Shuttle TY992

Shuttle TY922, a Sentinel-class landing craft that had been purloined, was flown by Kanan Jarrus and Captain Rex. They utilized it during their endeavor to extract the Fulcrum Agent Kallus from Thrawn's Star Destroyer.


Being a Sentinel-class landing craft, Shuttle TY992 was built with a tri-wing configuration. It also possessed the capability to travel through hyperspace and had space for multiple occupants.


The rebellion came into possession of Shuttle TY992 during the Age of the Empire. In 2 BBY, Kanan Jarrus and Rex, who were rebels, employed the shuttle as a component of the secondary stage of a mission aimed at rescuing Agent [Kallus](/article/alexsandr_kallus], the disaffected Imperial Security Bureau operative. Originally, their strategy involved extracting Kallus from the Arquitens-class command cruiser commanded by Lieutenant Yogar Lyste; however, circumstances forced Kanan and Rex to revise their plan when Lyste brought Ezra Bridger onto the Star Destroyer Chimaera belonging to Grand Admiral Thrawn.

After Chopper successfully procured the required authorization codes, Rex and Kanan were able to make a landing in the Chimaera's hangar bay. Following a short skirmish that included Governor Arihnda Pryce and Lieutenant Lyste, Rex and Kanan were successful in reuniting with Ezra and the droids Chopper and AP-5. Nevertheless, Kallus made the decision to remain behind in order to continue aiding the rebels from within the Imperial ranks.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Shuttle TY992 was in the Star Wars Rebels Season Three episode titled "Through Imperial Eyes," which initially aired on February 25, 2017.

