Lank Denvik, a commander within the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire], was a male of the human species. He functioned as a chief supervisor for the Imperial Security Bureau. His assignment in 9 BBY placed him in command of the II-0810 Satellite Station situated in the Nova Garon system.

Commander Lank Denvik, originating from a wealthy family in the Core Worlds, later served the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars as an Intelligence Officer alongside Jedi Knight Bode Akuna, acting as a mentor to him. Several years following the Great Jedi Purge, Denvik was approached by his former colleague seeking employment in exchange for protection from the Inquisitorius, an organization dedicated to eradicating surviving Jedi, which Denvik loathed and was hunting Akuna. Denvik consented to the arrangement, sheltering Bode and his daughter, Kata Akuna, from the Inquisitorius in return for Bode's allegiance.
As chief supervisor within the Imperial Security Bureau in 9 BBY, Denvik ultimately dispatched Bode to pursue Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and his crew with the objective of their eventual capture. Kestis held significant interest for the Empire. Specifically, Akuna's mission was to locate Cere Junda, a Kestis ally who managed the clandestine Hidden Path network to shield Force-sensitives and sympathizers from the Empire. Denvik subsequently sought to further exploit Bode as an asset by promising the identity of the Inquisitor responsible for his wife's death.
Upon the rediscovery of the lost world Tanalorr, a location inaccessible to the Empire without specific tools, Bode seized the opportunity to escape to the planet with Kata. This entailed abandoning the Empire, which aligned with Bode's ultimate objective. Bode secured the last remaining compass to activate the arrays and revealed Junda's location, the Jedi Archives on the moon Jedha, to Darth Vader. Prior to this, Denvik had secret plans to destroy these Archives and Junda within the next few months, an operation that may be tasked only to Vader's Inquisitorius.

After Vader obliterated the Archives and Kestis, along with his crew, escaped Jedha, they journeyed to II-0810 Satellite Station, where Bode intended to retrieve his daughter. Kestis confronted Denvik, demanding he lift the station lockdown, and discovered Bode's role as Denvik's personal agent. Denvik expressed surprise at Kestis's discovery of his base via the locator beacon on Bode's ship, deeming it uncharacteristically careless. He was then accused of orchestrating Vader's attack on the Jedha archives, resulting in the deaths of Jedi Master Eno Cordova and Junda. Taken aback by this revelation, Denvik quickly discerned Bode's betrayal and attempted to alert his subordinates, only to be forcefully restrained by Kestis using the Force. In desperation, Denvik informed Kestis that Bode deliberately lured him to his outpost to assassinate him, but was knocked out, before Kestis stole a spare uniform to continue his search for Bode.
By the time Denvik had regained consciousness, the Inquisitorius was already fighting his men, and he futilely ordered Akuna's starfighter shot down as he escaped Nova Garon with his daughter. Denvik then went down to the flight deck to confront Kestis and his friend Merrin and attempted to shoot the Jedi but Kestis quickly subdued him. Fearing his own execution by Vader, the Imperial attempted to goad Kestis into ending his life. Consumed by anger and grief, Kestis employed the Force to begin crushing the Imperial from within. Merrin dissuaded Kestis from seeking revenge, fearing the Empire would claim his soul as it had Junda and everything else they had lost. Kestis relented, leaving Denvik on the flight deck to face Vader's sent forces.

Denvik's worst fear materialized when Darth Vader confronted him in his office, strangling him with the Force as punishment, denying him the chance to explain his actions. Denvik could only acknowledge Vader's presence before succumbing to strangulation.
Denvik, a human male characterized by light skin and white hair, mostly bald on top of his head, was an ambitious and relentless agent of the Imperial Security Bureau. As chief supervisor, Denvik aspired to capture Jedi without the involvement of the Inquisitors, whom he regarded as "armored abominations". He was career-driven, eager to satisfy his superiors, and constantly seeking opportunities to advance his position. Operating within the ISB, Denvik was acutely aware of the consequences for those who failed, exhibited weakness, or betrayed the Empire.
Denvik wore the Security Bureau's distinctive white uniform paired with black boots. His rank insignia plaque displayed four blue squares, along with a set of code cylinders. He also carried a DC-17 hand blaster as a sidearm. Occasionally, he utilized a DC-15A blaster carbine.
Lank Denvik was a character created for the 2023 video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Gideon Emery provided his voice.