Star Wars #14 is a comic book published by Marvel, crafted by Jason Aaron and featuring art by Mike Deodato, Jr.. Functioning as the fourteenth installment in the Star Wars series, it also serves as the fifth part of the Star Wars: Vader Down crossover event, linking with Star Wars: Darth Vader. The release date for this comic was January 6, 2016.
- CHEWBACCA faces off against BLACK KRRSANTAN!
- Is there anything else you require?
- The inaugural Star Wars event from Marvel continues its run! [1]
As Imperial forces arrive on Vrogas Vas, Princess Leia Organa confronts Darth Vader, asserting that he will be defeated in this war despite the Empire's greater strength. She declares that both he and his Emperor are destined to fail. Vader retorts that it is not a war but a series of executions, and hers is overdue.
However, Vader discerns that the stormtroopers are not under his command, nor did he request their presence. Commander Karbin reveals that Vader is the one to be executed, not the Princess, dismissing him as an outdated relic. Karbin explains that his rival orchestrated Vader's presence to eliminate the rebels on Vrogas Vas, intending to seize Skywalker and the Princess for himself.
Vader rejects this and uses the Force to knock the stormtroopers down. He promises Karbin a swift demise and activates his lightsaber. Karbin activates his own lightsabers, boasting that Vader will realize he orchestrated his own downfall. He vows to rise from Vader's ashes. Leia watches in disbelief as they begin to duel.
Simultaneously, Chewbacca and Krrsantan are engaged in combat within the Millennium Falcon. Han Solo attempts to shoot Black Krrsantan, but the black Wookiee bounty hunter throws Chewbacca at him. Black Krrsantan seizes Solo's pistol, but Solo manages to kick it away.
Following Solo's instructions, R2-D2 injects Chewbacca with a needle, counteracting the effects of 0-0-0's neurotoxin. This revitalizes Chewbacca, allowing him to gain the upper hand. Chewbacca punches Krrsantan and begins to pummel him.
Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker enters the deserted Jedi temple and senses the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kenobi warns him that he should not have come, as he is unprepared for the events to come. Skywalker is confronted by Commander Karbin's stormtroopers, who demand his surrender. Skywalker returns fire with his blaster and escapes further into the complex.
Observing the battle, Triple Zero remarks to Beetee that the only redeeming trait of organics is their tendency to kill each other. When Dr Aphra contacts him, Triple Zero informs her that Skywalker is about to be captured by stormtroopers. However, Aphra reveals that those troopers belong to Vader's rival, Karbin. She instructs him to prevent Karbin's forces from capturing Skywalker. Triple Zero orders Beetee to express extreme happiness.
Beetee uses his flamethrower on the stormtroopers, incinerating them. Triple Zero expresses disappointment that Beetee did not leave some for him to torture.
Simultaneously, Vader battles Karbin, who boasts that the Sith Lord is outmatched by his four lightsabers. Karbin declares Vader obsolete, but the Sith Lord uses the Force to drop a statue on the cyborg. The Mon Calamari cyborg survives. Vader retorts that he only requires one lightsaber powered by the dark side of the Force before severing one of Karbin's mechanical arms.
The cyborg screams in anger and retreats into the temple. Vader tells Karbin that escape is futile. He boasts that he withstood a thousand rebel troopers and will stand again tomorrow, while Karbin will be as dead as the Jedi who once resided there. Vader hears Kenobi's Force ghost, who urges him to be mindful of his thoughts and laments that he has become the very thing he sought to destroy.
Karbin ambushes him, and they engage in a lightsaber duel. Karbin taunts Vader that the Force cannot save him and vows to take his place at the Emperor's side. Meanwhile, Chewbacca throws Black Krrsantan against a rock, but the Wookiee strikes Chewbacca with his bracelet. Solo contacts Skywalker, asking if he has found Leia.
Luke reports that stormtroopers are everywhere before being struck in the head with a rifle butt. Solo tells R2-D2 he is going to rescue Skywalker, but is grabbed by Black Krrsantan. An armless C-3PO approaches R2-D2, lamenting his missing arms. He then notices the unconscious Chewbacca.
Via R2-D2's comlink, he informs Princess Leia that Captain Solo is in serious danger and Master Luke has been captured by Imperial stormtroopers. As Black Krrsantan chokes Solo, he says that their situation is grim and recommends a full retreat. However, Leia is not listening, as she is aiming her blaster at Darth Vader, who is preoccupied with Karbin.