The Acolyte (episode)

The concluding episode of The Acolyte is entitled "The Acolyte", marking it as the eighth installment. Jason Micallef is credited as the writer for this episode.

Official description

Expect a showdown and the unveiling of truths.

Plot summary

A Vision Experienced by Osha

The episode commences with Verosha Aniseya, known as "Osha," in deep meditation within the Stranger's cave, utilizing the Sith's helmet while the Stranger observes with a smile. As Osha's body undergoes convulsions, the Stranger is seized by panic, attempting to use the Force to extract the helmet. His eyes momentarily darken in the real world. After a great effort, he succeeds in removing the helmet.

Once Osha regains her stability, she informs the Stranger about a vision she experienced, wherein her sister Mae-ho Aniseya, referred to as "Mae," murders Jedi Master Sol. Although Mae wielded a lightsaber, she did not employ it. The Stranger interprets this as a glimpse into the future, suggesting Mae's capability to kill without weaponry. Osha, however, asserts that the future is malleable and can be altered.

The Stranger then announces his departure on his starship. Osha inquires about his destination, pointing out his knowledge of Sol and Mae's whereabouts. The Stranger responds by suggesting they travel together.

Sol's Escape

In a parallel sequence, Master Sol pilots his starship, the Polan GX-8, above Brendok, Mae's home planet. With Mae restrained on the medbay bed, Sol communicates his intention to contact Master Vernestra Rwoh, requesting her presence on Brendok. Mae questions his motive, prompting Sol to reveal the existence of a vergence on the planet. Mae secretly activates Pip. He intends to use Mae and Osha as proof of the vergence's presence on Brendok.

When Mae confronts Sol about the death of their mother, Aniseya, Sol attributes it to an accident. Mae then questions why he did not disclose the truth to Osha, instead making her a scapegoat. Sol accuses Mae of igniting the fire and locking everyone inside the Brendok fortress. Mae retorts that Sol and the Jedi invaded their home, asserting that the four Jedi were responsible for all the deaths. Mae secretly uses Pip to release her bonds.

Sol counters that the Jedi's intervention was justified, expressing his greatest regret as his failure to save them both. He reveals to Mae that she and Osha are not twins or sisters. Before he can elaborate, Mae utilizes Pip to unlock her remaining restraint and uses Pip's stun gun to shock Sol in the chest. Mae flees into the corridor, pursued by Bazil. With Pip's assistance, she reaches the escape pod section before Sol can apprehend her. Mae escapes in an escape pod with Pip and heads towards Brendok.

Sol immediately heads to the cockpit and separates Polan GX-8 from its hyperspace transport ring. Mae pilots the escape pod into an asteroid belt surrounding one of Brendok's moons. Sol gives chase through the asteroid belt. He uses the targeting computer to close in on Mae's ship. Bazil enters the cockpit and rips out several wires, causing it to lose control and collide with Mae's ship. Mae's ship hurtles through an opening in the asteroid belt towards Brendok. Her ship descends into the planet's atmosphere, hitting a peak and rolling down a mountain.

Meeting with Senator Rayencourt

Meanwhile, at the Jedi Temple, Padawan Mog Adana informs Master Rwoh of the arrival of Senator Rayencourt. Rwoh expresses her displeasure at Adana's decision to allow the Senator into the control room. Rayencourt apologizes for the intrusion and inquires about her recent travels. He states that he has heard that Rwoh is conducting a murder investigation without informing the Galactic Senate. Rwoh explains that she is keeping the investigation internal for the time being, not seeing a need to report it if there is a larger threat.

When Rayencourt questions how she can know there is no larger threat, Rwoh acknowledges that all the victims are Jedi. Rayencourt inquires about multiple victims. Rwoh says that she is close to apprehending the suspect. When Rayencourt asks if the suspect is a Jedi, Rwoh says that is very close and thanks him for his concerns.

As she turns away, Rayencourt asks if she dislikes him and that his campaign for an external review of the Jedi is a personal vendetta. Rwoh admits disliking him. Rayencourt opines that the Jedi are a massive system of unchecked power, posing as a religion. He disparages the Jedi as a delusional cult who claim to control the "uncontrollable." When Rwoh counters that the Jedi do not control the Force, Rayencourt says he is referring to their emotions. While the Jedi project an image of goodness and restraint, he says that it is a matter of time before one of them snaps. He wonders who will be strong enough to stop him.

Rwoh retorts that Rayencourt's view is not universally shared within the Senate. Rayencourt understands that most of his colleagues cannot imagine a galaxy without the Jedi. When people look up to heroes, they do not have to face what is in front of them. Rwoh asks if that is all before using the Force to unlock the door. Before departing, Rayencourt warns Rwoh that he has reported her lack of transparency to Supreme Chancellor Drellik. He may invite her to a tribunal for an update. Rayencourt says he wishes that she would have her suspect in custody by then. He gives a disdainful farewell before departing.

Departure from the Planet

As a family of skura scavenge along a rocky coastline, Osha and the Stranger traverse a stone path toward the Stranger's starship. The Stranger questions Osha's reluctance to disclose their destination. Osha responds that they will either go together or not at all. When the Stranger asks if he gave her the impression that he is a fair person, Osha reminds he that he made a deal with her sister Mae and expected her to uphold it. She says that is fair and so is trusting her to take them to their destination.

The Stranger proposes to Osha that she become his student, but she declines. When he says that it is her last chance, Osha says she is not her sister. The Stranger is impressed, saying Mae made that deal without thinking about it. She lets the Stranger take the lead and holds back before following him. After the ship departs, a cloaked, thin figure with orange, glowing eyes watches menacingly from an opening on the rocky shore.

Return to Brendok

In the meantime, Master Sol has landed his starship in a clearing near the Brendok fortress. After activating the transponder switch, Sol exits the starship and raises his hand before walking away. He has a haunted look on his face. Bazil watches from the cockpit.

Simultaneously, on Coruscant, Master Rwoh uses a transmitter to tell someone she needs to get in touch urgently. The respondent replies this is highly irregular but he will see what he can do. Padawan Mog Adana informs Rwoh that they have managed to track down Master Sol, who has turned his transponder beacon back on. When Adana tells her that Sol is on Brendok, she sighs and her eyes shift knowingly. She tells Mog to prepare her starship for departure and to gather several Jedi Knights without raising alarm. When Adana asks if she is expecting a conflict, Rwoh replies that she is seeking to implement a resolution.

Elsewhere, the Stranger's ship Exile II descends into Brendok's atmosphere. Osha and the Stranger sit in separate cockpits of the twin boom body. Osha flies the ship, not allowing the Stranger to operate it. She deactivates the controls and tells the Stranger that there is a landing site near the witches' fortress. Based on a topographical map on the ship's computer, she learns that Sol is already at the Brendok fortress.

Reaching the top of the fortress, Sol spots the Stranger's ship flying past an obelisk. He walks into the abandoned courtyard and searches for Mae. He is haunted by memories of his role in killing Aniseya in the presence of Mae. He walks into a dark corridor.

At the base of the Brendok fortress, Osha and the Stranger reach the elevator. Osha proposes repairing the elevator instead of climbing. The Stranger asks if she is sure before disappearing, his voice echoing. Sol walks through the common room to the generator annex. He stares at the twisted remains of the broken walkway. Haunted by the memories of that fateful night, Sol walks away as voices echo in the background. Shortly later, Mae climbs out of the pit with Pip. Mae visits her fire-scorched former bedroom. Back at the base, Osha hotwires the elevator, restoring it. The door slides open.

The Duel

Concurrently, Sol persists in his search for Mae, calling out her name repeatedly. As he pauses in a hallway, he is confronted by the Stranger, who expresses gratitude to the Jedi Master for leading him to her. The Stranger dons his cortosis helmet and ignites his lightsaber. Sol ignites his blue lightsaber in self-defense.

The two engage in a lightsaber duel. The Stranger drives Sol toward the bridge where the scouts were stationed. Sol jumps out of the bridge and uses the Force to cushion his landing. The Stranger also uses the Force to cushion his landing. In the courtyard, Sol warns the Stranger that he will destroy him if he must. The Stranger taunts not if she gets him first before activating a second red lightsaber.

He launches a second assault on Sol, who dodges both blades. Sol manages to knock the shorter red lightsaber out of the Stranger's hand. The Sith acolyte attempts to retrieve his weapon with the Force but Sol launches a counter-offensive and kicks the Stranger in the chest. While Sol reactivates his lightsaber, the Stranger retrieves his second lightsaber and launches a renewed attack. He hurls his lightsabers like boomerangs at Sol. Sol uses the Force to dodge the Stranger's attacks and push the Stranger towards the edge of the courtyard. Qimir uses the Force to retrieve his longer lightsaber and launches a third assault.

The Reunion

Separately, within the fortress, Osha locates Mae inside their charred bedroom. Mae attempts to reason with her sister, but Osha continues to blame her for the deaths that occurred that night. Mae responds that Sol lied to Osha and blamed her. Osha counters that Sol never blamed Osha but taught her to accept that someone she loved could be capable of such destruction. Osha says she never learned how to calm her negative emotions including her hatred for Mae and grief for their mother Osha. Osha says that such negative emotions meant that she never became a Jedi, and thus Mae got her wish.

Mae tells Osha that she saw Sol kill their mother with her own eyes and that he has been lying to her ever since Osha left their home. Mae tells Osha that Sol is the reason for her negative emotions. She nervously approaches Osha, telling her sister that Osha did not fail but Sol did. Osha's face wells with grief and rage. She lunges at Mae but Mae dodges her. Osha attacks Mae, engaging her sister in hand-to-hand combat. Mae blocks and deflects Osha's attack. Osha notices Pip but the droid squirts water in her face.

The twins continue their fight with Mae evading and deflecting Osha's blows. The two are evenly matched. Outside, Sol and the Stranger's duel is interrupted by the arrival of Master Rwoh's starship, which circles the Brendok fortress summit. Sol tells the Stranger that he will pay for what he has done. The Stranger taunts that they are not here for him. Inside the bed chamber, Osha and Mae's fight is interrupted when they see Rwoh's ship passing above through a hole in the ceiling. Mae takes advantage of Osha's distraction to retreat.

The Moment of Truth

Returning to the courtyard, Sol and the Stranger resume their lightsaber duel. The two combatants are evenly matched and cross their blades. Sol breaks the deadlock by deactivating his lightsaber and breaking free of the Stranger. He then reignites his lightsaber and launches a renewed attack, damaging the Stranger's lightsaber. Beaten, the Stranger removes his cortosis helmet while Sol points his lightsaber at his neck. Sol is interrupted by Mae, who engages him in hand-to-hand combat. Though Sol throws her off, she manages to steal his lightsaber.

The Stranger praises Mae, encouraging her to embrace the source of her anger. However, Mae tosses Sol's lightsaber aside. He urges Mae to strike Sol down, saying that her training will be complete. Mae disagrees and says she wants Sol to confess to his crimes and face the Jedi High Council, the Galactic Senate and the Galactic Republic. She says she wants Sol to pay for his crimes. Sol says that he did the right thing and wanted to protect them both. He tells Mae that they are not twins and that she and Osha are the same person. Sol believes that Mother Aniseya created life through the vergence on Brendok. Sol believes that Aniseya used the Force to create Mae and Osha. He describes this power as an exceptional power.

While Sol speaks, Osha approaches them from behind and retrieves Sol's lightsaber. Mae reiterates that Sol killed their mother. A guilt-ridden Sol confesses to killing Mother Aniseya. Osha steps out from the corridor and asks Sol if he is telling the truth. Sol says that he was protecting her and insists he did the right thing. Osha asks her former master why he did not tell the Jedi. Pointing to Mae, Sol says that without her there was not proof she was created in this way. When Osha asks why he did not tell her, Sol replies that the Jedi Order would have sent her away since she was too old to train as a Jedi. He reiterates that he did what he thought was best for her.

Sol tells Osha that he wanted to tell her so many times but he couldn't. He says that he kept this secret so that Osha could have the life that she dreamed of. Sol tries to explain but he begins to choke. As Osha stares at her former master intently, he continues choking. The Stranger and Mae watch with alarm as Sol drops to his knees and struggles to breathe. Osha tells him to stop talking while she Force chokes him to death. A tear flows down Sol's cheek.

As Osha grips Sol's lightsaber hilt, the kyber crystal "bleeds," turning from blue to red. As he breathes his last, Sol tells Osha that it is okay. Osha closes her finger into a tight fist as Sol collapses to the ground. Osha drops to her knee and briefly mourns the death of her former master and father figure. The Stranger approaches her but Osha instinctively activates Sol's lightsaber, which rapidly changes from blue to red. Mae and the Stranger watch with concern and interest respectively.

Jedi on the hunt

In the meantime, Master Rwoh lands her ship in a nearby forest clearing. As she exits with a contingent of Jedi, she briefly senses her former apprentice the Stranger's presence at the Brendok fortress. The Stranger also senses her presence and dons his cortosis helmet. Regaining her composure, Rwoh tells the Jedi that she knows where their targets are. Bazil joins the group and is greeted by Padawan Mog Adana, who is relieved that he is alive.

Back in the courtyard, Mae tells Osha that they need to leave. They find that the Stranger has disappeared. Mae leads Osha through the corridor, telling her that she knows a way out. Meanwhile, the Jedi file into the elevator. Rwoh pauses briefly before joining her comrades. Mae leads Osha to the generator annex. With Mae taking the lead, the two sisters climb down the rockface into a core tunnel. Mae explains that when she fell years ago, she was sucked into the core tunnel. Osha follows her lead.

Meanwhile, Master Rwoh discovers Sol's body in the courtyard. Through the Force, she hears echoes of the twins' fateful night on Brendok. Rwoh sends some Jedi in pursuit of the twins and orders the rest to set up a five klick perimeter around the fortress. She tells Mog to use the tracker. The Stranger watches from above while Rwoh kneels beside Sol's body. After a moment of grief, she looks up at the roof. However, the Stranger has disappeared.

Osha's choices

Elsewhere, Mae leads Osha out of the core tunnel into the base of the fortress. They head into the forest. Meanwhile, Mog's party reaches the woods. A dark skin human woman hands Mae's pouch to Bazil, who leads the group. Mae and Osha reach the bunta tree where they had spent time as children. Mae tells Osha that she waited under the bunta tree. Osha apologizes for not believing Mae while Mae apologizes for starting the fire. The two sisters embrace while Mae weeps.

The Stranger reunites with them, recovering Sol's former lightsaber. He warns the sisters that if he can find them, they are in danger of being found by the Jedi. Osha wants to tell the Jedi the truth about Sol's crimes. The Stranger asks her to consider how she can still have faith in the Jedi after learning about Sol's crimes. He warns Osha that she is danger if the Jedi learn about her true power. Mae backs up the Stranger. When Mae asks Osha what she wants, Osha approaches the Stranger and asks him to let go of her twin in return for becoming his student.

Mae asks Osha to consider her decision, warning that the Jedi will use her to find Osha. Meanwhile, Bazil leads the Jedi Knights towards the direction of Mae and Osha's scent. As the Jedi approach the bunta tree, the Stranger offers to purge Mae's memories. Osha is distraught about losing her sister again but Mae tells her that she will fulfill what she was meant to do and that nobody will stop her this time. The Stranger returns the lightsaber to Osha. Osha and Mae embrace one more time. Osha vows to find Mae, who reaffirms their sisterly bond together. As they repeat their verse, the Stranger raises his hand and wipes Mae's memory. Before leaving the mind-wiped Mae behind, Osha tells her that she gives herself to her.

Mae's surrender

Shortly later, Padawan Mog, Bazil and the Jedi Knights catch up with Mae at the bunta tree. They arrest her but find that she is amnesiac. At the Jedi Temple, Mae is escorted by her Jedi captors into Master Rwoh's control room. Another Jedi deactivates Pip. Rwoh is dressed in white robes with two firebirds on her shoulder. Rwoh orders her subordinates to remove Mae's restraints and invites her to sit by a table. When Rwoh asks if she knows why she is here, Mae says that they say she killed someone but she doesn't remember.

Mae tells Rwoh that she can remember a fire and that a man killed her mother. Mae says that she ran away and that there is someone she needs to tell but that she can't find her. Rwoh says that Mae's memory was from when she was eight years old and that the man who killed her mother was a Jedi. Rwoh describes Sol as a kind, brilliant and compassionate man who did a terrible thing.

Cover up

Master Rwoh later repeats this falsified account to a Republic tribunal headed by Supreme Chancellor Drellik. She tells Drellik and the assembled senators that sixteen years ago, four Jedi including Master Sol were stationed on the planet Brendok. They encountered a Force cult of witches. A conflict ensued, resulting in many casualties. She says that the Jedi conspired to hide this incident. Rwoh claims that Sol went rogue and killed his fellow Jedi in order to maintain their initial "cover story."

In a flashback, Rwoh apologizes to the late Sol. Back in the present, Rwoh reiterates that the Jedi High Council condemns Sol's actions. Senator Rayencourt urges the Chancellor and his fellow senators to proceed with a full external review of the Jedi Order rather than waiting for the Senate vote. Rwoh emphasizes that the events on Brendok were the work of a "flawed man." When Chancellor Drellik asks about the whereabouts of Master Sol, Rwoh claims that he committed suicide at the scene of his crime. In a flashback, Rwoh lights a funeral pyre for Sol on a boat, which is sent flowing down a river.

Rwoh tells the amnesiac Mae that Sol's secret twisted his mind and claims that he justified his selfish actions with his love for her sister Osha. Mae asks if she has a sister. When Rwoh asks if she recognizes the name Osha, Mae's eyes glitter. Purporting to take pity on Mae, Rwoh enlists her help in finding her former Padawan.

Elsewhere on the ocean world, Osha and the Stranger stand together. As she grips her lightsaber, he holds her hand and the two stare at the sunset over the beach. Back at the Jedi Temple, Rwoh meets with Master Yoda.


