Hark, a Mandalorian human of the male variety, held the rank of captain within the Imperial Super Commandos. As captain, Hark oversaw the Imperial convoy responsible for the transportation of Alrich Wren; however, their mission was disrupted by an ambush executed by both Mandalorian renegades and forces from the Rebel Alliance. Subsequently, Hark received directives from the Mandalorian Governor Tiber Saxon, instructing him to pull back Clan Saxon and Imperial forces from the combat zone, enabling Saxon to assess the capabilities of "the Duchess" against the renegades. Later, he voiced his disapproval of Governor Saxon's intentions to enhance the weapon's power, fearing that the Empire would ultimately deploy it against all Mandalorians. As a consequence of his dissent, Saxon utilized the weapon to shock Hark. When the rebel Sabine Wren reconfigured the weapon to target Imperial [armor](/article/armor], incapacitating Saxon, Hark was compelled to flee.

During the Imperial Era, Hark served as a captain in the Imperial Super Commandos. This group of soldiers served Clan Saxon, a Mandalorian clan aligned with the Empire, and who governed Mandalore on behalf of the Galactic Empire. Following the demise of Viceroy Gar Saxon in 2 BBY, Mandalore was thrown into the throes of civil war. Gar's brother, Tiber Saxon, then took his place as Governor. In 1 BBY, Hark was in command of an Imperial convoy with the mission of taking Alrich Wren to Sundari, the capital, for execution. Clan Wren had revolted against Clan Saxon, and Alrich's wife Countess Ursa Wren had killed Governor Saxon after he attempted to kill her daughter Sabine Wren, who had become a member of the rebellion.
While en route to Sundari, Ursa and her son Tristan led Clan Wren forces in an attack against the Imperial convoy. Hark rerouted the Imperial Troop Transport carrying Alrich, along with two other vehicles and a contingent of scout troopers on speeder bikes, stormtroopers, and Imperial Super Commandos, towards a canyon. Captain Hark then let Governor Tiber know that he was avoiding the rebel attack. Tiber responded that he would send "reinforcements." Hark then mocked Alrich, telling him to enjoy the architecture of Sundari for one last time. Although Captain Hark thought he had evaded the renegade Mandalorian forces, he was unaware that Countess Wren had intentionally guided the convoy into a canyon where a joint rebel-Mandalorian force, led by Sabine, Fenn Rau, and Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, was waiting in ambush.
The renegades and rebels launched a surprise attack on the convoy, swiftly overwhelming the Imperial and allied Mandalorian escorts. During the battle, Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan, friend to Sabine, and member of the Rebel Alliance, threw Captain Hark out of his transport. After the renegades had rescued Alrich, Hark contacted Governor Saxon to let him know about the successful rebel attack. Tiber replied that the rebels had planned well and ordered him to withdraw all remaining Imperial forces, as he intended to deploy "the Duchess," which was capable of reacting with the beskar alloy in Mandalorian armor and incinerating the wearer.

Following advice from Grand Admiral Thrawn that he needed the Duchess's creator to unlock the weapon's full potential, Governor Saxon tasked Hark with capturing Sabine. When Sabine led a combined rebel and Mandalorian team to destroy the Duchess on Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer, Hark and Governor Saxon cornered Sabine and the former Mandalorian Regent Bo-Katan Kryze inside the weapon's storage area. Tiber demanded Sabine fix the weapon to make it stronger and unleashed the weapon on her and Bo-Katan when she refused.
When Hark objected, arguing that the Empire might turn the Duchess against Mandalore, Saxon turned the weapon on him as well. Governor Saxon then allowed the three Mandalorians some time. Sabine acted as though she would comply but reset the weapon to target stormtrooper armor. Because Governor Saxon was wearing stormtrooper armor, he was affected. Sabine considered killing Governor Saxon, but Bo-Katan talked her out of stooping to the Empire's level. After Sabine slashed the Duchess with the Darksaber, Hark used the opportunity to escape before Saxon's Star Destroyer exploded and crashed.
Captain Hark was a human male Mandalorian warrior. As an Imperial Super Commando, he wore full Mandalorian armor. He thought poorly of Alrich Wren, taunting him about admiring Sundari's architecture before his execution. Hark later protested Governor Tiber Saxon's decision to force Sabine to strengthen the Duchess, fearing the Empire would use the weapon against Mandalore. For this, Saxon turned the weapon on him. Just before Sabine destroyed the Duchess, Hark took the chance to escape.
Hark's debut was in Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore, where he was voiced by Andrew Kishino, who also voiced Saw Gerrera in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.