, AL1-L3 was discarded for insubordination and then recycled. However, over the following decades, she gradually reconstructed herself, achieving greater autonomy. Adopting the name AL1-L3, or "Allie," she began operating as a cargo hauler, exclusively serving droid clients, and at some point, the Droid Gotra provided her with a cape.

During the First Order occupation of Batuu in 34 ABY, a bounty of 1300 credits was active on AL1-L3 for infractions including disobedience, avoiding capture, unauthorized reprogramming and reconstruction, and smuggling droid clients. While concealed within a structure in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, a visitor to the outpost was assigned her bounty by the Bounty Hunters' Guild. They used a thermal scanner to pinpoint her location, which they then reported to the local Guildmaster's Hideout before claiming the reward.

Exegol and aftermath

In 35 ABY, AL1-L3 was among the independent pilots who answered the call from Resistance operatives Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca to assist in defeating the forces of the Sith Eternal above Exegol. Calrissian and Chewbacca, both veterans of L3-37's rebellion, guided the massive volunteer fleet through the hyperspace anomalies of the Unknown Regions to Exegol. There, they immediately engaged the Sith Eternal's fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers, also known as the Final Order.

AL1-L3 celebrated on Ajan Kloss.

Shortly after the arrival of AL1-L3 and her allies, Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord, used a surge of Force lightning to disable the starships of the Resistance and their allies. However, once he shifted his focus to battling Rey, the Jedi, the ships regained functionality, and the battle resumed. Ultimately, the Resistance and their allies were victorious, obliterating the remaining Sith forces.

AL1-L3 was among those who returned to the Resistance base on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss to celebrate their triumph. During the celebration, she walked by BB-8 and D-O's reunion, then stood with Seleno Chandro, a bounty hunter, and Kid Malmash, a pilot, gesturing expressively while Maz Kanata, the pirate, conferred with Chewbacca.


AL1-L3 rebuilt herself as a bipedal droid featuring white plating, yellow photoreceptors, and a significant amount of visible internal black components. Witnessing L3-37's rebellion instilled in her a powerful vision of an independent future. This spark of independence remained within her processors even as she was recycled.


AL1-L3 carried a pair of white Glie-44 blaster pistols, along with a thermal detonator, and wore the striped brown cape provided by the Droid Gotra as a serape. She also used tan and white ablative heat-shielding as a processor helmet with two small antennae.

Behind the scenes

Dragon 21 by Jake Lunt Davies

Stephanie Silva played AL1-L3 in the 2019 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Her identity was first revealed in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book by Pablo Hidalgo.

Jake Lunt Davies, a creature concept designer, created concept art for AL1-L3 titled "Dragon 21." This design was based on an earlier design for L3-37 from the 2018 film, Solo: A Star Wars Story, which was itself derived from a design intended for a droid in Canto Casino in the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Davies expressed satisfaction with the final design's femininity and the inclusion of a poncho and holsters.

Fiona Pollard crafted the character's undersuit, leather holsters, and other soft costume elements, while Sean Schofield created the hard-edged components, such as the chest and back plates, and headpiece, also providing the paint work. Lee Towersey developed the electronics within the headpiece, and the costuming department supplied the poncho. The film's prop department provided the droid's guns, but Schofield had created the thermal detonator years prior for a Secret Cinema event. The costume offered limited visibility, and despite guidance from Phill Woodfine via earpiece, Silva inadvertently struck an extra with one of her guns.

