The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper

The short story "The Kloo Horn Cantina Caper" appears in the anthology From a Certain Point of View. Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction are the authors of the story.


The focal point of this narrative is Muftak, the Talz also known as "the Muftak," and Kabe, the Chadra-Fan, two drifters who are regulars at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina located in Mos Eisley. At the beginning, Kabe is telling "The Scrapper," who expresses minimal interest, a Bith legend concerning the afterlife. The Muftak and Kabe find shelter for the night within the expansive stone tunnels situated beneath Mos Eisley's spaceport. During the day, the Muftak and Kabe engage in petty theft within the cantina, pilfering possessions from the cantina's clientele. They subsequently hand over the stolen goods to Ackmena, who utilizes them to cover their rent to Chalmun, the cantina's proprietor.

Kabe and Ackmena are fond of each other, with Ackmena particularly appreciating Kabe's melodic voice. When the time arrives to settle their "rent" obligation, Kabe discovers that the Muftak squandered their funds on alcoholic beverages the preceding evening. The Muftak and Kabe harbor suspicions that the Abyssin Myo played a role in the Muftak's financial misfortune. Kabe compensates Ackmena with 45 credits from her personal savings instead. Despite this, Ackmena informs them that they are still 60 credits short and grants them a deadline of that evening to furnish the remaining amount. Subsequently, the Muftak inquires with Kabe about the origin of her funds.

Kabe clarifies that she procured the money through the sale of the Kloo horn belonging to the Bith musician Lirin Car'n. The Muftak then reveals to Kabe that Myo, who is substantially indebted to them both, had won the aforementioned horn from Lirin Car'n the previous night. The Muftak had surreptitiously taken possession of the horn, intending to convert it into cash later that day to offset Myo's outstanding debt. Kabe confesses to having pilfered the horn from him while he was asleep and subsequently selling it to a Scrapper in exchange for cash. The Muftak expresses his displeasure at Kabe's theft of the Kloo horn during his slumber. Kabe asserts that they will prioritize resolving the matter of paying tonight's rent before addressing Myo's potential retaliation.

Concurrently, a vengeful Lirin Car'n enlists the services of Djas Puhr, a Sakiyan bounty hunter, to retrieve his father's horn, which he had lost to Myo. Car'n informs Puhr that the horn was subsequently stolen from Myo. Car'n pledges to compensate Puhr with 200 credits upon the horn's recovery. Djas Puhr possesses familiarity with Mos Eisley and its surroundings. To secure the funds required for tonight's rent, the Muftak initiates a scheme that entails locating the "Smuggler," the "Pig-Nosed Man" and the "Walrus-Faced Man." Inside the cantina, the Muftak encounters Myo and the Scrapper engaged in negotiations regarding the Kloo horn.

The Scrapper asserts that he sold the Kloo horn for 300 credits, a claim that Myo disputes. When pressed, the Scrapper divulges that he sold it to Kabe. Elsewhere within the cantina, Djas Puhr attempts to purloin a cane from the Smuggler and the Wookiee but is thwarted by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Han informs Puhr that he had intended to pay Jabba but was compelled to jettison his cargo when the Millennium Falcon was boarded by the Galactic Empire. After reaching an agreement to forgo the bounty on Han, Djas Puhr cautions Han that Jabba the Hutt has placed a bounty on his head.

In the meantime, Myo confronts Kabe in a fit of rage and attempts to choke her. Kabe manages to extricate herself by implicating the Muftak. The two resolve to locate Djas Puhr before he locates and eliminates them. Separately, Greedo, accompanied by the "Pig-Nosed Man" and the "Walrus-Faced Man," confronts Lirin Car'n regarding an outstanding debt. It is revealed that Car'n had secretly plotted to sell the legendary Kloo horn of his father Lirin D'avi that morning, with the intention of settling his debts with Greedo. Lirin informs Greedo that he lacks the funds and proposes to settle the debt the following week. Instead of resorting to violence, Greedo escalates his interest rate to 35 percent. Following the intimidation of Lirin, Greedo decides to settle an old score with his longtime adversary Han Solo.

In pursuit of his plan, the Muftak meets with Dr. Evazan, the "Pig-Nosed Man," who provides him with funds to settle the balance owed to the "Smuggler" Solo. As per their arrangement, the money will be used to procure drugs for Dr. Evazan's consumption. The Muftak meets with Solo, who explains that he was forced to jettison his cargo due to an Imperial patrol. The Muftak manages to engage Chewbacca in conversation and persuade him to accompany him as he elucidates their "shared predicament" to his client, hoping to mitigate his anger. The Muftak convenes with Djas Puhr, Lirn Car'n, and Myo to devise a solution to their interconnected debts. While they are discussing Greedo's scheme to collect the bounty on Solo and Evazan's medication, Luke Skywalker, whom the Muftak misidentifies as a teenage girl, enters the cantina.

As the discussion progresses, Djas Puhr proposes a wager, speculating that Han Solo will survive the day while Greedo will fail to collect his bounty due to his lack of genuine allies. If his prediction proves accurate, Puhr offers to settle Lirin Car'n's debt to Myo. In turn, Myo will settle his debt to the Muftak. The Muftak will then remit what he and Kabe owe Ackmena. Conversely, if Solo is defeated, Puhr wagers that Evazan will kill the Muftak. Myo will then deduce that Kabe stole the horn from the Muftak and pawned it, likely resulting in her demise. With Lirin's debt remaining unpaid, Greedo would claim Chewbacca's pelt and Solo's scalp as trophies. A pessimistic the Muftak departs to inform Dr. Evazan about his dropped shipment of illicit narcotics.

While waiting, the Muftak accepts a drink from Kabe. He then witnesses Ponda Baba's attack on Skywalker. Skywalker's companion, the "Old Man" Obi-Wan Kenobi, then brandishes his lightsaber and dismembers Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan. Chewbacca reassures the Muftak that circumstances sometimes resolve themselves. The Muftak and the others then observe Solo fatally shoot Greedo with a blaster. In accordance with his agreement, Puhr settles Lirin Car'n's debt to Myo. Myo then remits the Muftak his share, enabling him and Kabe to settle the remainder of their rent with Ackmena, who then pays Chalmun. While celebrating with a drink, the Muftak stumbles but is assisted to his feet by his ally Lirin Car'n.
