Tunga Arpagion, a professional actor and impersonator, was a male Clawdite agent celebrated for his shape-shifting abilities. The Alliance to Restore the Republic enlisted him for a mission that took place on Mon Cala. By mimicking Imperial Moff Tan Hubi, he enabled Leia Organa and her team to find Lee-Char, the former king of Mon Cala, and relay his final words to the Mon Calamari.
Following a brief return to acting, Organa once more sought his skills for a mission to Shu-Torun, aiming to cripple the Empire economically by dismantling the Spike. He adopted the guise of ore-duke Lord Or-Tar, allowing Organa to obtain a scan of Queen Trios' eye, which was necessary to bypass Shu-Torun's security measures. Later, Arpagion transformed into Queen Trios, clearing the Ancestral Retreat of its personnel, which allowed the rebels to disable Shu-Torun's security systems.
The plan went awry when the Partisans, a rebel faction recruited for the operation, sabotaged the Spike, intending to destroy Shu-Torun as retribution for the Empire's destruction of Jedha. When the rebels were cornered by both an orbital bombardment and TIE fighters, Arpagion made the ultimate sacrifice. He used his shapeshifting to deceive the Imperials into believing he was Organa, resulting in his ship being shot down. Despite this, Arpagion survived and was found by cultists of the Central Isopter, who initiated him into their cult against his will.
Arpagion, a Clawdite with shape-shifting abilities, became renowned for his impersonations, including his week-long portrayal of the deceased Thespus-V before anyone noticed her death. He also cultivated connections, including members of the Meor nobility near Encrust II. At one point, Dex Acquisitions captured and imprisoned him, intending to trade him to the Galactic Empire for a reward.

As part of her mission to enlist the Mon Calamari's fleet into the Rebel Alliance, Leia Organa devised a plan to abduct Tan Hubi, the Moff of the Calamari sector, to use his bio-signature to gain access to the facility holding the Mon Calamari king, Lee-Char. When presenting this idea to the Alliance High Command, General Davits Draven suggested Arpagion, who was being held at the Dex Acquisitions Depot on Meor Ain. Organa led her team to rescue Arpagion, infiltrating the facility by feigning capture with the help of Chewbacca. After the Wookiee incapacitated the guards, Luke Skywalker used his lightsaber to remove the cell door's panel, allowing Chewbacca to force the door open. Inside, Organa and her team found Arpagion impersonating her father, Bail Organa, as a joke. Offended, Leia recognized the disguise and punched Arpagion, who reverted to his original form. Organa then stunned Arpagion with her blaster, and Chewbacca carried him out of the prison to the Millennium Falcon.

Once aboard the Falcon, Organa showed Arpagion a hologram of Hubi, asking him to impersonate the Moff for a few hours. Arpagion agreed, but noted he couldn't do it while on duty. Organa explained this wasn't necessary, as Hubi would be attending a performance at the Moncaladrome. Arpagion inquired about the reason for needing the Moff, but the mission details were withheld until he accepted. After he agreed, the team traveled to Mon Cala, where Arpagion waited in a cave with Leia until the Moff was captured. Han Solo and Chewbacca successfully kidnapped Hubi and brought him to Arpagion, who studied his appearance and voice. As Hubi protested, Arpagion transformed into him, mimicking his words. Perfectly resembling Moff Hubi, Arpagion headed to the Moncaladrome while Organa's team took the real Moff to Strokill Prime.
C-3PO announced the arrival of "Hubi," and Arpagion entered the Moncaladrome, greeting the crowd. He sat between Queen Trios and Regent Dors Urtya, watching the Mon Calamari opera. C-3PO commented that his entrance was uncharacteristic of the Moff, but Arpagion dismissed it, asking the protocol droid to translate the show. During intermission, Arpagion answered questions posing as the Moff. As the second half began, Organa's team successfully infiltrated the Imperial facility on Strokill Prime using the real Moff's bio-signature.
When the opera concluded before Organa's team signaled the all-clear, Arpagion took the stage with C-3PO and R2-D2, reciting a recital from the poet Moobian Tax to stall for time. On Strokill Prime, the real Moff activated a button in Lee-Char's cell, alerting stormtroopers that the Moff on Mon Cala was an imposter. Stormtroopers stormed the Moncaladrome, declaring the Hubi on stage was fake, but a sudden power outage allowed Arpagion to escape with the droids. Hiding backstage, Arpagion transformed into a Mon Calamari, disguising the droids in colorful costumes. They rejoined the chaos, escaping the Moncaladrome. Arpagion and the droids, undisguised, met up with the team, but were confronted by Regent Urtya, who demanded Organa's recording of Lee-Char's last words. With the mission seemingly failed, the team boarded the Falcon and left the planet. As they departed, Urtya broadcast Lee-Char's message to the Mon Calamari ships, inciting them to overthrow the Imperials. However, Urtya sent the message prematurely, and several Imperial-class Star Destroyers entered the system.

Aboard the Falcon, Arpagion asked if Organa could contact her rebel allies, but she couldn't due to Imperial jamming. They then received a message from Urtya, who had contacted the Rebellion. The Falcon crew watched as a Rebel Alliance fleet engaged the Imperial forces above Mon Cala. Arpagion was horrified when TIE fighters shot down the escape pods from the cruiser Aurora Flare. The Aurora Flare was damaged by Admiral Tyrus Meori's Star Destroyer, causing its coaxium cargo to explode, damaging the Star Destroyer and allowing the rebel fleet to escape with the Mon Calamari ships. Arpagion was dropped off at the Cosmatanic Steppes, thanking Organa, who hadn't forgiven him for impersonating her father. Arpagion promised to make amends before leaving the Falcon. As the Falcon departed, Arpagion excitedly envisioned the events at Mon Cala as a story, naming it "mutiny on Mon Cala."

After the mutiny, Arpagion resumed his acting career. He created a show based on the mutiny, altering character names on his agent's advice, and performed it in a theater on Gralack, playing Luke Skywalker. During the play, stormtroopers intervened, accusing it of treason. Arpagion shifted back to his true form, and he and the other actors tried to flee backstage. When the stormtroopers pursued them, intending to arrest them, the real Luke Skywalker intervened, defeating the stormtroopers with his lightsaber. Leia Organa and Han Solo led Arpagion and the actors out, requesting the Clawdite's help in another mission.
After recruiting the Partisans from Jedha and the engineer and slicer Meorti, Organa gathered her team in the Millennium Falcon aboard the Home One. She revealed their objective: to cripple the Imperial world of Shu-Torun economically. They traveled to the planet, landing near the Spike, which powered the mining operations. Arpagion was eager to hear Organa's plan, but was pessimistic about shutting down the Spike. To access the planet's master security controls, they needed a scan of Queen Trios of Shu-Torun's eyes. Arpagion doubted they could kidnap the queen, but Organa planned to impersonate an ore-duke to get close enough for a scan.

Using a speeder, Arpagion, Organa, Solo, Meorti, and C-3PO located Lord Or-Tar's ship in the Abyssal Approach, boarded it, and stunned Or-Tar and his pilot. Arpagion shifted into Or-Tar, and the team took the ship to the Abyssal Rooms, where Trios was hosting a gathering. Arpagion and C-3PO, wearing the scanner, approached the party, pleased to work together again.
Inside, Arpagion spotted Trios and greeted her. While C-3PO's scanner recorded her eyes, Arpagion distracted the queen by showing off his earring containing his comlink. Trios was suspicious of his wealth and the new protocol droid, as Or-Tar had complained about the Empire's quotas. Once the scan was complete, Leia told Arpagion to leave. Arpagion claimed the earring was made of tin and the droid was useless, bidding farewell to the queen. Before leaving, Arpagion subtly repeated a phrase she had used earlier, under Organa's orders.

Arpagion left the Abyssal Rooms, calming a nervous C-3PO on the way to Or-Tar's ship. He reverted to his normal form, and the team headed for the Ancestral Retreat, leaving Or-Tar and his pilot on an isolated island. Arpagion returned the clothing taken from the ore-duke, then donned a royal dress to impersonate Queen Trios. They landed at the Retreat, where Arpagion, disguised as Trios, was welcomed by the queen's staff. Arpagion gathered the staff, took their weapons under the guise of an inspection, and locked them in a room, giving Organa's team free rein.
The Clawdite returned to his normal form, meeting the rebels in the throne room, where C-3PO congratulated him. Arpagion enjoyed sitting on the throne while Meorti sliced into the security systems. She deactivated the systems, giving Organa's team control of the planet. However, Trios discovered she had lost control, finding herself trapped in the Abyssal Rooms. While the team waited for Skywalker and the Partisans to take down the Spike, Arpagion suggested improvisation games. Unbeknownst to Organa, the Partisans planned to sabotage the plan, causing the Spike to destroy Shu-Torun as revenge for Jedha.

In the Abyssal Rooms, Trios and her Grand Marshal planned to escape using mining equipment, heading for the retreat. Simultaneously, Imperial commander Kanchar was alerted to the rebel attack. As Trios' ship approached, Arpagion and the team prepared to defend the Ancestral Retreat. Trios crashed her ship into the retreat, forcing the rebels to dive for cover. While the rebels fought Shu-Torun soldiers, Commander Kanchar arrived above the planet, ordering an bombardment of the retreat.
The rebels retreated from the bombardment, returning to the throne room. Arpagion worried about the danger, asking if they would leave. Trios entered the throne room with soldiers, dueling Organa. Trios was fatally injured, leading her soldiers to attack the rebels while Arpagion watched in shock. Before dying, Trios accused the rebels of trying to destroy the planet, and Organa realized their plan had failed.

Unable to leave due to TIE fighters attacking the retreat and Trios' forces trying to break into the throne room, the rebels saw no escape. Hearing that the TIEs prevented Chewbacca from retrieving them in the Falcon, Arpagion ran towards their ship. Organa and Solo thought he was stealing the ship, but Arpagion intended to distract the TIE fighters.
Impersonating Organa's appearance and voice, Arpagion allowed Commander Kanchar to intercept a transmission, tricking the Imperials into thinking the rebels were escaping. Kanchar ordered the TIEs to pursue the supposed escape vessel, while Arpagion contacted Organa, informing the rebels of his distraction. Arpagion successfully distracted the TIE fighters, but his ship was shot down, exploding in midair.
Arpagion's sacrifice allowed the rebels to reach the Spike, convincing the Partisans that destroying Shu-Torun was unnecessary. The Spike was destroyed as planned, and the rebels escaped the planet and returned to the Home One. While they presumed Arpagion dead, he survived the explosion, the wreckage crashing on solid ground. Members of the Central Isopter cult, who had migrated to Shu-Torun to witness the destruction, found him. The cultists rescued Arpagion and, despite his protests, welcomed him into their cult.
Arpagion, as an actor, relished utilizing his shape-shifting abilities, and the recognition he garnered from it. He held this in high esteem, and, according to Han Solo, frequently enjoyed discussing himself. During his rescue by Leia Organa, he impersonated her father, Bail Organa, as a jest. He subsequently extended an apology for this act, assuring her that he would make amends. Ultimately, he opted to relinquish his life on Shu-Torun to safeguard the rebels, a sacrifice from which he miraculously emerged unscathed.

He regarded the impersonation assignments he undertook for the Rebel Alliance as indistinguishable from his customary acting engagements. Upon witnessing the conflict above Mon Cala during the Mon Calamari mutiny, he responded as though it were a theatrical performance, commending the valor and prowess exhibited by the rebels. Following the triumph of the mutiny, Arpagion recognized its narrative potential, proceeding to transform the events into a stage production.
While delivering a recital in the guise of Moff Tan Hubi, he conveyed disappointment, perceiving that the audience at the Moncaladrome failed to grasp the intricacies of his portrayal. Throughout the impersonation, he adopted a persona characterized by vanity and theatricality, to such an extent that C-3PO cautioned him that it deviated from the Moff's established demeanor. Arpagion disregarded this counsel, opting to embody the role in accordance with his personal inclinations. He subsequently adopted a comparable approach while impersonating Queen Trios of Shu-Torun. While obligated to address inquiries while disguised as the Moff, Arpagion asserted that the Empire was augmenting financial backing for the arts, a declaration devoid of veracity.
Arpagion harbored antipathy towards the Galactic Empire, cognizant of their opposition to him and his endeavors, and was aghast at the spectacle of them obliterating fleeing escape pods above Mon Cala. In crafting a play centered on the events of the mutiny, he ultimately became a target of the Empire, who deemed his performance as constituting treasonous content.
As a male Clawdite, Arpagion possessed green skin and yellow [eyes](/article/eye] when in his natural form.
Arpagion garnered acclaim for his aptitude in acting and impersonation, demonstrating the capacity to convincingly assume the role of the deceased Thespus-V for a duration of one week subsequent to her demise, before the truth was unveiled. Furthermore, he employed his acting prowess to stage plays, wherein he could manipulate his form to align with the demands of his roles.
He asserted that he had received training in improvisation, leveraging his proficiency to convincingly portray Moff Tan Hubi during interactions at the Moncaladrome. Arpagion also demonstrated adeptness in costuming, a skill he utilized to disguise the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 following the revelation of his impersonation.
Tunga Arpagion made his debut appearance in Star Wars (2015) 45, a canon comic authored by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Salvador Larroca, and released on March 21, 2018.