Grand Master's offices

The offices of the Grand Master were a collection of rooms situated inside the High Council Tower, which itself was a part of the Jedi Temple rebuilt on the planet Coruscant.


After the Jedi Temple that served as the Order's headquarters for the last thousand years of the Galactic Republic's existence was destroyed by the Jedi Order, Cal Omas, the Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, instructed the Reconstruction Authority to reconstruct the ancient ziggurat. This was intended as a gift for the newly reformed Order. Even though the Order was still struggling to recover from the devastating Yuuzhan Vong War, many of the Order's Knights and Masters decided to reside in the new Temple, in addition to maintaining their own separate apartments elsewhere in Galactic City.

Within this newly constructed Temple, a series of offices were built within the High Council Tower to accommodate the needs of the Order's Grand Master. Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his spouse, Mara, took up residence in these chambers. In addition to their private apartment, they utilized these offices as a place to rest after late-night High Council sessions.

During the events of the Dark Nest Crisis, the Skywalkers were on Coruscant, investigating a security breach that had been brought to light by Aryn Dro Thul of Bornaryn Trading. After summoning the suspected moles – Knights Tahiri Veila, Lowbacca, and Tesar Sebatyne – to the Knights' Billet, Skywalker briefly interrogated them before dispatching them to Dagobah for contemplation on their alleged betrayal. However, before their departure, they leveled a shocking accusation: Knight Jacen Solo had supposedly erased certain memories from the mind of the Grand Master's son, Ben Skywalker. Disturbed by these allegations, the Skywalkers summoned Solo to Coruscant for questioning. Upon his arrival, Zakarisz Ghent, an expert slicer from the Alliance, was in the process of installing an ancient OmniGate into the astromech droid R2-D2 within the Skywalkers' room. Deciding that Solo could remain to witness the holorecord that R2-D2 was about to reveal, the group watched in astonishment as a recording of events that had transpired in 19 BBY unfolded across the floor. The recording depicted Senator Padmé Amidala and Sith Lord Darth Vader discussing the burning of the Jedi Temple, before the OmniGate overheated and ceased functioning. The Grand Master requested that Ghent prepare a cloned OmniGate so that he could view more holos, before taking his wife and nephew out into the more open sitting room.

Upon confronting him with the information obtained from the rogue Knights, Jacen explained that he and Ben had been camping on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor when a Gorax attacked and captured a group of Ewok's. The extremely sensitive young Skywalker felt the violent deaths of the Ewoks, leading Solo to believe that it was necessary to suppress those memories in order to prevent Ben from misusing the Force. However, this narrative was not entirely truthful. Solo had actually been employing the Force to erase all memories of himself with Tenel Ka Djo, the Queen Mother of Hapan. As the trio re-entered the main chamber to check on Ghent's progress, they discovered the slicer planting listening devices throughout the room. After reprimanding him, Skywalker permitted Ghent to complete his work on R2.

Following the conclusion of the war, the Alliance appeared to be in a state of relative peace. However, one night, Luke Skywalker, while asleep in his chambers, was struck by a Force vision of an individual who did not exist. This perplexing message from the Force bewildered the Skywalkers, leading them to anticipate the arrival of a new adversary, one that they were unable to sense. Shortly thereafter, the Masters Skywalker were once again asleep at the Temple when they were attacked by two mysterious figures. These shadowy beings, resembling not-Jacen Solo and not-Ben Skywalker, assailed Luke and Mara as they eerily hovered above the ground. After a brief duel, the phantoms vanished, and the bewildered Jedi Masters proceeded to the communication center in an attempt to contact the real Solo and Skywalker boys.

Several weeks later, the Skywalkers were awakened late in the evening by a comm message from Apprentice Seha Dorvald, who was stationed in the Jedi Temple Reception Hall. Dorvald reported that an individual named Twinsins Thlee was requesting to see him. The Masters Skywalker recognized the name as Twin Suns Three, the callsign of Colonel Jagged Fel.

Following the demise of Mara Skywalker on Kavan at the hands of Jacen Solo, the majority of her personal belongings were placed in storage, although the Grand Master retained a few items on display. In 43 ABY, Skywalker was resting when Master Cilghal roused him and informed him that Valin Horn, who was psychotic, had escaped from the Halls of Healing and ventured into the Undercity. Skywalker instructed all available Knights and Masters to gather in the Great Hall and prepare to search for him. After enduring numerous sleepless nights, Skywalker was arrested and banished from Coruscant, having been charged and found guilty of negligence in connection with Jacen Solo's descent into the dark side. After packing the majority of his possessions, Skywalker and his son were escorted by Master Cilghal to the Great Hall, where nearly every available Jedi was present to bid farewell to their Grand Master.

With Master Skywalker's exile from Coruscant, the room remained unoccupied for a period. Eventually, Kenth Hamner, the Interim Master, moved into the chambers in order to assert his authority over the Order. Hamner appointed Kani Asari, an Apprentice, as his personal assistant, and she would frequently spend late nights working in the outer office of the suite, meticulously examining text files and Senatorial documents. Following the siege of the Temple, Hamner dedicated his time to studying blueprints of the Temple in search of an escape route. While he was diligently searching, Master Cilghal rushed into the room and announced that all of the psychotic Jedi appeared to have returned to their normal state and that the crisis might be nearing its end.


Situated one floor above the level occupied by the Council members within the High Council Tower, the suite was located directly adjacent to the turbolift that provided access to the High Council Chamber at the Tower's summit. A small larmalstone lobby was situated outside the suite, serving as a welcoming area for guests visiting the Grand Master's chambers within the Temple. Behind the secured security door was a simple outer office that functioned as a public meeting space. Padded benches were arranged at an oblique angle in the sunken conversation area to minimize the transmission of negative energy during heated discussions, while the lighting was maintained at a dim, calming level. A small waterfall trickled in the corner, and the basin beneath it was populated with goldfish that swam laps around the small pool. A workspace was positioned towards the back of the room, where Master Skywalker, and later Master Hamner, could address the issues presented to the Grand Master.

Beyond the outer office lay the Grand Master's inner sanctum. A large bed, featuring a headboard upon which the Master's lightsaber rested, dominated the room, while two datascreens were placed on a table in the corner. Staves and practice weapons lined one wall, while another was filled with inset drawers containing their limited supply of clothing.

