
Elder Chettkap, a male Jawa, held the position of chief for a Jawa tribe residing on the planet Arvala-7. In the time around 9 ABY, his tribe pilfered components from the Mandalorian Din Djarin's gunship, known as the Razor Crest. Subsequently, when Djarin sought to negotiate with Chettkap's Jawas, the elder demanded a trade for the return of his starship parts, eventually consenting to accept a mudhorn egg in exchange. After the Jawas transported the Mandalorian to the vicinity of a mudhorn cave, they were on the verge of abandoning their wait when he reappeared, fulfilling his promise by delivering the egg. Chettkap then took the mudhorn egg and, alongside some members of his tribe, began to consume its yolk.


During the era of the New Republic, Elder Chettkap served as the chief of an Offworld Jawa tribe on the desert planet Arvala-7, maintaining order aboard the tribe's sandcrawler. Circa 9 ABY, the Jawa elder was in charge of the tribe when it disassembled and stole sections of the Razor Crest, a gunship that belonged to the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin. Upon discovering the wreckage of his vessel, the Mandalorian unleashed a barrage of fire upon the Jawa tribe, obliterating a few of them, and pursued the fleeing sandcrawler until the crew subdued him.

Chettkap (center) and his tribe as they negotiate with Din Djarin and Kuiil

The following day, Chettkap and his tribe established a campsite in a valley, where they examined the salvaged machinery parts. Subsequently, Djarin arrived, accompanied by the Ugnaught vapor farmer Kuiil. After the Jawas instructed the Mandalorian to leave his weaponry on Kuiil's hovercart, Chettkap extended a greeting and took a seat with Kuiil, with Djarin joining them while other Jawas assembled behind the elder. During the Ugnaught's discussion about the Jawas returning the stolen components from the Razor Crest, Chettkap suggested a trade involving the bounty hunter's beskar armor. Djarin declined the proposed trade, asserting his ownership of the parts and attempting to reiterate this fact in Jawaese.

Chettkap derided the Mandalorian's attempt at speaking the Jawa language, jokingly likening it to a Wookiee's dialect, prompting the aggravated bounty hunter to retaliate by directing his flamethrower towards the Jawas. Kuiil then inquired about alternative items the Mandalorian could offer in trade, leading Chettkap to gesture towards an alien child on Kuiil's cart, although the Mandalorian once again refused. Upon Kuiil's renewed inquiry, the chief conferred with his Jawa comrades, and they collectively decided to require Djarin to provide the egg of a mudhorn in exchange for the parts needed for his ship.

Chettkap was the first to taste the mudhorn egg.

After Djarin agreed to retrieve the egg, the Jawa tribe transported him to the vicinity of a mudhorn cave, where they awaited his return throughout the day. When the bounty hunter did not return, the Jawas made the decision to depart, preparing the sandcrawler for its journey. At that moment, the Mandalorian arrived with the mudhorn egg, prompting Chettkap and several members of his tribe to disembark from the vehicle to receive it. The chief accepted the egg from Djarin's hands and presented it to his comrades before employing his knife to open it, while another Jawa held it steady. Chettkap sampled the yolk of the Mudhorn egg before inviting his tribe members to join him, and they collectively feasted on the egg's contents. Shortly thereafter, Djarin and Kuiil departed from the tribe, taking with them the parts needed to repair the Razor Crest.

Personality and traits

Being a Jawa male, Chettkap possessed glowing red eyes, in contrast to the yellow eyes typically observed in Jawas originating from the planet Tatooine. He communicated in Jawaese and mocked Din Djarin's struggles with the language.


Like other Jawas, Chettkap wore brown robes which concealed nearly his entire body. He also wore a special necklace which included a knife, that the chief wore as a symbol of his leadership.

Behind the scenes

The Jawa elder made his debut appearance in Chapter 2 of The Mandalorian, a television series created by Jon Favreau for Disney+ in 2019, directed by Rick Famuyiwa, and broadcast on November 15, 2019. Credited as "Jawa Elder" in the episode, the character was portrayed in costume by Stephen Jackson Powers Jr. and voiced by David Acord.

