Located in the Outer Rim's Tharin sector, Sriluur was a planet. As the homeworld of the sentient Weequay species, it occupied a strategically important location on the Sisar Run, a crucial hyperlane connecting Hutt Space to the broader Outer Rim. Five moons orbited the planet, with Ruul being the only one capable of sustaining life, and thus the most notable. Its environment was characterized by arid deserts, active volcanoes, and seas with acidic waters. Despite these harsh conditions, Sriluur was surprisingly self-sufficient due to its unexpectedly thriving agricultural activities. Substantial copper deposits existed on the planet, though miners largely ignored them. Historically, Sriluur was within Hutt Space's sphere of influence, leading to frequent appearances by Hutt crime lords and representatives from the Black Sun criminal syndicate.
Around 282 BBY, a significant number of Houk colonized the planet, which the Weequay deeply resented. The resulting Houk–Weequay conflicts continued until the Galactic Empire, concerned about rising smuggling and Rebel sympathies, occupied Sriluur shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Even with a considerable Imperial military presence, criminal activity continued to escalate within the sector. The Yuuzhan Vong Empire invaded Sriluur in 26 ABY, enslaving its population. By 137 ABY, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire had claimed the world.

An important world along the Sisar Run hyperlane, Sriluur provided a connection between the Outer Rim Territories and older regions of Hutt Space by way of the Ac'fren Spur branch. Furthermore, the planet acted as a hub for many local trade routes, making it a popular stop for traders. Five moons circled Sriluur; especially noteworthy was Ruul, a habitable moon largely controlled by the Weequay Bulq clan.
Sriluur's terrain was mostly composed of white deserts, arid scrublands, and rocky expanses, with frequent sandstorms. The planet contained vast copper deposits; however, large-scale mining operations were not established to extract them, with miners instead choosing to focus on other valuable metals, minerals, and gems which were crucial exports for Sriluur's economy. The planet's oceans had a high acid concentration, but still supported some forms of life. The Great Cueva Expanse, a massive desert primarily made up of crater holes, covered almost all of the northern hemisphere. Most of the planet's inhabitants resided in the southern hemisphere, which was dotted with inactive volcanoes and black transparisteel canyons. Despite the challenging environment, Sriluur was largely self-sufficient, with an extensive agricultural sector concentrated around the Cupric Islands. Clean water was a precious resource, primarily sourced from nearby Sedri. The most significant settlements on this arid planet included Meirm City, the primary trading port of Dnalvec, and Al-Campur, the administrative center. Each Weequay city featured a central thal, a shrine of black stone dedicated to their deities.
Politically, Sriluur was largely under Hutt dominance throughout its history. While maintaining strong trade ties with the rest of Hutt Space, the Hutts never truly tried to conquer or subjugate the planet, nor did they attempt to enslave the Weequay. The Black Sun criminal syndicate also had a significant presence on Sriluur, but it was not until the Galactic Empire took control of the planet that it officially became part of a major political entity.
Numerous non-sentient predators inhabited Sriluur. The bandigos of Temptation Canyon were recognized by their distinct howls, which many Weequay incorrectly attributed to "water nymphs," a subject of local myths. Bandigos hunted in packs of up to twenty, often throwing rocks at their prey. The dark wolves, called raquor'daan in the Sriluurian language, were stealthy canines that used poisonous claws and a stinger tail to kill. They were considered natural enemies of the bandigos and were respected by the Weequay, who sometimes tamed them for hunting.

Early on, the planet experienced significant tectonic activity, which resulted in Sriluur's numerous volcanoes. The Weequay were initially forced to wander the planet's deserts due to its harsh, predator-filled ecosystem. It wasn't until the species achieved industrial-level technology, sometime before 25,100 BBY, that they established their first cities along the acidic shores. This was crucial for Weequay civilization, as the cities provided protection from predators and easier access to the rich seas.
Sriluur remained unknown to the galaxy at large until before 25,100 BBY. Even then, it was infrequently visited by other species, except for occasional traders, and avoided being absorbed into Xim's empire during the final years of the Pre-Republic era. Weequay mercenaries were among the thousands of troops enlisted by the Hutt Empire to fight Xim in the Xim Wars. After their victory, the Hutts began to assert their influence over Sriluur, eventually considering it part of Hutt Space. The Galactic Republic discovered the planet between 15,000 and 8000 BBY. The Weequay homeworld remained untouched by major galactic conflicts until the Galactic Civil War, although the six Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters targeted Sriluur during the Galactic War between the Republic and the Sith Empire. As part of their conquest of Hutt Space regions, the Dread Masters used the Force to trigger a mass exodus from Sriluur, though the Hutts eventually regained control.
In 282 BBY, thousands of Houk from Lijuter colonized Sriluur. They established their settlement in the Houk Territories near Sriluur's equator, close to Dnalvec, although many chose to reside in Weequay cities. Despite not being the first non-native settlers, the Houk became cultural adversaries to the Weequay. The resulting Houk–Weequay conflicts lasted for centuries, culminating in an all-out civil war around 10 BBY. The Weequay declared martial law in the Houk Territories, while Houk militants attacked Weequay settlements. Several Weequay militias were formed, including the Dnalvec Militia. The civil war concluded with a peace agreement initiated by the Houk, though minor hostilities persisted until the Galactic Empire seized control shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
In 22 BBY, before the Clone Wars, the Nikto Cult of M'dweshuu, a dangerous religious sect from Kintan, launched a series of deadly attacks along the Sisar Run. The M'dweshuu killed at least twenty-seven people, prompting the Bureau of Ships and Services to issue a travel advisory for the area. Dorosii the Hutt, the Appointed Intermediate to the Galactic Senate at the time, assured the Republic that local authorities could handle the cult violence without Republic intervention, though the Jedi Council was investigating. The HoloNet News later reported on these attacks.
The Empire established a military presence to suppress smuggling and Rebel activity in the sector, and to send a hostile political message to the Hutts. Garrisons were set up along Sriluur's Copper Coast and in Meirm City, with the inexperienced Newen Streeg appointed as governor. The Annihilator and the Ruthless, both Imperial-class Star Destroyers, along with the Ion Storm, a Strike-class medium cruiser, were assigned to the area. Despite this, crime thrived due to Imperial officials accepting bribes from Black Sun operatives. The Dnalvec Militia provided many recruits for the Alliance to Restore the Republic and various Hutt crime lords. The Empire, recognizing the problem, bombed most militia outposts around Dnalvec.
Following the defeat of Black Sun leader Czethros during the Battle of Kessel in 24 ABY, the crime syndicate largely dissolved, including its Sriluur cells.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, starting in 25 ABY, Yuuzhan Vong spacecraft, such as coralskippers, were sighted near Sriluur. This triggered a mass exodus of people fearing an imminent invasion. Many Weequay clans chose to stay and form militias to defend their world. The Yuuzhan Vong-aligned Peace Brigade infiltrated Sriluur, harassing inhabitants and trying to eliminate technology in preparation for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. When the Yuuzhan Vong finally invaded in 26 ABY, the native defenses were quickly overwhelmed. The planet was conquered in days, and its people were enslaved. Despite the terraforming of their homeworld, the Weequay adapted and continued to live on Sriluur after the war. By 137 ABY, Sriluur was a subject world of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.
The Weequay, a technologically simple people, were the planet's dominant species. They worshiped a pantheon of hundreds of gods, mostly based on natural forces and Sriluurian creatures. Examples include Am-Shak, the god of thunder after whom Al-Campur was named, and Quay, the moon god and most important deity in Weequay religion. Weequay used a complex scent-based system to communicate within their clans; their Sriluurian language primarily facilitated communication with other clans and off-worlders. Traditional Weequay culture lacked the concept of individuality, making personal names foreign to them. Typically, only those who left Sriluur adopted names. These expatriates often became mercenaries, and some, such as Jedi Master Sora Bulq and pirate Hondo Ohnaka, felt disconnected from Sriluur culture and religion.
Sriluur also hosted a significant Houk population, a humanoid species known for their strength. Houk culture favored violence as a solution to conflicts, often leading to clashes with the Weequay. Humans, Hutts, Nimbanels, and Toydarians were also present, though in smaller numbers than the Houk.
Dnalvec was Sriluur's main trading port, hosting three of the planet's four major spaceports. It also housed the Bureau of Ships and Services office overseeing the entire Sisar Run hyperlane, and had the largest Houk population of all Weequay cities.
Since around 137 ABY, Meirm City was the capital of Sriluur, located along the copper-rich Meirm Sea. This proximity meant the city was constantly covered in copper sand, and the acidic fog from the ocean caused significant erosion. Considered the heart of Weequay culture, the city was filled with statues of Weequay gods, especially Quay. Tensions between the Houk and Weequay necessitated separate enclaves for each species. Meirm City was home to the Gricul Salvage Yards, owned by Xizor Transport Systems, and one of the Outer Rim's best-known repair facilities.
Sriluur was initially introduced by Craig Robert Carey in "The Greel Wood Haven" within Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (1995), establishing it as the Weequay homeworld. The planet was further developed in the roleplaying game sourcebooks Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies (1995), Secrets of the Sisar Run (1997), Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition (1997), and Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (2004), with Carey contributing to three of these. The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse (2000) marked Sriluur's first appearance in a novel. Subsequent appearances have been mostly brief or casual mentions, or, in reference books, have added little new information. The Essential Atlas (2009) finally specified Sriluur's location.
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies and Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds both state that a standard year on Sriluur has 270 days. This contradicts the Legacy Era Campaign Guide, which claims the year has 295 days. Given that the Legacy Era Campaign Guide is the most recent source, this article assumes it to be correct.