Vroma's mothers

Two female individuals served as the parents of the Nautolan youngling Vroma, residing in a dwelling situated on the Outer Rim Territories planet Hon-Tallos during the High Republic. Back in 230 BBY, Vroma chose a durga berry as a thoughtful gift for her parents. After the human tormentor Ghenli pursued Vroma, leading to the berry's destruction, the Nihil privateer Deva Lompop intervened, deterring Ghenli from further harassment of the Nautolan. Subsequently, Lompop advised Vroma to return to her parents, and the Nautolan headed towards her dwelling, now carrying a replacement durga berry.


Vroma (pictured) carrying a durga berry for her mothers

During the High Republic Era, the Nautolan child Vroma had two female individuals acting as her parents. By the year 230 BBY, this trio was living together in a dwelling located on the Outer Rim Territories planet known as Hon-Tallos. On one day, Vroma journeyed to a grove with the intention of acquiring a durga berry for her parents, as she was aware that the berries were their favorite and she desired to do something kind for them. While she was on her way back, a group of children, headed by the human Ghenli, began chasing the Nautolan, who claimed that Ghenli was constantly stealing things that he wanted from her. The Nautolan then tripped, causing the durga berry to break into pieces. After Ghenli departed, Vroma sat there crying until the Shani Nihil privateer Deva Lompop approached her. The pirate learned the Nautolan's reason for wanting the berry, which she agreed sounded very nice.

Upon Vroma's explanation of the troubles Ghenli had been causing, the pirate decided to assist by frightening the human into ceasing his bullying behavior towards the Nautolan. Following this, Vroma inquired of Lompop whether she could join the Nihil to help prevent bullying throughout the galaxy. In response, the pirate informed her that while she was welcome to join, their primary activities involved stealing and destroying things whenever they felt like it. The Nautolan then replied that she did not think her parents would approve of that, which Lompop agreed was likely the case. The pirate then instructed Vroma to go back home to her parents, as she and her Nihil friends were about to "have some fun"—by carrying out an attack—before the Jedi Order could arrive and stop them. The Nautolan then left for her home, carrying a durga berry for her parents.

Personality and traits

Vroma mentioned to Deva Lompop that her parents enjoyed eating durga berries, stating that they were their favorite. After the pirate informed her that the Nihil engaged in stealing and destroying things, after she asked if she could join the group, the Nautolan informed Lompop that she did not believe her parents would approve of that.

Behind the scenes

The parents of Vroma were referenced in the comic story titled "Tales of Villainy: A Very Nihil Interlude," which served as the backup story for the fourteenth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars Adventures. Justina Ireland authored the story, and IDW Publishing released it on February 9, 2022.

