Gureni Telsij

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Gureni Telsij was a lieutenant and pilot of human descent. He fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. During the Battle of Endor, which occurred in 4 ABY, Telsij participated in the Endor system assault as a member of Gray Squadron. He piloted a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber with the goal of destroying the Galactic Empire's Death Star II superweapon.

When the Alliance Fleet realized they were ambushed, the rebels were swarmed by hundreds of TIE fighters and TIE interceptors. Telsij exclaimed that the enemy forces were overwhelming. Shortly after, enemy fire struck his Y-wing, resulting in the pilot's death.


Lieutenant Gureni Telsij, a human, served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a pilot within the Starfighter Corps during the Galactic Civil War. His mission was to combat the forces of the Galactic Empire. He piloted a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber as part of Gray Squadron, a diverse starfighter squadron consisting of A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, and Y-wings. The squadron operated under the command of Gray Leader Horton Salm. In 4 ABY, this squadron joined Red Squadron, Green Squadron, and Gold Squadron during the Alliance Fleet's attack above the moon of Endor on the Imperial Death Star II superweapon.

Gureni Telsij flew at the Battle of Endor.

The [fleet](/article/fleet] believed they had surprise on their side, and that the Death Star's shields were deactivated. They made the jump from the Sullust system through hyperspace to the Endor system and prepared to strike the battle station. However, General Lando Calrissian of the Alliance realized they were walking into a trap when the Empire started jamming their communications. He warned the rebel pilots that the shields remained active and aborted the attack run. As the entire fleet retreated from the station, a massive Imperial fleet emerged from the far side of Endor's moon.

As the Alliance pilots were engaged by hundreds of TIE fighters and interceptors, Telsij expressed his concern about the sheer number of enemy ships. Soon after, enemy fire struck his fighter, leading to his death. Despite suffering heavy losses, the Alliance ultimately succeeded in destroying the Death Star, securing a significant victory at Endor.

Personality and traits

During the Battle of Endor, Telsij became pessimistic due to the overwhelming number of enemy fighters. He possessed dark hair and [eyes](/article/eye], complemented by tan skin.


Gureni Telsij wore a personalized flight helmet.

While piloting his Y-wing during the Battle of Endor, Telsij was equipped with a gray flight suit. The Gray Squadron's standard attire at the time included a pressurized g-suit overall, an equipment overvest, and a pair of black flight gloves. His red, white, and yellow flight helmet featured a series of slanted green lines above the glare visor. The visor protected him from radiation emitted by starlight, weapon fire, and explosions. The helmet also incorporated a connection for a respirator and a built-in wireless communicator linked to his Y-wing's communications systems.

The helmet was customized with red symbols on the top and back, along with a partially faded red and white emblem on the chin. This emblem was also seen on the helmets of Salm and the pilot Red Two during the Battle of Endor, as well as on the helmet of a weapons system officer within the squadron. Additional markings on Telsij's helmet included a red logo and a green pattern on the right side.

Behind the scenes


A recreation of the "Radio Free Bolinas" logo

Gureni Telsij made an appearance in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, a film from the 1983 original trilogy. He was the first Star Wars character with dialogue to be played by an actor of Asian descent. Hilary Westlake, a stage director, believes that Eiji Kusuhara, listed on a call sheet for the film as a "Y-Wing pilot," most likely played Telsij. Westlake, a close friend of Kusuhara, wrote his obituary. After watching the footage of Telsij's scene, Westlake told NPR, "Albeit brief, I would say it is most certainly Eiji."

The Y-wing cockpit scenes for Return of the Jedi were shot at Elstree Studios on Stage 9 between March 2 and March 11, 1982. The footage of Telsij in the film is mirrored, as determined by comparing his helmet with behind-the-scenes photos of the prop. The emblem on the chin of Telsij, Salm, and Red Two's helmets is a worn sticker from "Radio Free Bolinas," a broadcaster based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Naming and errors

Gureni Telsij has been misidentified as fellow pilot Ekelarc Yong (pictured) in multiple sources.

Within the new Star Wars canon, the 2015 reference book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know initially identified the character as simply "Lieutenant Telsij." This name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in the "Death Star II Limited" set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, released in 2000 by Decipher. The 2019 canon reference book Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual, authored by Ryder Windham, later gave Telsij the first name Gureni.

The Databank mistakenly uses a photo of Telsij to represent Ekelarc Yong, another Y-wing pilot featured in Return of the Jedi. This error was then repeated on a card released in 2021 within the Star Wars: Card Trader app.

