
Nysad, a Kajain'sa'Nikto, was among the many who served Jabba the Hutt. During the Rescue of Han Solo in 4 ABY, he met his end aboard the Khetanna at the Great Pit of Carkoon in the conflict between Jabba's forces and the companions of Luke Skywalker. Skywalker, using his lightsaber, deflected a shot fired by Nysad, resulting in Nysad's death.


Originating from the planet of Kintan, Nysad was a male Kajain'sa'Nikto. He was one of many of his species in the service of the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, forming part of the court within the Hutt's palace located on the desert planet of Tatooine. In 4 ABY, Nysad stood alongside the bounty hunter Boba Fett on the steps near Jabba's throne as the Max Rebo Band performed the song "Jedi Rocks" for the crime lord and his assembled court. Jabba, upon the song's conclusion, demanded a repeat performance, only to halt the second rendition by casting the enslaved dancer Oola, who had spurned his advances, into a pit beneath the throne room. Subsequently, Jabba's pet rancor, Pateesa, devoured her as the court observed.

Following this gruesome scene, attention shifted to the throne room's entrance as blaster fire erupted, and Princess Leia Organa, accompanied by the Wookiee Chewbacca, entered. Organa, disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh, presented Chewbacca to Jabba as her captive, prompting Jabba to offer a bounty of twenty-five thousand credits for the Wookiee. Organa, seeking a higher reward, revealed a live thermal detonator, causing Nysad and numerous other members of the court to take immediate cover. Jabba, amused, countered with an offer of thirty-five thousand credits, which Organa accepted. Nysad then returned from cover, resuming his position on the stairs as Chewbacca was escorted to the palace's dungeons.

Nysad was present to witness the capture of Leia Organa within Jabba's Palace.

Nysad was later involved in Jabba's scheme targeting Organa, who had infiltrated the palace to rescue the smuggler Han Solo, who was frozen in carbonite and displayed on the throne room wall. Boba Fett warned Jabba that Boushh was not who they appeared to be. Consequently, Jabba had Nysad and other members of his court conceal themselves behind the throne room's curtains later that night. After an hour of waiting, the princess entered the room, believing everyone to be asleep. As she freed Solo, Jabba ordered the curtains drawn back, revealing Nysad and the others, who then blocked her escape route. Subsequently, both Solo and Organa were captured.

Nysad observed the confrontation between Pateesa and Skywalker.

The following morning, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, arrived with the intention of freeing Solo, Organa, and Chewbacca. Employing Jedi mind tricks, he gained access to the court room while Jabba and many of the palace's inhabitants were still asleep, prompting him to have Jabba's majordomo Bib Fortuna awaken the Hutt. Nysad, along with guards Vizam and Klaatu, stood on the steps beside Jabba's throne as Skywalker demanded the release of his allies. Jabba refused, and when Skywalker threatened him with a blaster pistol, the Hutt caused Skywalker, along with the unfortunate Gamorrean guard Jubnuk, to fall through a trap door into a pit beneath the throne room. Nysad and the other guards rushed to a grating overlooking the pit, where Jabba's pet rancor, Pateesa, emerged and devoured Jubnuk. Skywalker, however, managed to kill the beast, infuriating Jabba, who then had Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca brought before him in the throne room. After sentencing them to execution at the Great Pit of Carkoon, Nysad joined the throng that eagerly followed the prisoners as they were led out of the room.

Nysad accompanied Jabba to the Great Pit of Carkoon aboard the Khetanna, the Hutt's sail barge, spending time both during the journey and after their arrival. The prisoners were transported on separate skiffs, and upon reaching the pit, Jabba offered them a chance to plead for their lives as Nysad and others watched from within the barge's shuttered windows. Skywalker and his allies refused, and after being forced over the edge of the skiff, the Jedi leapt back aboard and began attacking his captors with his lightsaber. After Organa closed the blinds, plunging the sail barge's interior into darkness, Skywalker fought his way to the top deck and began eliminating the guards stationed there.

Nysad, with a cackle, emerged from one of the hatches onto the barge's deck and opened fire on Skywalker with his blaster pistol. However, the Jedi deflected the shot with his [blade](/article/lightsaber] and then fatally slashed the Nikto across the chest with the lightsaber. Meanwhile, Organa strangled Jabba and then joined Skywalker on the deck to assist him, with the pair ultimately destroying the sail barge and escaping with their allies.

Behind the scenes

Nysad's initial appearance was in the 1983 original trilogy film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The helmet worn by Nysad was designed to conceal the seam located at the back of the Nikto mask.

