Star Wars (2015) 13

Publisher's summary

  • Bringing together the smash-hit Star Wars and Darth Vader series!
  • Leia comes face to face with true evil!

Clash of the astromechs

R2-D2 attempts to defend his unconscious master, Luke Skywalker. Triple Zero taunts R2-D2 while Dr Aphra remarks that R2-D2 is being brave but in denial of reality. Calling R2-D2 pathetic, he asks the astromech droid Beetee to show R2-D2 how a "proper droid" should behave.

R2-D2 and Beetee argue in Binary. Triple Zero remarks that R2-D2 is foul-mouthed and wonders if the R2 series astromech droid can back up his rhetoric. R2-D2 sports a spark projector but Beetee responds by sporting several blasters, flamethrowers, and rocket launchers. R2-D2 is forced to retreat.

Solo and Chewie to the rescue

Meanwhile, Han Solo and Chewbacca fly over the area in the Millennium Falcon. Solo tells Chewbacca to look out for Skywalker. Solo sights explosions in the distance. Triple Zero praises Beetee as he unleashes his rockets and blaster bolts, complimenting the droid's passion for destruction. He wants to drain Skywalker's blood but Dr Aphra reminds him that Darth Vader wants him in one piece.

Before Aphra and her team can return to the Ark Angel, Solo, who has positioned himself on top of a rock, tells Aphra to release Skywalker. Aphra recognizes Solo's voice and mocks Solo for not shooting her first and introduces herself as Dr Aphra. She threatens to have Triple Zero electrocute Skywalker if he does not back off. Triple Zero agrees with her sentiments and talks about draining Solo's blood.

Solo responds by asking Aphra to consider how his droid is gonna electrocute Skywalker if he has gotten no arms. Aphra is taken by surprise but Triple Zero recalls that Solo has an associate named Chewbacca. At that point, the Wookiee appears and tears off one of Triple Zero's arms. While Triple Zero faces Chewbacca, Solo and Aphra exchange fire.

Continuing the hunt

At the Rebel Refueling Base, Princess Leia Organa dons a rebel infantry uniform and leads Delta Squad towards Quadrant Seven. The rebel squad leader and C-3PO plead for Leia to stay at the base but Leia is determined to hunt down and kill Vader. The rebels depart on landspeeders.

Dr. Aphra and the rebels

Meanwhile, Skywalker awakes and finds Beetee attacking R2-D2. He kicks Beetee off a cliff and chats with the astromech, asking who the droids are. At that point, Beetee returns with rocket boosters and blasts the rebels, forcing Skywalker and R2-D2 to flee. Elsewhere, Chewbacca attacks Triple Zero with his severed arm. However, Triple Zero injects the Wookiee with 500 milligrams of Mandalorian xenotox, knocking the Wookiee unconscious.

Elsewhere, Han Solo aims at a hive of wasp-worms above Aphra's head, not realizing that there is another one above his head. Aphra however spots the hive above Solo's head. The two shoot at their targets and are overwhelmed by angry wasp-worms. Before Triple Zero can finish Chewbacca off, Skywalker cuts off his left arm with his lightsaber before stabbing Triple Zero through the chest.

Skywalker helps Chewbacca to his feet. Together with R2-D2, they stumble upon the unconscious Solo and Dr Aphra. Skywalker helps Solo up and tells him that the assassin droids are working for Dr Aphra. Triple Zero and Beetee catch up with them with Triple Zero ordering the astromech to kill the rebels. However, R2-D2 sprays Beetee with a purple paint, blinding the droid and causing him to unleash his firepower aimlessly. The rebels then flee the rocks.

Becoming the hunted

Meanwhile, Leia and Delta Squad receive news from the second platoon that they are suffering heavy casualties and that Darth Vader is causing their tanks to explode. Despite the odds stacked against them, Leia insists on proceeding with the mission. Suddenly, an unseen force Force chokes the rebel troops escorting her. Princess Leia finds herself face to face with a lightsaber-wielding Vader.


  • Star Wars: Vader Down
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 2
  • Star Wars: Darth Vader by Kieron Gillen & Salvador Larroca Omnibus
  • Star Wars by Jason Aaron Omnibus
  • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Omnibus Vol. 1
  • Star Wars Modern Era Epic Collection: Skywalker Strikes


  • The Marvel Art of Star Wars


















