PZ1-3, a droid with masculine programming, loyally served the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. He skillfully piloted the academic cruiser Star Hopper, a vessel dedicated to the training of Padawan learners. He was on board the Star Hopper when its course was altered to render aid to the Trymant system after it suffered an Emergence event stemming from the Great Hyperspace Disaster. Subsequently, PZ1-3 was at the helm of the Star Hopper during its mission to transport Lula Talisola, Zeen Mrala, and Kantam Sy back to Trymant IV for an investigation.
By the year of 232 BBY, the droid designated PZ1-3 was in service to the Jedi Order. He held the position of pilot on the Star Hopper, an academic cruiser that carried a contingent of Jedi Padawans under the tutelage of Jedi Masters Yoda and Torban Buck.

In the wake of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, the Star Hopper received a distress signal originating from the Trymant system. The system faced dual threats: an Emergence linked to the disaster and an attack by Nihil marauders. Consequently, the cruiser, along with its Jedi complement, hastened to provide assistance to the Trymant system. While traveling through hyperspace, the droid relayed to Yoda that officials at the Starlight Beacon space station had informed the Star Hopper that it was the sole vessel of the Jedi Order or Galactic Republic within reach of Trymant. Padawan Farzala Tarabal suggested awaiting reinforcements, but Yoda remained resolute, viewing the Star Hopper and its Padawans as the only hope for the system.
As the Star Hopper neared its exit from hyperspace, PZ1-3, in control of the cruiser, initiated a countdown to their arrival in the Trymant system. During the countdown, Yoda instructed the Padawans to share their findings regarding the situation. Upon arriving above the planet Trymant IV, the Padawans disembarked from the cruiser and descended towards the planet on rescue speeders to aid its inhabitants. Ultimately, the Jedi managed to repel the Nihil until a Republic rescue fleet arrived, driving off the raiders and rescuing the planet's populace. The Star Hopper then returned to the Starlight Beacon.
One week following the Star Hopper's arrival at the station, several Masters gathered to deliberate on the future of Zeen Mrala, a Force-sensitive resident of Trymant IV whom the Jedi had rescued. When Lula Talisola and Tarabal proposed consulting both Mrala and her friends aboard Starlight, PZ1-3 was among a group of Jedi demonstrating their support for Mrala.
Subsequently, PZ1-3 piloted the Star Hopper on a return journey to Trymant IV, carrying only Master Kantam Sy, Talisola, and Mrala. The Jedi had been dispatched to gather more information about the Nihil. To achieve this, they aimed to locate other members of Trymant's Elders of the Path who could provide insights into the Nihil's interest in Elder Tromak, who had been abducted by the pirates during their earlier assault. However, upon the starship's arrival in the system, the droid expressed his shock to the Jedi, noting that Trymant IV had suffered severe ecological devastation due to the Emergence, transforming from a vibrant arboreal planet into a desert.
PZ1-3 made his debut appearance in the comic The High Republic Adventures (2021) 1, authored by Daniel José Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, and released by IDW Publishing on February 3, 2021.