Blacktar Cyst

Blacktar Cyst was a terrestrial astronomical object where both the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, also known as Twilight Company, and the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing were deployed sometime by 3 ABY. During the subsequent battle, the soldier Pol Andrissus received scarring injuries that caused him to develop a stutter. In the wake of the fighting, rebel First Sergeant Hazram Namir started an ongoing quarrel with Captain Micha Evon and lost another argument with the fellow soldier Brand.

In 3 ABY, General Philap Bygar cited Twilight Company's troubles on Blacktar Cyst when commending their past service to Evon, Namir, and three other company members at the Alliance's base on the planet Hoth. On the planet Troithe around 5 ABY, stories of the battle on Blacktar Cyst were told on separate occasions by an infantrywoman of Twilight Company at a spaceport and, some days later, among members of the 204th at the Taa Complex greenhouse.


Sometime by 3 ABY, Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, better known as Twilight Company, was deployed to the terrestrial astronomical object Blacktar Cyst, leading to a battle in which the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing also took part. The Twilight Company soldier Pol Andrissus was wounded by shrapnel, which heavily scarred and disfigured his face, leaving the soldier with a permanent stutter due to shrapnel that had reached his brain. On Blacktar Cyst, the rebel First Sergeant Hazram Namir lost an argument with another rebel soldier, the ex–bounty hunter Brand, about whether the company's Captain Micha Evon, nicknamed "Howl," was a genius or not.

Yrica Quell fought with the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing at Blacktar Cyst and chose not to reveal such when she spoke to members of Twilight Company.

Yrica Quell fought with the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing at Blacktar Cyst and chose not to reveal such when she spoke to members of Twilight Company.

In the wake of Twilight Company's deployment to Blacktar Cyst, Evon had a long-lasting debate with Namir about whether the latter underestimated his men and their motivation to fight. The Alliance General Philap Bygar of Alliance High Command believed the company never should have been sent to Blacktar Cyst and voiced that opinion when commending Twilight Company's past service to Evon, Namir, and three other members of the company during their visit to the Alliance's secret base on the planet Hoth in 3 ABY.

Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Alliance eventually became the New Republic. Around 5 ABY, Twilight Company, as part of a New Republic battle group, fought on the planet Troithe during a campaign in the Cerberon system. During a social gathering between several of the company's soldiers and the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron at Troithe's main spaceport, one Twilight Company infantrywoman relayed her point of view of the fighting on Blacktar Cyst. Alphabet Squadron's commander, Yrica Quell, who was a former member of the 204th, realized that her recollection of the battle was different than that of the soldier's but decided not to admit to having served on the enemy's side. Sometime later, at the Taa Complex greenhouse on Troithe, Soran Keize, the field-promoted colonel in charge of the 204th, joined a group of 204th pilots in telling stories, including ones about the battle of Blacktar Cyst, around a fire.

Behind the scenes

Blacktar Cyst was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.


















