A member of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps, Porro Dolphe served as a pilot. During the Invasion of Naboo, he was designated Bravo 2 within Bravo Squadron. Approximately a decade later, Captain Gregar Typho appointed Dolphe as the leading starfighter pilot responsible for escorting the Royal Naboo cruiser.
Bravo 2 was the callsign of human pilot Porro Dolphe, who was a member of the prestigious, all-volunteer Bravo Squadron. This squadron was an integral part of the Space Fighter Corps, which itself was a component of the Royal Naboo Security Forces tasked with protecting the Royal House of the planet Naboo. In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation launched an invasion of Naboo, subsequently occupying the world. Only a handful of pilots from the corps managed to evade capture by the Federation's forces. However, the squadron's commander, Ric Olié, along with several other pilots, were rescued by the Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. They then escaped off-planet alongside Padmé Amidala, the queen of Naboo.
Eventually, Amidala, Olié, and the Jedi returned to Naboo, rescuing more pilots and formulating a strategy to liberate the planet from the Trade Federation's control. Bravo Squadron was assigned the crucial task of destroying the Vuutun Palaa, a Lucrehulk-class Battleship positioned in orbit above Naboo. This vessel served as the central control unit for all Federation droid forces deployed on the planet's surface. To accomplish this objective, the squadron's pilots accompanied a strike force led by Amidala, infiltrating Theed, Naboo's capital city. They fought their way into the hangar, where the squadron's N-1 starfighters were under guard. While other security personnel engaged the battle droids within the hangar, the pilots swiftly moved to their docked starfighters and launched into the atmosphere.
Dolphe was among the pilots who successfully reached the Vuutun Palaa. Flying in attack formation behind Olié, the Naboo pilots were met with waves of vulture droids launched from the battleship. Bravo Flight A focused on engaging the fighter screen, while Bravo Flight B targeted the Vuutun Palaa directly. However, they discovered that the ship's deflector shields were too resilient to penetrate. Despite this, Bravo Squadron persisted in their attack, ultimately witnessing explosions erupting from within the Vuutun Palaa, even though none of their shots had breached the shields.
The source of the explosions was revealed when Anakin Skywalker, a formerly enslaved child and ally of Amidala and the Jedi, emerged from the battleship's interior in an N-1 starfighter. Dolphe and the remaining pilots of Bravo Squadron followed Skywalker as he flew away from the Vuutun Palaa. Bravo 2 and Lieutenant Arven Wendik cheered alongside the child as the Federation vessel was completely obliterated by a final, massive detonation.
With the battleship destroyed, the Trade Federation's ground forces on Naboo were deactivated, leading to the swift end of the occupation.
A decade later, in 22 BBY, Captain Gregar Typho of the Royal Security Forces designated Dolphe as the lead pilot of the escort detail for the Naboo Royal Cruiser. This vessel was utilized by Amidala in her capacity as a senator representing Naboo. In that same year, the cruiser was destroyed during an attempt to assassinate Amidala shortly after she and her escort arrived on Coruscant to participate in the Galactic Senate vote on the Military Creation Act.
During the Battle of Naboo, Dolphe wore the standard brown Fighter Corps Flying Helmet, with his flying goggles positioned down, along with the corps's distinctive orange flying jacket.
Benedict Taylor played Porro Dolphe in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, a film from the prequel trilogy released on May 19, 1999. The character was credited as "Fighter Pilot Bravo 2." The film's script included an additional scene featuring Dolphe that was ultimately cut from the final version. In this scene, the pilots of Bravo Squadron return to Theed Hangar after the Battle of Naboo, disembark from their vehicles, and gather together. Dolphe and Wendik discuss Skywalker's method of destroying the Vuutun Palaa, after which Dolphe and the other pilots rush towards Skywalker's N-1 starfighter as it lands. Olié, realizing that all his pilots are accounted for, wonders who is piloting the craft before Skywalker sheepishly reveals himself.
Within current Star Wars canon, the name Porro Dolphe was featured on a card in the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which was launched in 2013. Although the game's launch predates the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Leland Chee, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, confirmed that the game was kept updated to align with canon. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Porro Dolphe appeared before the release of The Phantom Menace in the film's illustrated screenplay, authored by George Lucas and released on April 21, 1999. The character's name was first used in Legends on cards released as part of the 2001 "Theed Palace Limited" expansion for the Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game.