Darth Vader #14 represents a comic book installment from Marvel, crafted by the writer Kieron Gillen and brought to life through the artistic talents of Salvador Larroca. Functioning as the fourteenth entry in the Star Wars: Darth Vader series (Star Wars: Darth Vader), it also marks the fourth part of the Star Wars: Vader Down crossover event, intertwining with the main Star Wars storyline. This comic was released to the public on December 23, 2015.
On the planet Vrogas Vas, C-3PO receives a communication from Han Solo, who instructs him to inform Princess Leia Organa that he and Chewbacca have successfully rescued Luke Skywalker. The protocol droid expresses his frustration with the atmospheric conditions, citing interference with his systems, and blames R2-D2 for abandoning him. C-3PO manages to relay a message to Leia, but her attention is consumed by the presence of Darth Vader.
Beetee detonates several rock formations and attends to Dr Aphra, who voices her dislike for waspworms. Aphra and Beetee then provide assistance to the damaged Triple Zero, who has suffered the loss of both arms at the hands of Chewbacca. Aphra expresses her gratitude to Triple Zero for his initiative, commenting on the worthwhile investment in the Tarkin Initiative. After receiving a communication from Krrsantan, Aphra dispatches the droids and the Wookiee bounty hunter to locate and capture Skywalker.
In a separate confrontation, Princess Leia displays defiance towards Vader, asserting that his actions will not extinguish the pursuit of justice. Vader retorts that her demise will not mirror the fate of her home world, Alderaan. At that moment, Vader is distracted by an unseen adversary and questions the possibility of ambushing a Sith Lord. Leia interprets Vader's behavior as a manifestation of mental instability and seizes the opportunity to flee. Vader allows Leia to escape, intending to use her as bait to lure Luke Skywalker to him.
Leia encounters C-3PO, who inquires about the whereabouts of the other rebel troopers. Leia informs him of their demise. She instructs the droid to proceed to Luke's last known location and to distance himself as far as possible. Leia reveals her plan to lure Vader to a specific location so that Amber Wing can initiate a bombing run on the area. Leia is prepared to sacrifice her life in an attempt to eliminate Vader.
Solo and Skywalker assist the injured Chewbacca onto the boarding ramp of the Millennium Falcon. While aboard the ship, the rebels overhear Leia issuing orders to the remaining BTL Y-wing starfighters of the rebel forces, directing them to converge on her coordinates for a bombing attack targeting Vader. Skywalker expresses his shock at Leia's willingness to engage in a suicidal act, while Solo resolves to rescue her.
Before the Millennium Falcon can reach Leia, Black Krrsantan deliberately crashes his Auzituck anti-slaver gunship into the Falcon, resulting in the ship's crash. The Wookiee breaches the Falcon's hull with a powerful blast. Solo initially assumes that Black Krrsantan is present to collect Jabba's bounty on his head, but he quickly realizes that the Wookiee's true target is Skywalker.
As Chewbacca engages Black Krrsantan in combat, Solo urges Skywalker to go and rescue Leia. Skywalker is hesitant to leave, but Solo convinces him that remaining would result in Leia's death. Solo assures Skywalker that he and Chewbacca are capable of handling the situation.
In another area, C-3PO encounters Triple Zero and BT-1. Triple Zero identifies C-3PO as a Cybot Galactica compatible protocol droid and remarks that the fit will be a little tight. Before C-3PO can comprehend the situation, Beetee incapacitates him with a stun blast. Triple Zero proceeds to steal both of C-3PO's arms. C-3PO regains consciousness to find his head turned backwards and his arms missing.
In the meantime, Vader locates Leia near a landspeeder and mocks her, suggesting that her allies will fail to save her. Leia defiantly responds that they will ultimately defeat him. She transmits the coordinates to the Y-wings led by Amber Wing, which proceed to the designated location. However, before Amber Wing can release their payload, they are intercepted and shot down by TIE fighters.
One of the pilots manages to escape and fires at an opponent wielding a purple lightsaber. However, the new threat deflects the blaster bolts and disarms the pilot. The new threat taunts the pilot for being lost in the mists and not understanding that killing Vader will benefit him.
The newcomer is revealed to be the Mon Calamari cyborg Karbin, a recent addition to the Emperor's ranks. Karbin commands his stormtroopers and Emperor's Royal Guards, who are equipped with cybernetic arms, to capture Skywalker and bring him to him. He receives reinforcements in the form of several Imperial shuttles and an Imperial Star Destroyer.