Samson was a clone trooper. As time passed, he became part of the clone resistance network. This network had been established by Clone Captain Rex in the early days of the Imperial Era. Samson journeyed alongside Greer, Howzer, Nemec, and Rex to Pantora. Their mission was to protect Senator Avi Singh during his meeting with Senator Riyo Chuchi on Pantora. After this task, the group made their way back to their base. This base was located at the Teth B'omarr Order Monastery, where Samson took on the duty of patrolling the grounds. Sadly, CX-2, a Clone X trooper in the service of Doctor Royce Hemlock, brought an end to his life.
Samson's origins trace back to the planet Kamino. He was created through cloning, using the genetic template of Jango Fett, a human male bounty hunter. His purpose was to serve within the Galactic Republic's military force, known as the clone army, during the Clone Wars. These wars pitted the Republic against the Separatist Alliance.
Sometime around or before 18 BBY, Samson became a member of the Clone Underground resistance. During this period, Samson, along with fellow clone troopers Greer, Howzer, Nemec, and Rex, was assigned to safeguard Senator Riyo Chuchi and Senator Avi Singh. The senators were holding a secret meeting on the planet Pantora. Despite their past allegiances to opposing sides during the war, both former Republic and Separatist worlds were experiencing growing dissatisfaction with Emperor Palpatine and the Empire. As the meeting unfolded, Imperial Clone X trooper CX-1 infiltrated the tea parlor where the senators were gathered, intending to assassinate them. However, Captain Rex intervened, thwarting the attempt. With the assistance of Nemec, he and Howzer managed to subdue and capture the would-be assassin.
After the capture of the assassin, Samson went back to headquarters with his squad, which was located at the B'omarr Order Monastery on Teth. Samson was assigned to guard the perimeter of the monastery. Later, Rex contacted the Bad Batch to arrange a meeting at his base. Samson, accompanied by Rex and Howzer, went to greet the group of defective clones. After a short discussion, they all entered the monastery, and Samson resumed his guard duties. However, another clone assassin, CX-2, had landed on the planet and was making his way to the monastery. Upon arriving at the courtyard, CX-2 managed to slip past Samson's watch and planted thermal detonators on the two Rho-class transport shuttles that the resistance network possessed. After briefly entering the monastery to confirm the identities of his targets, CX-2 went back outside and remotely detonated one of the explosives, destroying a shuttle.
Samson and another clone trooper saw the explosion of the transport shuttle and ran towards it, drawing their weapons and going on the defensive. CX-2 then set off the other explosive, and Samson and his comrade were caught in the blast, killing them.
Soon after Samson's death, the Recovery Strike Team, under the command of Clone Commander Wolffe and clone commando Lieutenant, arrived at the monastery. Wolffe's squad secured the perimeter, and Wolffe noticed Samson's body, expressing surprise that the insurgents they had been warned about were clone troopers. Later, after the remaining members of the Clone Underground, along with the Bad Batch, escaped Teth, Wolffe ordered his men to retrieve the bodies of Rex's fallen clones, including Samson.
Being a clone of Jango Fett, Samson was a human male with dark hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Samson's height was 1.83 meters.
Samson was equipped with standard Phase II clone trooper armor with unique indigo markings. Additionally, he carried a blaster holster on his left leg, a sheath on his left wrist, small pouches on both of his arms and ankles, a medium pouch on his right leg, a large pouch slung over his chest, and a blaster holder on his back. Samson's arsenal included a vibro-knife, a DC-17 hand blaster, and a DC-15A blaster rifle.
Samson made his debut in "Infiltration," the sixth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season. The episode premiered on March 13, 2024, on Disney+. Dee Bradley Baker, the voice actor for all clone troopers in The Bad Batch and other animated Star Wars projects, including Tales of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, provided Samson's voice.