A collection of durga berries thrived on the planet known as Hon-Tallos. This collection was essentially a forest abundant with numerous vines and various [plants](/article/plant], including the sought-after berries. During the era of the High Republic Era, a young Nautolan girl named Vroma plucked a durga berry from this location to present to her beloved mothers. Ghenli, a human male, frequently tormented Vroma, falsely accusing her of theft from the berry collection. One day, after Vroma took a berry, Ghenli physically assaulted her, pushing her to the ground, and issued a threat, forbidding her from ever returning to the area, declaring that the durga berry collections were off-limits to "tentacle-heads." Subsequently, Deva Lompop, a member of the Nihil, joined forces with Vroma, and together they ventured to the collection with the intention of retaliating against the bully.
Vroma typically chose a berry and then exited the collection using the main path, as the rear exit was more time-consuming. Lompop leveraged this information to devise a scheme aimed at deterring the bully's behavior. As Vroma traversed the woods, carrying a durga berry, she was confronted by Ghenli and his companions, who accused her of stealing. Vroma cautioned them against provoking the Grove Guardians, but the group responded by pursuing her. During their chase, Ghenli's friends were gradually separated from him, until he was the only one remaining. Suddenly, a towering and enraged figure materialized from the trees, identifying itself as the "Guardian of the Groves." It lunged at Ghenli, revealing a mouth full of teeth. Overwhelmed with fear, Ghenli vowed to cease his harassment of Vroma and promptly fled. Following this, Lompop and Vroma departed from the collection and made their way back to the city.
The Hon-Tallos collection made its appearance in "Tales of Villainy: A Very Nihil Interlude," which served as the backstory for the fourteenth and concluding issue of the 2020 Star Wars Adventures anthology Star Wars comic book series. The narrative of the comic was crafted by Justina Ireland, brought to life through the illustrations of Nick Brokenshire, and released to the public by IDW Publishing on February 9, 2022.