Serchill Rostok

Serchill Rostok, who went by the moniker "Rostok the Rock," was a human male warrior within the Alliance to Restore the Republic's elite squad during the initial stages of the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. As a highly skilled marksman, Corporal Rostok volunteered alongside others for Captain Cassian Andor's unsanctioned operation to secure the schematics for the Imperial Death Star weapon of mass destruction from the heavily guarded Imperial facility located on the planet Scarif in 1 BBY. Utilizing his customized A-300 blaster rifle for long-range engagements, Rostok was part of a diversionary force tasked with drawing Imperial attention away from the facility, enabling Andor's smaller team to successfully obtain the plans. Despite the mission's overall success, Corporal Rostok perished in combat during the battle, along with the rest of Rogue One.


Unwavering Like Stone

Serchill Rostok was a human male serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the earlier years of the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. By the year 1 BBY, Rostok had achieved the rank of corporal within the Rebel Alliance Special Forces, functioning as a member of the Massassi Group, which was the primary rebel cell based at the Great Temple on Yavin 4, the fourth moon of the planet Yavin. Rostok's skill as a sniper was well-known, and he earned the nickname "Rostok the Rock" due to his exceptional ability to remain perfectly still and hold his breath for extended periods while acquiring the perfect shot. In combat situations, he typically partnered with Private Arro Basteren, who acted as his spotter.

Serchill Rostok (right) watched Jyn Erso speak on Yavin 4.

In 1 BBY, the Alliance discovered the existence of a devastating Imperial superweapon capable of destroying entire planets. Subsequent investigation by Intelligence Captain Cassian Andor and a criminal named Jyn Erso revealed that the weapon, known as the "Death Star," had been secretly weakened by Erso's father, Galen. Erso, an Imperial engineer, had strategically placed a critical flaw in the station's design. However, the exact location of this weakness could only be identified by examining the station's technical specifications, which were stored within a secure vault inside the Imperial security complex on the planet Scarif. Rostok was present on Yavin 4 when Andor and Erso arrived at the rebel base, imploring the Alliance High Command to authorize a strike team to retrieve the plans from Scarif.

Volunteering for a High-Risk Operation

Rostok volunteered to be part of Rogue One.

The rebel command considered an official mission to Scarif too perilous and denied authorization. Following this decision, Rostok was among several rebel soldiers approached by SpecForce Lieutenant Ruescott Melshi, who was forming a volunteer team on behalf of his friend Andor. Melshi informed Rostok that they would proceed to Scarif regardless, and that the mission was both dangerous and in direct violation of their commanders' orders. Despite these risks, the corporal agreed to participate.

Rostok joined a team of more than twenty volunteers, which included rebel troopers, as well as Melshi, Andor, Erso, the defected Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook, the re-programmed Imperial KX-series security droid K-2SO, and the Guardians of the Whills Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus. The group adopted the codename Rogue One, acquired rebel equipment, and departed for Scarif aboard the stolen Imperial cargo vessel, SW-0608. The team utilized stolen Imperial access codes to bypass the Shield Gate protecting the planet and landed at Landing Platform Nine within the Imperial security complex.

Creating a Diversion

Melshi handed out charges to Rostok.

While a small number of soldiers remained on the shuttle with Rook, Andor, Erso, and K-2SO infiltrated the vault, disguised as an Imperial inspection crew. Rostok and the rest of Rogue One, under Melshi's command, exited the shuttle, using the coolant discharges from the shuttle's purge vents as cover, a standard Imperial landing procedure. Rostok's squad was tasked with creating sufficient chaos to distract Imperial forces, allowing Andor and Erso to safely retrieve the plans. Rostok and the team moved east from the shuttle, traversing the jungles of Scarif until they reached a hillock near Imperial living quarters. Rogue One divided into smaller groups, planting explosives on various landing zones throughout the complex before regrouping at the hillock.

Upon receiving Andor's signal, Melshi detonated the explosives, drawing out the confused Imperial forces directly into Rogue One's line of fire. The rebels initially gained the advantage due to the element of surprise, with Rostok utilizing his expertise with an A-300 blaster rifle to great effect. However, as Imperial reinforcements arrived and rebel soldiers began to die—much to Rostok's distress—Melshi ordered the survivors to retreat. Rostok was among a dozen survivors who escaped the fighting at the barracks and regrouped on the shore, where they were relieved to see the arrival of rebel reinforcements. The rebels had intercepted Imperial communications regarding rebel activity on the planet and arrived at Scarif to support Rogue One, providing ground troops and air support before the Empire sealed the Shield Gate, isolating the rebels on Scarif from the rest of the Alliance fleet in space.

The Final Stand

Rostok cried out at the death of a fellow soldier on Scarif.

Melshi then gave Rostok and the remaining rebels on the ground new instructions: the team had to reach a bunker complex within the outer perimeter of the Citadel Tower, where they were to find a "master switch" to connect the Imperial complex's massive Citadel Tower to Rook's shuttle. This connection would enable Rook to contact the rebel fleet in space and instruct them to create an opening in the planetary shield, which would then allow Andor and Erso to transmit the Death Star plans to the rebel ships.

Rostok and the rebels rushed towards the bunker complex, but elite Imperial death troopers entered the battle on the enemy's side. The corporal did not survive this intense assault, as he was killed by Imperial forces before reaching the bunker. However, the remaining rebel team completed their mission, successfully activating the master switch and transmitting the plans to the fleet.

Personality and Traits

Rostok was a skilled sniper and used an A-300 blaster rifle.

Rostok was a man of superstition, relying on a particular electroscope, which he considered to bring him good fortune. He was clearly affected by the deaths of his comrades on Scarif, expressing shock and rushing to the aid of a fellow soldier after the man was fatally shot by the enemy.

Skills and Abilities

Corporal Rostok was an exceptional sniper, adept at camouflage and stealth, and able to eliminate high-value targets from a distance with the assistance of his spotter, Private Basteren. The corporal could remain motionless and hold his breath for over fifteen minutes, earning him the nickname "Rostok the Rock."


Rostok's preferred weapon was an A-300 blaster rifle, configured for long-range engagements. The rifle featured a perforated air-cooling shroud, which allowed for rapid firing. During the Battle of Scarif, Rostok wore a set of beige-brown rebel fatigues with a yellow stripe below his right shoulder, along with a cap, a set of goggles, and a comlink attached to the cap.

Rostok used a specific, "lucky" electroscope. The electroscope exhibited a noticeable drift, which Rostok compensated for mentally.

Behind the Scenes

Corporal Rostok first appeared as a member of Rogue One in the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, portrayed by Matt Rippy. His first name, Serchill, was revealed in the companion book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, released alongside the film on December 16, 2016. In the book Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission, his name is incorrectly spelled "Restak," while the 2017 sixty-second issue of the Star Wars Helmet Collection magazine misspells his surname as "Rostock" in one instance.

