Sumari was a Twi'lek of the female gender, and held the title of Matriarch for Kalikori village located on the planet named Tython. Taking over the leadership of the Pilgrims from Kolovish, Sumari journeyed to Tython, bringing her daughter, Ranna Tao'Ven, with her. On Tython, the Pilgrims established their modest settlement within the Tythos Ridge mountains, nearby the new Temple of the Jedi Order. Sumari remained Matriarch for a number of years until she became sick around 3643 BBY. Around that time, the indigenous Flesh Raiders began to attack the Jedi and the villagers in increasing numbers. Despite her illness, Sumari guided her village while assisting the Jedi Order in their investigation of the causes behind the natives' upsurge in aggression. In the end, the Twi'lek succumbed to her illness and died, leaving her daughter to succeed her as the new Matriarch.
Sumari, a female Twi'lek, became a member of the Pilgrims. This religious group was started by Matriarch Kolovish on the planet Ryloth, during the Pilgrims' travels between Twi'lek settlements amidst the Great Galactic War fought between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Sumari, along with her daughter Ranna Tao'Ven, was among the Pilgrims who chose to settle on the planet Tython and chose to remain even after the Republic rejected their request for settlement. They went on to establish Kalikori village at the base of Matriarch's Summit within the Tythos Ridge. Eventually, Sumari took on the role of Matriarch of the village when Kolovish retired to an ancient stone tower located at the summit's peak.

Around the year 3643 BBY, the native Flesh Raider people started attacking the village with greater frequency and in larger numbers. It was also around this time that Sumari became ill, suffering from weakness and constant fatigue and exhaustion. When her mother's sickness became too severe, Tao'Ven, her daughter, would assume her duties as Matriarch. This happened during the crisis that involved Nalen Raloch and the Fount of Rajivari. Raloch, a villager who was Force-sensitive, found the mystical Fount and was corrupted by the dark side and driven to insanity. He then tried to destroy the Forge machine used by the Jedi Order to create lightsabers, but was stopped by the apprentice of Jedi Master Yuon Par and healed of his insanity. Raloch was trained as a Jedi in an attempt to ease tensions between the Order and the village. However, the people of Kalikori Village continued to harbor resentment towards the Jedi for their lack of assistance.
When a group of Flesh Raiders, under the command of a Human Dark Jedi named Callef, launched an attack on the Tythonian Gnarls region, a Jedi apprentice fought and defeated Callef. Witnessing the apprentice's skill, Jedi Master Orgus Din decided to take the young Jedi as his own Padawan, and dispatched the apprentice to Kalikori to investigate if the villagers had noticed anything unusual recently.
The apprentice met with Sumari and her daughter. The Matriarch voiced her anger towards the Jedi regarding their refusal to help the village, but then directed the young apprentice to speak with Moorint, her Scout Chief. Sumari would have continued the discussion, but her illness had drained too much of her strength, forcing her to retire. Sumari rested while the Padawan recovered a supply of weapons from the Flesh Raiders for the villagers. However, by the time the Padawan returned to the village after several missions, Sumari had already died, making Tao'Ven the new Matriarch.
Sumari, a Twi'lek female with green skin and blue eyes, had a deep concern for her people. Even as she became terminally ill, she remained in her role as Matriarch until her sickness made it impossible for her to even walk. Sumari harbored a strong resentment toward the Jedi Order for their refusal to assist her village, but she set aside her pride when Orgus Din's apprentice approached the village offering help. Her commitment to her people outweighed her personal feelings and safety, and her death greatly affected her daughter, Ranna Tao'Ven.
Sumari was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011. She is a character in the Jedi Knight class story mission titled "High-Tech Savages," but she is forced to retire and lets her daughter and Moorint continue the conversation with the player.