"Point of No Return" marks the eleventh installment of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season. This episode made its debut on April 3, 2024, simultaneously with the tenth episode.
Phee Genoa pilots her starship, the Providence, to a lunar base situated on a airless moon. She reminds MEL, her power droid, about the critical importance of obeying instructions, which includes navigating through corrosive green sludge. She assures MEL that she will repair her, just as she did previously on Andro Prime and Skara Nal. As Genoa directs a droid named Olly to replenish her ship's fuel, the Clone X trooper CX-2 stealthily boards the vessel.
While Genoa and MEL are in the refueling station's store, CX-2 inserts a computer spike into the Navigation computer. This action initially sets off an alarm, but Olly misinterprets it as a fuel pump incompatibility and adjusts the pump. While Olly is occupied with refueling, CX-2 extracts the necessary data and prepares to exit the ship. As MEL is being refueled beneath the Providence, Genoa detects movement and brandishes a sword, but is interrupted by Olly, who presents her with a fuel bill of 1,600 credits. Genoa settles the bill and inspects her starship, unaware that CX-2 is concealed behind a crate.
After Genoa's starship has taken off, CX-2 returns to his own ship and begins decrypting the data he obtained from Genoa's navicomputer. He then contacts Scorch, a Clone Commander, informing him that Cid's information was accurate and that he successfully located Genoa and accessed her navicomputer. CX-2 reveals that the decrypted data indicates Genoa frequently visits a certain planet, which he intends to investigate. Scorch instructs CX-2 to transmit the coordinates and assures him that a division will be on standby once they confirm the target's presence. Subsequently, CX-2 sets a course for the planet Pabu.
On Pabu island, the Bad Batch commence the process of loading supplies onto the Marauder. Hunter assigns Wrecker the task of loading the ship, while he and Crosshair proceed to the town to acquire rations. Wrecker requests that they bring back two ice cones. In Upper Pabu, Mox, Deke, and Stak, three former Clone cadets, are enjoying ice cones. Lyana Hazard offers Batcher a skewer.
Lyana expresses her sadness that her friend Omega must leave. Omega shares her sadness about leaving Pabu, but explains that Hunter believes it will be safer for them. Omega gives Lyana Tech's broken goggles and Wrecker's Tooka doll Lula, telling her they will serve as a reminder of them. Lyana promises to keep these items safe until Omega and her guardians return. Omega expresses her hope to return to Pabu someday, considering it her home.
Simultaneously, Wrecker complains about the extensive amount of equipment and jokingly suggests leaving Gonky behind. Unbeknownst to them, the Marauder's sensor beacon begins to activate. CX-2 approaches Pabu island and conceals his starship in a cove. In Upper Pabu, Hunter senses an impending threat and radios Omega, instructing her to prepare for immediate departure.
CX-2 ascends the Archium, where he observes Omega walking with Lyana. CX-2 contacts Scorch, confirming that he has located the target. Scorch orders him to prevent Omega from escaping, but emphasizes that she must be captured unharmed. He cautions him against repeating past errors. If the other clones interfere, Scorch instructs CX-2 to eliminate them.
Shepherd and Lyana bid farewell to the Bad Batch and Omega. Subsequently, CX-2 employs a long-range blaster to launch several time-rigged explosives onto the Marauder's hull. Wrecker notices an explosive and quickly moves Gonky out of danger before it detonates. This triggers a chain reaction of explosions that obliterate the Marauder and throw Wrecker into the water, rendering him unconscious. The Bad Batch and several locals gather at the explosion site on the waterfront. Omega attends to Wrecker, while Hunter enlists Mox and Stak to transport Wrecker to Shep's residence for medical attention. Hunter asks Deke to get AZ-3 to treat Wrecker.
Crosshair points out that their location has been compromised as a Venator-class Star Destroyer appears above Pabu island. Panic spreads among the local population as multiple LAAT gunships deploy Clone commandos and TK stormtroopers, who begin marching through the town. CX-2 issues orders for the troops to block all escape routes and to destroy skiffs and ships. LAAT gunships commence the destruction of parked skiffs and boats.
Witnessing the destruction, Omega blames herself. Hunter reassures her that the Empire is responsible and urges her to remain focused. Crosshair observes that the Empire is preventing their escape and disrupting their communications. He suggests stealing one of their gunships to contact Echo. Hunter says he will take care of it while the two of them head to Shep's home.
Meanwhile, CX-2 directs the stormtroopers to search every dwelling for Omega. Mayor Shep Hazard confronts CX-2 regarding the unprovoked Imperial attack on his village and its inhabitants. When CX-2 explains that they are searching for the fugitive Omega and displays a hologram image, Shep condemns the destruction of their docks and fishing skiffs, which the locals depend on. CX-2 disagrees, stating that he has only cut off their means of escape and warning that he is capable of much worse. CX-2 asserts that he knows the girl is present and warns that the island will be destroyed unless they surrender her. Two stormtroopers restrain Shep.
While Crosshair, Omega, and Batcher are hiding in a stairwell, a group of stormtroopers harass a couple who are protesting the search of their home. Batcher attacks the stormtroopers, who then pursue her. Crosshair assures Omega that Batcher can handle the situation. The two seek refuge with Lyana and AZI-3. Lyana is frightened, but Omega comforts her. AZI reports that Wrecker is unconscious but his vital signs are stable. Wrecker groans on the bed. Outside, stormtroopers continue to search homes and terrorize the local population.
In the meantime, Hunter ambushes a stormtrooper in the marketplace and breaks his neck. An LAAT gunship lands nearby. After the troops have dispersed, he fights the sentry and uses a crate to jump aboard the gunship. After Hunter throws off two stormtroopers, the pilot spins the aircraft in an attempt to expel him. Omega and Crosshair watch Hunter struggling to hold onto the ship. After the pilot reports his gunship has been compromised, CX-2 shoots him in the neck, causing the gunship to crash into the sea. Hunter jumps before the gunship sinks into the sea. Crosshair spots Hunter swimming ashore with his macrobinoculars.
As stormtroopers converge on the Hazard residence, Omega and Crosshair discuss their next course of action. While Hunter wants to adhere to the plan, Omega argues that the Empire is aware of their presence and will not cease their pursuit until they capture her. Omega proposes that she surrender so that she can be taken to Tantiss. She states that she will keep her comm on her to transmit the coordinates to the others. Omega tells Crosshair this is their chance to find the coordinates to Tantiss Base and rescue their Clone brethren. Crosshair thinks it won't work, promoting Omega to suggest shooting a temporary tracker onto the Imperial ship they take her away in. Crosshair thinks the plan is unviable but Omega urges him to focus on the bigger mission.
Subsequently, Imperial troops have gathered several civilians and are preparing to set fire to a building. Omega demands that they stop, announcing that she is surrendering. CX-2 orders his stormtroopers and Clone commandos to maintain vigilance since a third clone is still at large. Omega approaches CX-2, telling him to take her and leave the people of Pabu alone because they are innocent. CX-2 handcuffs her and orders that she be scanned for tracking devices. He tells her that she shouldn't have come to Pabu. One of the TK troopers uses a datapad to scan and CX-2 confiscates her comlink.
Crosshair evades patrolling stormtroopers while Hunter wades ashore. He encounters Batcher on the beach and strokes him. Omega walks through the burning docks with her captors. CX-2 summons his ship and marches her up the gangplank. Crosshair attempts to fire a homing beacon onto the ship but is spotted by stormtroopers, whom he fights with both his firearm and in hand to hand combat. As CX-2 departs, Crosshair fires a homing beacon but it misses the ship and crashes into the sea. Crosshair watches in defeat. CX-2 reports he has acquired his target while Omega meditates as they jump into hyperspace.