Neimoidian Royal Guard

The Neimoidian Royal Guard, also referred to as Neimoidian guards, Neimoidian soldiers, or Neimoidian gunners, constituted a military division within the government of the Neimoidian Purse World of Cato Neimoidia. Guard members also provided service to the Trade Federation. Their armor was less substantial compared to the Neimoidian heavy troops. Commandos belonging to the Neimoidian special forces similarly donned maroon armor, akin to certain members of the Royal Guard; however, a commando's close-fitting attire combined the agility of standard armor with the protective qualities of heavy troopers via its integrated plating.


Following an interrogation by the Trade Federation, Ruug Quarnom faced expulsion from the Neimoidian special forces and reassignment to the Royal Guard stationed on Cato Neimoidia. There, she received the young guard Ketar Nor as her partner, assuming the role of mentor. In the wake of a massive bombing, covertly engineered by the Sith, which devastated the Cadesura district, the Galactic Republic dispatched Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to exonerate itself and conduct an investigation. Simultaneously, the Confederacy of Independent Systems deployed Commander Asajj Ventress. Ventress successfully manipulated Nor, who harbored resentment towards the Republic due to its anti-Neimoidian prejudices, to initiate a renewed bombing campaign intended to sway his people toward the Separatists. However, the Jedi and Quarnom thwarted his plans. Although the Cato Neimoidian government maintained neutrality, Quarnom was labeled a traitor based on Nor's testimony. Subsequently, she was rescued from battle droids by Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

A Neimoidian soldier during the Blockade of Pantora

During 21 BBY, Neimoidian guards were positioned on the Trade Federation's command ship during the Blockade of Pantora. Certain guards were allocated private offices aboard the vessel. Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano employed a mind trick on a guard, enabling her and Senator Riyo Chuchi to gain entry to the detention block. Following the liberation of the abducted Chi Eekway, the Federation's envoy, accompanied by a squad of Neimoidian soldiers, arrived to intervene. To avert a scandal with the Republic concerning Sib Canay's scheme, the envoy granted them permission to depart and persuaded superiors to terminate the blockade.

Neimoidian soldiers also formed a component of the Trade Federation Home Defense Legions, which comprised the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems that opposed the Republic's 2nd Fleet, which had blockaded the Quellor sector encompassing the Federation's purse worlds. Several Neimoidian guards were stationed at a mining complex on Mustafar, tasked with safeguarding the Separatist Council. However, upon the arrival of Sith Lord Darth Vader under the directives of his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, to eliminate the Separatist Council, the Sith apprentice executed all those present.

During the New Republic Era, House Maccon hired several Neimoidian Royal Guards to serve as security personnel. In 34 ABY, Lor San Tekka journeyed to Cato Neimoidia and infiltrated the Palace of Baron Paw Maccon, disguised as a tourist on a guided tour. However, after locating the Kazerath device he sought, he was apprehended by Neimoidian guards.


The Neimoidian Guards stationed on the Droid Control Ship orbiting Pantora's moon wore gray, sharp-edged pauldrons, gauntlets, and helmets, along with bluish light armor displaying Trade Federation symbols. They were armed with Weequay blaster pistols. The soldiers involved in the conflict in the Quellor sector, later observed on Mustafar, sported bronze helmets and heavier armor, wielding long blaster rifles. During the Cold War between the First Order and the Resistance, Neimoidian guards employed by House Maccon wore gray heavy armor with bronze helmets and the standard long rifles.

Behind the scenes

During the development phase of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, an early iteration of the Neimoidian Guard design incorporated the Abyssin species, previously featured in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. This design, simply named the "Separatist Alien Guard," appeared in concept art and was subsequently included in the Star Wars: The Complete Saga Blu-ray collection.

