Edmo Ectacle

Edmo Ectacle, a male Moldwarp with brown skin and gray hair, found himself in the Canto Casino of Canto Bight in 34 ABY. He observed the other patrons engaged in game play at the tables before conversing with Derla Pidys on a casino balcony. Later, while a bounty was active for his capture, Ectacle took refuge in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu. Around this time, Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate, utilized Ectacle's stolen identification to assess potential recruits for Ohnaka Transport Solutions.


Born on the planet Lespectus circa 22 BBY, Edmo Ectacle was a male Moldwarp. He was present in the Canto Casino, located in the city of Canto Bight on Cantonica, during 34 ABY. During his time in the casino, Ectacle watched the game tables, specifically observing the Suerton [Thodibin](/article/thodibin] as he participated. Subsequently, the Moldwarp moved to one of the casino's balconies, which had a view of a fathier race unfolding on the Canto Bight racetrack. While on the balcony, Ectacle engaged in conversation with Derla Pidys, a liquor trader, as Finn and Rose Tico, agents of the Resistance, watched the race nearby.

During the First Order's occupation of Batuu in 34 ABY, a bounty of 875 credits was placed on Ectacle due to gambling debts, racketeering activities, and the theft of a gold-plated ark from Dok-Ondar, a local antiques dealer. Ectacle sought refuge in a building within Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, at the time the bounty was issued to someone visiting the outpost by the Bounty Hunters' Guild. The visitor then used a thermal scanner to find Ectacle, and reported the location to the local Guildmaster's Hideout in order to claim the bounty. During this period, Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate, acquired a stolen identity profile belonging to Ectacle, who was fifty-six years old. Ohnaka distributed this profile, along with others, to the datapad of individuals who might join a flight crew he was assembling for a job with Ohnaka Transport Solutions. The pirate made them memorize the details from the profile and then tested their knowledge.

Personality and traits

Ectacle was characterized by his black eyes, brown skin, and gray hair. His height was six [feet](/article/foot], and he weighed 180 pounds.


Ectacle's attire included a black jacket, robes, and belt worn over a white shirt. He used a medicated aerosol inhaler and wore white goggles.

Behind the scenes

"Cantina Aliens 37A"

Edmo Ectacle made his initial appearance in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the 2017 film belonging to the sequel trilogy. His name was first revealed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released alongside the film. [Tom Wilton](/article/tom_wilton], a performer specializing in creature and droid roles, portrayed the character, describing the costume as allowing for easy visibility and breathing. Kati Hood contributed finishing touches to the costume, while Jake Lunt Davies, a creature concept designer, created concept art of Ectacle titled "Cantina Aliens 37A" for the film.

In deleted scenes from the film, Ectacle is seen cheering at a gaming table. Wilton mentioned that Steve Yedlin, the director of photography, selected Ectacle from a group to appear in another shot that was ultimately cut from the film. In that scene, Ectacle emerges from under a table following the destruction of Canto Casino by escaped fathiers. He then walks to the center of the room, surveys the damage, and shakes his head.

The surname of Edmo Ectacle is incorrectly spelled as "Ectaclee" in Star Wars: Batuu Bounty Hunters, an augmented reality video game that launched at Walt Disney World on July 27, 2022.

