
Ghenli, a male human being, made his home on the celestial body known as Hon-Tallos. During the age of the High Republic Era, Ghenli engaged in acts of intimidation against Vroma, a young Nautolan girl, after falsely accusing her of pilfering durga berries from what he claimed was his own personal patch of the groves. The harassment perpetrated by Ghenli was brought to an end through the intervention of Deva Lompop, a member of the Nihil, who frightened Ghenli into admitting his attempted theft and subsequent flight.


Living on Hon-Tallos was a male human named Ghenli. In the time of the High Republic Era, he levied accusations against Vroma, a Nautolan girl, claiming she had stolen a durga berry from the groves where they grew. He pursued her throughout the city with the intent of stopping her. He physically pushed her to the ground and declared that "tentacle-heads" like Vroma were forbidden from entering the groves, particularly the one he asserted was his. This behavior from Ghenli was typical when Vroma possessed something he desired.

Subsequently, Vroma sought assistance from Deva Lompop, a marauder of the Nihil, to put a stop to Ghenli's bullying. Together, they devised a strategy to confront him at the groves. The plan was then initiated with Vroma deliberately wandering through the groves while holding a durga berry. Ghenli and his companions soon confronted her, with Ghenli reiterating his warning for her to leave. Vroma cautioned him to cease his actions, suggesting that the Grove Guardians would disapprove. Ghenli dismissed the existence of the Grove Guardians, and a chase ensued.

Ghenli and his cohorts pursued Vroma throughout the groves, asserting that the berries were exclusively for their use. However, Ghenli's friends were gradually separated from the group, causing him to become concerned about their whereabouts. Vroma attempted to warn Ghenli about the Grove Guardians, emphasizing that he had now incurred their anger. Despite this, Ghenli remained skeptical until a loud voice interrupted him, demanding to know who was disturbing the groves. A large figure identifying itself as the Guardian of the Groves materialized and threatened to punish Ghenli for his lack of sharing. Although frightened, Ghenli still doubted the reality of the situation. The figure then announced its intention to devour him. It lunged at Ghenli and revealed itself to be Lompop, causing Ghenli to panic and promise to refrain from stealing in the future. He then promptly fled from the groves.

Personality and traits

Ghenli's physical appearance included pale skin, brown hair, a prominent unibrow, and black eyes. His character was defined by his bullying tendencies and a generally rude demeanor towards others. He demonstrated a willingness to resort to physical aggression to achieve his objectives, as evidenced by his act of pushing Vroma to the ground.


Ghenli's attire consisted of a patched grey shirt and a brown jacket. He also wore black pants paired with light grey boots.

Behind the scenes

Ghenli's introduction came in "Tales of Villainy: A Very Nihil Interlude", serving as the backstory for the fourteenth and concluding installment of the 2020 Star Wars Adventures anthology Star Wars comic book series. The comic's narrative was penned by Justina Ireland, the illustrations were crafted by Nick Brokenshire, and it was brought to publication by IDW Publishing on February 9, 2022.

