
Ormeddon existed as a Grand General within the Imperial Army of the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era. Around 10 BBY, the criminal known as Tobias Beckett, along with his crew, conducted operations within the Berullian theater of operations. These actions led three Imperial advisors to convince Galactic Emperor Palpatine to send Ormeddon to the Berullian Checkpoint, unknowingly playing into the gang's scheme to obtain his security access. Beckett's group then absconded with Ormeddon's transport, infiltrated the Colonies installation known as Foundry, and successfully pilfered prototype deflector shield generator technology. By the period of time Ormeddon became aware of the theft of his shuttle, Beckett and his associates were already in negotiations with outlaws affiliated with the Crymorah Syndicate.


Tivoche Bilure "Midnight" first learned about Beckett and his gang upon discovering their actions at the Berullian Checkpoint, which targeted Grand General Ormeddon.

Ormeddon was an individual who eventually served the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era, ultimately achieving the position of Grand General in the Imperial Army. Around 10 BBY, Ormeddon was stationed at a Colonies site called Foundry, which housed experimental deflector shield generator technology and featured a private hangar.

Tivoche Bilure, known as "Midnight" and employed as a mixologist at the Lodge on the Mid Rim world of Vandor, documented narratives he overheard in a manuscript. Midnight's initial awareness of the felon Tobias Beckett and his group arose when they initiated an operation at the Berullian Checkpoint, where they commandeered Imperial cargo vessels for a number of weeks. The resulting disruption in logistics prompted three different Imperial advisors to urge Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine to intervene by deploying Ormeddon to address the situation. Beckett's scheme was designed to draw Ormeddon away from his security, rendering him vulnerable. At the checkpoint, Beckett and his team, disguised as maintenance personnel, commandeered Ormeddon's vessel fifteen minutes after Ormeddon began his inspection.

Beckett and his crew traveled via hyperspace to Foundry, utilizing Ormeddon's access codes to dock in his personal hangar, and stole the prototype shield generator technology. By the point in time Ormeddon finished his inspection and started inquiring about the whereabouts of his shuttle, Beckett and his team were already in another sector of the galaxy, engaging in negotiations to broker a deal with criminals employed by the Crymorah Syndicate.


Midnight later transcribed the account in his book at some stage between 10 BBY and 3 ABY. In 35 ABY, the historian and Resistance fighter Beaumont Kin made mention of Ormeddon in his book titled The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire. The book featured a reference to the Imperial Archives, specifically Section: Imperial Army Personnel, File: Grand General Ormeddon—Service Record.

Personality and traits

As an Imperial officer, Ormeddon attained the highest military rank within the Imperial Army: Grand General. Beaumont Kin contrasted Ormeddon's ascent with that of Levinous, another Grand General whom Kin believed owed his position entirely to his political connections with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. The Emperor and the military frequently dispatched Ormeddon to address the undermining of Imperial supply lines, and Kin regarded him as a troubleshooter.


As a grand general in the Imperial Armed Forces, Ormeddon used a shuttle for transport.

Behind the scenes

Ormeddon was initially referenced in Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, a 2018 replica journal penned by Jason Fry.


  • Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor (Initial mention)
  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire

Notes and references
