Lord Junn

Once upon a time, the Lord Junn, a yacht, was the prized possession of Junn. Junn, a human male, held the title of Lord on the planet Naboo during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Yavin, Junn committed a treacherous act against his long-time friend, Leia Organa, by exposing her location on Naboo to her Imperial pursuers. When Organa confronted Junn about his betrayal, threatening his life, he offered her his pleasure craft in exchange for her sparing him. Organa then utilized the Lord Junn effectively in her quest to save the remaining survivors of her homeworld, Alderaan, which had recently faced destruction at the hands of the Empire.


Princess Leia's mission

The Lord Junn being crewed by the Melodic Order

During the Galactic Empire's rule, the Lord Junn belonged to Lord Junn, a resident of Naboo. In the midst of the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Empire infamously destroyed Alderaan, a peaceful planet, due to its sympathies with the Rebel cause. As the last of the Alderaanian royal family, Princess Leia Organa felt compelled to rescue all the surviving sons and daughters of Alderaan scattered across the galaxy. Her first stop was Naboo, where she saved and enlisted the Melodic Order, a group of Alderaanian musicians liberated from Imperial slavers. Following Junn's betrayal, he ceded the Lord Junn to Organa—in exchange for his life—to aid in the transport of the Alderaanians. Organa then made excellent use of the yacht, comfortably carrying around twenty Alderaanians. Madam Uwa Pareece, the leader of the Melodic Order, along with an Alderaanian pilot, navigated the yacht, along with Organa's borrowed T-1 shuttle, to the volcanic planet Sullust in the Outer Rim. Unbeknownst to everyone on board, a young musician named Tace was communicating with her sister Tula, who was using the information Tace provided to assist the Empire in tracking Organa.

The Lord Junn in orbit over volcanic Sullust

Later, the two starships made their way to the Sullust system. The Lord Junn remained in orbit, while Organa, accompanied by Evaan Verlaine and the astromech droid R2-D2, ventured to the Alderaan Enclave, a community of Alderaanians residing in a vast underground cave network, with the intention of rescuing them as well. However, the Alderaanians, under the leadership of Preserver Jora Astane, harbored deep distrust for Organa and attempted to kill her after discovering a recording of Tace and Tula originating from an Imperial cruiser, the destroyer where Tula was stationed. While on the run, Organa contacted the Lord Junn and instructed them to depart due to the presence of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer nearby. Pareece initially refused, but eventually relented when an Imperial Sentinel-class landing craft appeared on the yacht's scanners. The landing craft descended to the planet and launched an assault on the compound. The platoon of stormtroopers were swiftly defeated by Artoo's ingenious thinking. Astane then realized her mistake in distrusting Organa and pledged her allegiance to Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. Nevertheless, as Organa reminded them, they still needed to find a spy.

Over the following days, the Lord Junn and the Sullustan smuggler Nien Nunb, along with his freighter, the Mellcrawler, collaborated to transport all the Alderaanians from the Alderaan Enclave away from Sullust, safeguarding them from the Empire. Subsequently, the Lord Junn journeyed to the planet Espirion, where it remained in orbit while Nunb provided Organa with numerous blasters and blaster cannons for a clandestine operation. In the Lord Junn's grandest chamber, Organa bestowed upon Nunb her late mother's necklace, the Chalcedony waves, in recognition of his bravery. Immediately afterward, Astane arrived, with Tace in stuncuffs, having located their "spy." Organa assumed control of the situation and interrogated the young girl in the yacht's cafeteria. Tace soon confessed to communicating with her sister, but claimed ignorance of Tula's actions in relaying Organa's efforts to the Empire.

Shortly thereafter, on the Lord Junn's bridge, Organa tasked Pareece and Astane with venturing to Espirion's surface to request the Alderaanians who had resided there for generations to join the rescue mission. She then returned to Tace's quarters and instructed her to contact Tula. However, Tula sensed something was amiss; as did Dreed, Tula's commanding officer, who realized the Rebels had discovered the spying and arrested Tula. Organa quickly proposed an exchange with the commander: Organa for Tula. Organa retreated to her quarters to prepare to become the Empire's prisoner once more. Organa's T-1 shuttle docked with the Lord Junn to enable her and her pilot Covis to meet the Empire on neutral ground, the desert planet Skaradosh. Later, Organa was taken into custody, while Tula was rescued.

A multitude of starships emerge from hyperspace above Espirion, and around the Lord Junn

The Lord Junn, still orbiting Espirion awaiting Pareece and Astane's return from the reunification talks, were suddenly overwhelmed by the emergence of numerous starships of all classes from hyperspace above Espirion. These ships were crewed by Alderaanians who had come to support their princess. On Skaradosh, Verlaine and Nunb rescued Organa aboard the Mellcrawler and killed Dreed. Simultaneously, the Alderaanian fleet, led by the Lord Junn, advanced to Organa's position over Skaradosh. Informed that the ships had arrived to fight, Organa instructed them to prepare for battle. The Mellcrawler docked with the Lord Junn, allowing Organa, Verlaine, Tula, and Artoo to board. Aware that the Alderaanian fleet faced imminent danger, as Dreed's Star Destroyer sought to avenge Dreed's death by annihilating the last of the Alderaanians, the princess knew they stood little chance without the assistance of Espirion's military. Therefore, she was angered to learn that the reunification talks with Espirion's leader, Beon Beonel, had failed.

Nevertheless, Organa prepared for battle and broadcast a message to the fleet, acknowledging their slim chances against the Imperial flagship but emphasizing their unity as Alderaan. The destroyer arrived and launched numerous TIE/ln space superiority starfighters. Organa and Astane manned the Lord Junn's turrets, and the pleasure craft, along with the rest of the fleet, opened fire on the Imperials. The battle raged until the arrival of the Espirion Multi, an Espirion warship dispatched by Beonel after hearing Organa's speech, equipped with powerful laser cannons to confront the destroyer. The Espirion Multi soon delivered the decisive shot that destroyed the Imperial ship, ending the battle.

The Lord Junn leads the search for a "new Alderaan."

Soon after, dignitaries, including Nunb, the captain of the Espirion Multi, and Beonel himself, convened aboard the Lord Junn to celebrate their victory and the unification of the Alderaanian survivors. Organa, deciding to return to the Rebel Alliance to continue the fight against the Empire's tyranny, endorsed Verlaine as the steward to the throne until her return and departed. Pareece, Verlaine, Astane, and Beonel then led the search for a new world to colonize with the Alderaanian fleet, with the Lord Junn serving as the fleet's flagship during this endeavor.

