"The Young Jedi" represents the initial segment of the first episode within the animated series known as Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on May 4, 2023, preceded by an exclusive preview on April 8, 2023, during Celebration Europe.
At the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant, Jedi Master Yoda informs a group of youngling Jedi Initiates about their forthcoming relocation to various temple outposts scattered across the galaxy, where they will continue their education and training under the guidance of their respective mentors. Master Zia Zaldor Zanna inquires with the droid Dee regarding the readiness of the younglings for their journey to Tenoo. Dee responds that all but three younglings are prepared for the voyage. Master Zanna speculates that the three missing younglings are Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs.

Concurrently, within a training chamber, the trio of younglings endeavors to surpass their training record by engaging in sparring sessions with remotes. While Solay employs her lightsaber to divert the remote droids, Nubs facilitates a Force jump for Brightstar, enabling him to progress to the subsequent level of the exercise. Despite being encircled by the training remotes, he believes in his capacity to manage them independently. Nubs and Solay extend their assistance, with Solay emphasizing the significance of camaraderie.
Collaboratively, the three younglings ascend a platform in reverse, countering the remotes' projectiles en route to the beacon. Upon reaching their objective, the remotes deactivate. The younglings embrace in jubilation of their triumph. Master Zanna communicates with them via hologram, informing them that their shuttle to Tenoo is on the verge of departure. Brightstar conveys his apologies to Zia for their tardiness. Zanna informs them that they will be departing on the final shuttle.

In another area of the hangar, Nash Durango and her droid RJ-83 collaborate to finalize repairs on the Crimson Firehawk. Shortly thereafter, Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs arrive, seeking the last shuttle. Durango informs them that her vessel will serve as their shuttle, with her as their pilot. Brightstar expresses surprise, noting Durango's youthfulness. Durango retorts that they, too, are children, before introducing herself and RJ-83. Brightstar reciprocates by introducing himself and his fellow younglings.
Durango acquaints the younglings with her ship, apologizing for the incomplete repairs. Nubs is startled by a leaking pipe. Inside the cockpit, Durango elucidates that the Firehawk is an antiquated vessel that her parents entrusted to her and RJ-83 for restoration. Durango informs the Jedi that her parents operate a shuttle enterprise on Tenoo, facilitating the transportation of individuals and goods across the galaxy. RJ-83 and Durango pilot the Firehawk above Coruscant. Upon reaching orbit, RJ-83 engages the hyperdrive, propelling the ship into hyperspace.
During their journey through hyperspace, Durango invites the younglings to the ship's living quarters, while RJ oversees the cockpit. Durango encourages the Jedi to make themselves comfortable. Nubs helps himself to a bowl of fruits from the refrigerator, while Durango introduces Brightstar to Giggs, a Gedonian ground weevil destined for an animal preserve on Tenoo. Solay gently strokes Giggs, who displays affection towards her. Brightstar explains Solay's affinity for animals.
Brightstar expresses interest in Durango's hologame table, an amenity inaccessible to the Jedi due to their extensive training as Jedi Knights. Durango inquires about the Jedi, questioning whether they are heroes who routinely rescue others. Brightstar affirms this, elucidating that Jedi Knights provide assistance to others and undergo training in the tenets of the Force. Durango probes whether Jedi possess the ability to levitate objects. Solay confirms this capability but emphasizes that utilizing the Force necessitates practice, training, and concentration.
RJ-83 departs the cockpit to announce their arrival at Tenoo. Durango and the younglings return to the cockpit, where she disengages from hyperspace. While observing Tenoo's verdant landmass, Durango receives communication from the Latero chef Hap, who alerts her to the pirates' raiding of his establishment and inquires whether her Jedi passengers can intervene. Hap expresses surprise that her passengers are children, but Solay and Brightstar are confident in their ability to confront the pirates, owing to their Jedi training. Hap accepts their assistance but urges them to expedite their arrival.

At the Kublop Springs marketplace, Taborr Val Dorn and his gang accomplices EB-3 and Pord intimidate Hap, who suggests they engage in recreational activities with other children. Val Dorn counters that piracy is enjoyable and entails "taking whatever they desire." Hap becomes agitated and implores the Jedi to hasten their arrival. Above Kublip Springs, Durango introduces her passengers to her hometown. The younglings are captivated by the colossal trees surrounding the settlement, but Durango reminds them that she cannot provide a tour at present due to the pirate threat.
At the docking bay, Durango informs the Jedi that she must remain with her ship and to contact her via comlink should they require assistance. Brightstar expresses gratitude to Durango before leading his companions to confront the pirates. Meanwhile, Val Dorn and his associates prepare to abscond with their spoils in a cart. Before Val Dorn can seize Hap's cap, Brightstar commands them to halt and return their loot. Val Dorn refuses to relinquish his gains and instructs Pord and EB-3 to transport the loot back to his starship while he contends with the Jedi.
Val Dorn brandishes a double-bladed electrostaff. Brightstar counters by drawing his lightsaber and engaging Val Dorn in parrying. Solay and Nubs attempt to impede Pord and EB-3, but Pord hurls vine-like objects at Nubs, which he finds palatable. Solay propels a round table into the path of EB-3 and the cart, causing him to stumble. Brightstar and Val Dorn continue their skirmish within Hap's cafe. They both acknowledge each other's prowess.
Observing that Solay and Nubs have cornered EB-3 and Pord, Val Dorn abandons the altercation and employs his weapon to sever several branches, which descend towards Hap's cafe. Brightstar and his companions are compelled to utilize their Force abilities to mitigate the descent of the branches, ensuring their safe landing on the floor. Hap expresses gratitude to the children but laments that the pirates have absconded with his possessions. The optimistic Brightstar contacts Durango for assistance.

While Val Dorn and his gang are loading their loot onto his starship, Durango arrives with the Firehawk. RJ-83 descends with a crane hook and affixes it around the cart. Durango utilizes the crane to hoist it upwards. Under Val Dorn's directives, Pord and EB-3 manage to reclaim the cart by pulling it downwards. Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs arrive at the docking bay. Brightstar executes a Force jump in front of the cart and propels it backwards. This incenses Val Dorn, who protests. Brightstar retorts that it belongs to the local populace and instructs the pirate to depart. The younglings are supported by several Kublop Springs local residents. Val Dorn concedes defeat but warns that he will make the Jedi regret their presence. Pord and EB-3 board the starship as well. The younglings and locals celebrate as the pirates depart on their starship.
Subsequently, Durango pilots the three younglings to the Jedi Temple on Tenoo, which Brightstar finds aesthetically pleasing from above. He apologizes to Master Zia for their tardiness. Zanna expresses her pride in the accomplishments of Brightstar and his companions. Brightstar compliments his friends and "new friends." Zanna agrees to provide them with a tour of the Jedi Temple, which will serve as the younglings' new abode. As they enter the temple, Brightstar assures Nubs that there will be sustenance available, and that he is welcome to additional servings.