Darth Vader (2020) 23

Darth Vader #23 represents the twenty-third installment in the 2020 canon comic book series known as Star Wars: Darth Vader. Greg Pak penned the script for this issue, while Raffaele Ienco and Carlos Lopez provided the illustrations; Marvel Comics released it to the public on June 1, 2022.

Official Synopsis

"THE SHADOW'S SHADOW'S SHADOW" A grand, new narrative unfolds as DARTH VADER embarks on a fresh mission, partnering with a sworn adversary – but who is leading whom towards their ultimate downfall? Furthermore, what transpires when the QUEEN'S SHADOW uncovers the Dark Lord of the Sith's most profound secret? Additionally: prepare for the startling reappearance of a figure from Vader's long-forgotten past!

Detailed Plot

Sabé's Objective

Darth Vader refutes the claim that he is Anakin Skywalker, asserting that Skywalker is deceased. However, Sabé challenges this, pointing out that Vader emerged after Skywalker's disappearance. Sabé observes that Skywalker spoke of order, while Vader is consumed by it. Sabé reminds Vader that, despite Skywalker's love for Padmé Amidala, he nearly desecrated her tomb in a desperate search for the cause of her death. Despite having ample opportunity, Vader has refrained from killing her. Sabé reveals that she journeyed to Polis Massa, where she learned of Amidala's final words, expressing the belief that there was still good within Vader.

Vader ignites his lightsaber and demands to know her intentions. Sabé proposes to assist Vader if he genuinely seeks order. She elaborates that Skywalker's mother, Shmi Skywalker Lars, was a slave on Tatooine, whom he vowed to liberate. Amidala shared this conviction. Following Amidala's passing, Sabé, accompanied by the Royal Guard Tonra, returned to Tatooine and worked to free hundreds of enslaved individuals, smuggling them off-world. However, a colony of these freed slaves now faces a threat from a corrupt Governor, who is employing the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate to strengthen her position. Vader would have the opportunity to eliminate a Crimson Dawn cell if he assists her in rescuing these refugees. In exchange, Sabé states that she will have the chance to prove that Amidala's assessment of him was accurate.

Vader extinguishes his lightsaber and consents to aid Sabé, cautioning her that she alone bears responsibility for the course they will take. The pair departs in an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle, leaving behind the Sith Master Assassin Ochi and his associates, including the Trandoshan Tanka and the Voridsec Chilla Zin. Tanka inquires of Beilert Valance whether they remain in Vader's service, to which Valance replies that one only leaves Vader's service through release or death. Zin questions their next course of action. Valance states that he will arrange for pickup by the Executor and await their subsequent assignment. Impatient, Ochi commandeers a TIE fighter, vowing to resume his duties before the Handmaiden orchestrates their demise.

Known Individuals

Vader and Sabé journey to Gabredor III, which is under the watch of the Governor's orbiting Imperial Star Destroyer. After ZED-6-7 verifies that the Star Destroyer has not detected their presence, Vader instructs the SP-4 ISC droid to transport them to the planet's surface. Sabé expresses surprise that Vader has not summoned his own Star Destroyer. Vader insists on inspecting the refugee colony to confirm the veracity of her claims.

As the Imperial shuttle descends, the refugees, led by Kitster Banai, prepare to confront the Imperials with weapons, determined to prevent the Governor from conscripting any more workers. Wald attempts to pacify Kitster. Both are stunned to witness their friend Sabé exiting the shuttle alongside Lord Vader, whom they do not recognize. ZED-6-7 introduces Vader, explaining that he is acting on behalf of the Emperor.

When ZED requests a meeting with the colony's protocol droid, Kitster questions the purpose of the visit. Sabé explains that they are there to offer assistance if it is welcomed. Speaking in Rodese, Wald reveals that their protocol droid malfunctioned several years ago and instead offers the R-series astromech droid Em-Sevenbee, who is responsible for maintaining records. Through ZED-6-7, Sevenbee discloses that the Governor contracted the colony to provide essential supplies, but the colony has only delivered 37 percent of the agreed-upon amount over the past three years. The droid also reveals that the Governor has forcibly conscripted 33 colonists who have never returned. Wald adds that the Governor has been disrupting outgoing signals, preventing news from reaching Sabé.

Wald and Kitster present a modified podracer they have been developing for decades. Wald admits that he lacks the skill to pilot the podracer. Upon inquiry, Vader learns that the human and Rodian are his childhood companions, Kitster and Wald, but he does not reveal his past identity as Anakin Skywalker. When Kitster offers assistance to Vader, the Sith Lord declines.

The Governor's Influence

He proceeds to question Em-Sevenbee and ZED-6-7 about the adjacent forest. Sevenbee and a balding man reveal that the planet is experiencing a drought. The balding man anticipates the return of clouds in a few weeks, improving the weather. Vader disagrees, predicting a worsening situation. The villagers are attacked by a pack of Unidentified six-legged horned creatures, which overwhelm Kitster and Wald. Vader intervenes to aid his old friends, using his lightsaber to cut down the creatures. Upon examining the creatures, Sevenbee and the balding man observe that they are starving and severely dehydrated, explaining their attacks on the villagers and their herds. Sevenbee concludes that the creatures are perishing alongside their planet.

Sabé suspects that the Governor is responsible for the planet's ecological devastation and declares that it is time to eliminate her. Wald and Kitster discuss whether Vader will assist Sabé. While Sabé is eager to confront the Governor, Vader believes that she and her local allies are unprepared. When Sabé asserts that everyone ultimately makes their own choices, he responds that they must obey her if she wishes them to leave.

Later that night, a second Imperial shuttle arrives, delivering more stormtroopers and weapons at Vader's request. Wald fears that they may have placed Sabé in danger, but Kitster assures him that Sabé is not the one in peril. Sabé puts on black Imperial helmet, armor and a blaster.

Canon Implications

In one panel Tauntaza is mistakenly referred to with he pronouns despite multiple other mentions of the governor in the issue using her pronouns.

Additional Content

Cover Images

