MC95E Star Cruiser

The MC95E Star Cruiser represents a class of Star Cruiser originating from Mon Calamari designs. These vessels saw action during the Galactic Civil War, a conflict pitting the Galactic Empire against the New Republic, and later in the war between the First Order and the Resistance. One known instance involves an MC95E Star Cruiser engaging the Empire in the Battle of Var-Shaa as a component of a New Republic Defense Fleet force. Decades afterwards, numerous MC95E Star Cruisers were part of the Citizens' Fleet present at Exegol, participating in the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY between the Resistance and the Sith Eternal.


Side view of an MC95E Star Cruiser

The MC95E Star Cruiser was a Star Cruiser class designed by the Mon Calamari. Characterized by a flatter profile compared to other Mon Calamari designs, the MC95E Star Cruiser featured at least a pair of hangar bays positioned near the vessel's bow. Essential equipment included a hyperdrive, granting the capability to travel at lightspeed through hyperspace, and engines for propulsion.

Mirroring other Mon Calamari spacecraft designs, the MC95E Star Cruiser exhibited a rounded hull integrating diverse surface modules. Several antenna were situated on a dorsal module towards the rear, accompanied by forward-facing antenna located at the bow, close to an ordnance pod. The ship's bridge was positioned within the forward command section near the bow, complemented by a command tower at the vessel's rear. Armament consisted of multiple laser cannons, with several capable of forward firing. High-intensity Force lightning strikes were capable of disabling the MC95E Star Cruiser.


The MC95E Star Cruiser, as a capital ship, was suited to engage in naval warfare.


Galactic Civil War

An MC95E Star Cruiser of the New Republic participated in the Battle of Var-Shaa, alongside an MC75 Star Cruiser and an MC80 Star Cruiser.

MC95E Star Cruisers were already operational by the time the New Republic was established during the Galactic Civil War against the Galactic Empire, specifically between 4 ABY and 5 ABY. One MC95E Star Cruiser was a member of a New Republic Defense Fleet group. This group also included vessels such as an MC75 Star Cruiser, an MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, three CR90 corvettes, and a pair of GR-75 medium transports. This fleet participated in the Battle of Var-Shaa against the Imperial Navy. This engagement led to the destruction of the Var-Shaa dockyard and the subsequent withdrawal of the surviving Imperial forces.

First Order/Resistance war

The MC95E Star Cruisers continued to be used during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. The First Order was a military government that rose from the ashes of the Galactic Empire. The Resistance was a paramilitary group with roots in the dissolved Rebel Alliance and the defunct New Republic. In 35 ABY, General Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca, heroes of the Alliance and Republic, piloted the Millennium Falcon on a mission to gather support from the citizens of the galaxy. This support was intended to reinforce the Resistance, which had journeyed to the ancient Sith stronghold world of Exegol in an effort to defeat the newly empowered Sith Eternal, who were allied with the First Order, and to protect the galaxy from their dominion.

Midship section of the MC95E Star Cruiser.

As the Resistance neared defeat and suffered significant casualties, a vast Citizens' Fleet consisting of 14,000 ships from across the galaxy arrived at Exegol and took part in the Battle of Exegol. This fleet included a large number of MC95E Star Cruisers. Strengthened, the combined galactic force and the Resistance engaged the Final Order, the Sith Eternal's massive fleet of planet-killing Xyston-class Star Destroyers, which numbered over 1,000 vessels. While the Jedi Rey and Ben Solo confronted Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, on the planet's surface, Darth Sidious drew Force power from the Force dyad connecting Rey and Solo. He then unleashed a barrage of potent Force lightning upon the galactic fleet, disabling many ships.

After Rey continued her confrontation, the lightning subsided, allowing the fleet to regain its advantage. Darth Sidious was ultimately destroyed by his own power after Rey redirected his lightning, resulting in his final demise. The remaining Sith forces on Exegol were annihilated, and the citizens' fleet retreated to Ajan Kloss as an uprising against the First Order spread throughout the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

An MC95E Star Cruiser at Exegol.

The MC95E Star Cruiser made its debut in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie in the Star Wars saga and the sequel trilogy. Its official identification occurred in a Star Wars By the Numbers segment on in 2020. The CG short film "Hunted," a promotional piece for the video game Star Wars: Squadrons (2020), featured the MC95E Star Cruiser. However, in one particular scene, an MC95 Star Cruiser was incorrectly depicted in place of the MC95E Star Cruiser that appeared in multiple other scenes.

