Koja nut

Koja nuts represented a specific variety of nut that had the capability of being processed into milk. During the events of 4 ABY, Jas Emari, a bounty hunter, drew a comparison between the physical appearance of General Jylia Shale and the unyielding nature of an unbroken koja nut. Later, in 35 ABY, the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs incorporated a recipe for Thuris Caf into his third culinary cookbook, entitled The Ultimate Cookbook, specifically noting the use of milk derived from these nuts as a key component.


Koja nuts were a kind of nut characterized by their tough outer shell, which could be cracked open. These nuts were suitable for producing milk that could be consumable by Artiodacs. The name "koja nuts" bore a partial resemblance to koja-rum, a type of rum originating from the Outer Rim planet of Saleucami.


Thuris Caf's ingredients included milk made from koja nuts.

Back in 3 ABY, koja nuts were sold at the Mirogana Market, situated within the city of Mirogana on the moon Toshara. The market's announcement system blared out an advertisement for the nuts in Huttese, alongside promotions for several other varieties of nuts. During the rebellion that happened on the Outer Rim planet Akiva during 4 ABY, Jas Emari, a Zabrak bounty hunter, observed Imperial General Jylia Shale as she entered the Satrap's Palace located in Myrra, the planet's capital city. Emari was hiding near the communications tower of the dilapidated Myrra capitol building. Emari recognized Shale and thought of her appearance as aged and withered, comparing it to a gallstone with the unyielding hardness of an uncracked koja nut.

At some point in time, the Bovris Tapcafe, an establishment located on the Outer Rim planet Ifron, started to offer the beverage Thuris Caf, which was prepared using milk derived from the nuts. While touring the galaxy for culinary inspiration between 34 ABY and 35 ABY, the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs visited Ifron and sampled a cup of the caf at the Bovris Tapcafe's bar. He subsequently included a recipe for Thuris Caf in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, which saw publication in 35 ABY. Within the book, he detailed that the drink's other components – the orbs referred to as Blutopia pearls, the drink Ithor Float, and caf-infused ice cubes – were combined with milk made from koja nuts, resulting in a flavor profile he considered a delightful blend of tastes from various worlds.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Koja nuts occurred within Aftermath, a 2015 novel penned by Chuck Wendig, marking the initial entry in the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy. The 2023 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a recipe book authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak, presented an out-of-universe recipe for Thuris Caf that suggested the use of almond milk.

