
Moorint, a male Twi'lek, held the position of Scout Chief for the Pilgrims residing in Kalikori village on the planet of Tython. This was during the Cold War era, a period of tension between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Possessing considerable skill as a tracker, Moorint functioned as the lieutenant to Matriarch Sumari during the conflict with Tython's native Flesh Raiders. Following Sumari's death due to illness, he faithfully served Sumari's daughter, Ranna Tao'Ven, until Bengel Morr, a Dark Jedi controlling the Flesh Raiders, offered a peace agreement. As part of this agreement, Moorint captured Jedi Master Orgus Din and handed the Human over to Morr. Despite this, their attempt to capture Din's apprentice failed, but the Jedi ultimately forgave Moorint and the villagers. Moorint and his people then continued their lives on Tython alongside the Jedi Order, even as the galaxy was engulfed by a renewed war.


Moorint, identified as a male Twi'lek, became a member of the Pilgrims, a religious group established by Matriarch Kolovish on the planet of Ryloth during the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Sith Empire. When the planet's leaders started to treat the Pilgrims unfairly because of their religious beliefs, Kolovish guided them to other Twi'lek settlements. Moorint joined the Pilgrims sometime before they found the Deep Core planet Tython, which was the original home of the Jedi Order. However, because the Jedi had only recently rediscovered the world the year before, the Senate did not allow the Pilgrims to settle there, but they stayed anyway. In the Tythos Ridge mountains, near where the new Jedi Temple was being built in 3650 BBY, the Pilgrims created Kalikori village in the small valley where they first arrived.

Scout Chief Moorint

For the next seven years during the Cold War, the Pilgrims defended themselves against attacks from the Flesh Raiders, the fierce native inhabitants of Tython. Moorint became the Scout Chief of the village. His scouts gathered information about the Flesh Raiders' movements, working with Bashenn, the Pilgrim militia captain, to prepare the village's defenses. Moorint quickly gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the Flesh Raiders' strategies and movements. Kolovish retired at some point during the Cold War, and Moorint served her successor, Sumari, as the Matriarch's lieutenant, along with Sumari's daughter, Ranna Tao'Ven. The Jedi Order was not allowed by their Council to actively help the villagers because they respected the Senate's wishes, which made the villagers very resentful of the Order.

Around 3643 BBY, the Flesh Raiders began to attack in larger numbers against both the Jedi Order and the villagers. Moorint's scouts heard fighting sounds from the nearby Tythonian Gnarls area. There, they saw a Flesh Raider invasion force being stopped by the Jedi after their leader, the Dark Jedi Callef, was killed by a young Jedi apprentice, and the passageway they were using to enter the Gnarls was blocked. Soon after, Jedi Master Orgus Din sent the apprentice—now his official Padawan—to meet with the Matriarch and find out what the villagers knew about the Flesh Raiders.

However, Sumari had recently become sick, and her daughter was taking over more of her mother's responsibilities to help her. The Matriarch had to stop the conversation early, so Moorint and Tao'Ven took over and explained Sumari's offer: if the apprentice dealt with the Flesh Raiders' weapons, the villagers would share their knowledge of the natives' movements with the Jedi. Tao'Ven wanted the Padawan to retrieve the weapons for the villagers, but Moorint thought it would be better to sabotage the weapons and cause casualties among the enemy. The apprentice went into the cave system known as the Upper Hollows in the Tythos Ridge to get the weapons and rescued an astromech droid named T7-O1 in the process. In return, Moorint revealed that his scouts had seen a lot of activity near the ancient Jedi temple Kaleth.

Using the Scout Chief's information, the apprentice investigated and fought Force-sensitive Flesh Raiders. When the Jedi Order learned that Din's former student, Bengel Morr, had become a Dark Jedi and was leading the natives, they started fighting the Flesh Raiders with help from Moorint's scouts. Using information gathered by the scouts to find one of the Flesh Raiders' command bases, a team of Jedi Masters and Knights attacked the base after Din's apprentice disabled the base's shield generator. However, even after the Padawan saved the village from a surprise attack, Moorint and the other villagers still resented the Jedi and jumped at the chance to save themselves at the Order's expense when Morr made them an offer: give him Din, and they would be safe.

The villagers attempt to kill the Padawan.

The villagers sent out a fake distress signal to lure Din and his student back to the village, where Din was captured by Morr's forces. However, Morr changed the terms of their agreement and also demanded the life of Din's new apprentice. This forced Moorint and two other villagers named Eseni and Saylew to try to kill the Padawan when the young Jedi arrived. Tao'Ven, who had become the new Matriarch after her mother died before Morr's offer, tried to stop Moorint, Eseni, and Saylew from killing the apprentice. This gave the Jedi time to use the Force to persuade the villagers to leave peacefully. The Padawan went on to defeat Morr and rescue Din, ending the conflict with the Flesh Raiders by removing their leader. At the apprentice's request, the Order did not punish the village for their betrayal and instead started working more closely with Moorint and the other Pilgrims. With the Council's restrictions relaxed, the Jedi and the Pilgrims lived together peacefully on Tython as the galaxy fell into renewed war.

Personality and traits

Moorint, a Twi'lek male with yellow skin and gray eyes, was very protective of his people and loyal to the Matriarch. However, years of fighting the Flesh Raiders had given him a strong hatred for them, and he believed it was better to attack one's enemy than to strengthen oneself. Resentment towards the Jedi led Moorint and the villagers to betray Orgus Din and his apprentice, but the Scout Chief did not enjoy betraying the Jedi who had helped his people. He was also a skilled scout and tracker, which allowed him to become the Scout Chief of his village and command the Pilgrims' scouts at the Matriarch's request.

Behind the scenes

Moorint first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare and LucasArts on December 20, 2011. He is in the Prologue of the Jedi Knight story on Tython and in several cutscenes during various missions. In the mission "High-Tech Savages," Moorint suggests that the player destroy the weapons cache, which is a dark side choice, while Tao'Ven asks the player to recover the weapons for the villagers (the light side choice). Moorint can be killed later in "Dark Temptations" along with Eseni and Saylew for dark side points, but the light side option is to use the Force to persuade the villagers to leave peacefully. This article assumes that the player only chooses the moral light side options as a Republic Jedi Knight character, so it assumes that Moorint and the others survive.

