
Goron was a Trandoshan male hunter who, as a member of a Trandoshan hunting guild, hunted sentient beings on Wasskah's moon in 20 BBY (year). Alongside Clutch, a fellow Trandoshan, Goron also worked as a pilot for the guild, navigating a Trandoshan prisoner ship across the galaxy to abduct potential prey. After capturing the Wookiee Chewbacca, the freighter came under attack from marooned Jedi younglings when the Trandoshans attempted to deposit Chewbacca on a Wasskah island. Goron exited the freighter onto its exterior to directly confront the Jedi, and he was nearly successful in the resulting conflict. However, Clutch was battling the Padawan Ahsoka Tano in the starship's cockpit. Damage to the electrical systems and controls caused the ship to crash onto the hunting island, and Goron fell from the ship to his death.


Hunt on Wasskah

Goron was a Trandoshan male game hunter and pilot who belonged to a hunting guild and capture group under the leadership of the Trandoshan Garnac. As a member of the guild, Goron piloted a Trandoshan prisoner ship throughout the galaxy to abduct sentient beings, transporting them to the moon of Wasskah, where they would be hunted for sport, in addition to participating in hunts on Wasskah's surface with other Trandoshan hunting members, relishing the sport.

Not long after two different pilots returned to Wasskah with a number of new prey during 20 BBY (year—including the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano—Goron was present on the guild's floating base of operations for both the official start of a new catch hunting day and the initiation ceremony of Dar, the son of guild boss Garnac. Later, Goron and the pilot Clutch departed Wasskah aboard the Reugot freighter in search of potential prey.

Jedi counterattack

After capturing a Wookiee prisoner named Chewbacca, Goron and Clutch returned to Wasskah's Island Four with the freighter. As fate would have it, Tano had survived the previous days of pursuit by the Trandoshans and had joined forces with two kidnapped Jedi younglings, O-Mer and Jinx. Tano had inspired the younglings to fight the Trandoshans and had waited at Island Four's beach to seize the Trandoshan freighter for themselves. Using the Force, Tano and the Jedi leaped high into the air and onto the ship, with Tano landing directly on the windshield, announcing her presence to the Trandoshans.

Goron grapples with O-Mer and Jinx

Following Clutch's instructions, Goron climbed out onto the ship's long hull, blaster rifle in hand, and tried to shoot the younglings as Tano entered the ship behind him. Goron was disarmed and resorted to hand-to-hand combat. Although individually stronger than either O-Mer or Jinx, the two Jedi working together proved to be a challenge. Meanwhile, Tano engaged Clutch in the cockpit, causing significant damage to the ship's controls and electronics, leading the vessel to spin wildly and nearly throw Goron and O-Mer off the ship. Both managed to hold on, with Goron hanging from a ledge just below the young Cerean Jedi. Goron grabbed O-Mer's leg in an attempt to pull him down, but the ship lurched, and Goron lost his grip on the ship. Hanging from O-Mer's leg, Jinx intervened and kicked Goron away, sending the Trandoshan to his death below.

Clutch was killed by Tano, and the ship crashed on the beach. Goron's fate was discovered the next day, leading the hunter Lo-Taren to conclude that the Jedi had become bolder in their escape attempts. Garnac subsequently concluded that the Jedi youngling companions were significantly organized, having Chewbacca, and too bold to pursue following the crash of the Trandoshan prisoner dropship on the hunting island shortly after the deaths of Clutch and Goron.

Personality and traits

Goron was a large Trandoshan with green scales and yellow eyes. Goron showed excitement when Garnac announced the start of a new hunt and participated in chanting Dar's name during the young hunter's induction ceremony. During the Jedi's attack on the freighter, Goron quickly obeyed Clutch's orders to climb onto the ship's long hull. In the subsequent fight with the younglings, Goron proved to be a dangerous opponent, but he was unable to maintain his balance as the ship bucked wildly after taking damage, and Goron eventually fell to his demise as a result.


Along with Clutch, Goron piloted the hunting guild's Trandoshan prisoner ship, which had a customized "jaws" design on its front end.

During his fight with the Jedi younglings, Goron was armed with a long, thin sniper rifle that was quickly taken from him during the fight. Goron also wore a bandolier wrapped around his body over his gray fatigues. Like all the Trandoshans in the hunting guild, Goron wore an electronically powered gauntlet around his wrist.

Behind the scenes

Conceptual artwork of Goron for "Padawan Lost"

Goron was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, and he made his first appearance in the episodes "Padawan Lost" and "Wookiee Hunt," which were the twenty-first and twenty-second episodes of the show's third season, respectively. Dee Bradley Baker voiced Goron in "Wookiee Hunt," and he was also responsible for voicing all of the clone troopers throughout the series' run.

Goron's name comes from the Gorn, an alien species from the 1960s science fiction television series Star Trek.

