Rescue on Ryloth (episode)

The twelfth episode of the animated web-TV series Star Wars: The Bad Batch is entitled "Rescue on Ryloth". This episode premiered on July 16, back in 2021.

Official description

The Bad Batch are given a perilous assignment to complete.

Plot summary

Traitor of Ryloth

Rampart, holding the rank of Vice Admiral, and Captain Howzer are seen traversing the detention area within the Capitol building of Lessu, which is the primary city on the planet of Ryloth. Upon reaching the holding cell of Cham Syndulla and Eleni Syndulla, Rampart taunts Cham, reminding him that he was once hailed as Ryloth's liberator but is now considered its betrayer following his attempted assassination of Senator Orn Free Taa. Cham counters that the populace won't be fooled by the Empire's fabrications, but Rampart is confident that they will readily turn against him. He then addresses Eleni, imploring her to reveal the whereabouts of Hera Syndulla and promising her safety upon her return. However, Eleni retorts that she has witnessed Rampart's treatment of his allies and prefers to be his adversary. As Rampart departs, Howzer casts a worried glance at the Syndullas.

Rampart orders Howzer to arrest all of Cham's supporters.

Rampart issues an order to Howzer, directing him to search the whole planet and detain anyone who supports Cham Syndulla. Howzer responds that the people aren't rebels and haven't broken any laws, but Rampart insists they pose a threat, having attacked the Imperial transport and shot Senator Taa. Howzer objects, stating that he was present and the blast that struck Taa didn't originate from Cham or his fighters. Rampart questions the clone trooper, asking who was responsible, and Howzer confesses he doesn't know. Rampart instructs him to execute his orders, and while Howzer pledges to find Hera himself, Rampart informs him that it's unnecessary, as another squad is already searching for her. As they re-enter the building, the astromech droid Chopper emerges from behind a nearby container and begins to vocalize.

A call for help

Hera, positioned in the mountains above her family's residence, instructs Chopper to remain steady as she uses her macrobinoculars to observe stormtroopers and troopers from Elite Squad searching their home. The elite troopers report to Crosshair, stating there's no trace of Hera and suggesting she has left the planet. Crosshair insists she wouldn't abandon her parents and orders them to continue searching. Hera contacts Chopper via her comlink, instructing him to meet her at her father's former command outpost to transmit a transmisison.

Via hologram, Hera asks the Bad Batch for help rescuing her parents.

Aboard the Marauder, Omega is occupied with repairing Gonky's main power source, which is failing to charge fully, and Hunter tells her he's a defective unit. As Tech summons Hunter to the cockpit, Omega assures the droid that they are all defective as well. Tech announces the reception of a transmission from an unknown frequency, and a hologram of Hera appears, informing Omega that her parents have been captured and pleading for their assistance. Hunter questions Omega about providing Hera with their comm channel, and she explains it was for emergencies, emphasizing the urgency of Hera's situation. Tech expresses skepticism, suggesting Hera may be exaggerating due to her youth. Hunter reminds her of the vastness of the galaxy and their inability to help everyone, but Omega challenges his statement, asserting that helping is what soldiers are supposed to do.

Hard decisions

Before agreeing to help Hera, the Bad Batch want to scout out the situation in Lessu.

The Marauder exits hyperspace above Ryloth and proceeds into a canyon region, landing on a platform at the outpost cave. Clone Force 99 disembarks and are greeted by Chopper and Hera, who have been concealing themselves there. When Hunter inquires about the Empire's pursuit of her, Hera explains they are arresting anyone loyal to her father. Hunter appears unconvinced, and Hera, in desperation, offers payment to free her parents. Hunter consents to assess the situation but makes no promises.

From the mountains, Hera and the Bad Batch observe the city as Rampart addresses the citizens of Ryloth, announcing the detention of those responsible for the shocking attack on their Senator Taa, assuring them of his full recovery. When Omega identifies Crosshair in the city, the rest of the Batch retreat to discuss their next move. Wrecker suggests a direct assault, but Echo points out that their ship would be detected by scanners, and the troop presence is similar to that on Raxus, indicating a military occupation. A probe droid appears overhead, but Hunter detects and disables it, though they realize Crosshair and the Empire are now aware of their presence. In the city below, ES-02 presents Crosshair with a datapad displaying the probe droid's image of his former comrades.

Back at the base, Hunter informs Hera that they cannot assist her, especially now that the element of surprise is gone and the Empire will heighten security in anticipation of an attack. Hera, in desperation, offers to double their payment, but Hunter bluntly states that credits are worthless if they're dead, and he proposes taking Hera off-world, deeming the rescue of her parents not worth the risk. Hera retorts that it's only not worth it to him and walks away, followed by Chopper. Angrily, Omega scolds Hunter for his response, and he explains that being strategic means knowing one's limitations. Omega counters that Hera is trying to protect her family and that she would do the same for Hunter and the others.

In the city, Rampart tells Howzer that he wants all, not just some, of Cham's supporters arrested. Howzer is concerned that arresting innocent citizens will provoke an uprising, but Rampart simply replies that they should be arrested too, believing peace has a cost. As they enter the Vice Admiral's office, Crosshair announces Clone Force 99 were spotted near the Capitol. Rampart says they have a battalion of troopers, but Crosshair tells him it isn't enough given the Batch's capabilities. Rampart reminds Crosshair that if his squad of Imperial troops is incapable of capturing, he will assign the task to someone who can.

A rescue plan

Chopper attempts to communicate with Hera, but she is upset, stating she doesn't want a lecture and reminding him that Hunter was the one who gave up, not her. Omega finds Hera and assures her that Hunter means well. When Hera asks why she trusts Hunter so much, Omega describes him as her brother, as are the rest of the squad. She tells Hera that Hunter will come around if they can come up with a strategy, pointing out that Hera knows Ryloth best.

Howzer visits Cham and Eleni in the detention block. Bitterly, Cham observes the side Howzer has chosen, to which the clone reminds them that they attacked an Imperial convoy. Eleni says they were only protecting Hera, and Howzer looks around surreptitiously before confiding that he was trying to protect her, too. He begs them to reveal Hera's location so he can protect her, but they don't believe him, and Cham insists he won't make the mistake of trusting Howzer again.

Onboard the Marauder, the group prepares to attack the refinery.

At Syndulla's base, Hera and Omega present their plan: one team will target the Imperial doonium refinery on the city's outskirts, drawing away reinforcements, while the other team rescues her parents. Echo inquires about defenses at the refinery, and Hera explains there are five unmanned perimeter autocannons, which Chopper can disable from the command console. Hunter decides to follow Hera's lead, instructing her and Omega to support Chopper while he disables the cannons, then Tech and Wrecker will attack the refinery while he and Echo scale the Capitol wall and rescue the Syndullas.

Attacking the refinery

Later that night, Hera and Omega take up their positions as several Twi'lek workers and astromech droids, including Chopper in disguise, disembark from a transport outside the refinery's checkpoint. Chopper blends in with the astromech droids but breaks away to reach the command console. He incapacitates an Imperial astromech droid manning the console and attempts to access the network terminal. However, Chopper is unable to access the cannons and is cornered by two clone troopers. Hera insists that they help Chopper. While peering through the macrobinoculars, Omega says they need to take the console offline first. When Hera asks how, Omega points to one of the parked Imperial Rho-class transport shuttles and reminds Hera that she said she wanted to be a pilot.

Hera piloting the Imperial shuttle

Meanwhile, Hunter and Echo scale the Capitol wall and knock out a clone trooper sentry. Back at the Imperial refinery, Omega and Hera infiltrate a parked shuttle. Tech asks Omega if Chopper has disabled the cannons, and Omega replies that they are working on it, warning him not to shoot down their shuttle. Hera fires up the shuttle but struggles to control the ship, colliding with another ship and scattering the craft. She manages to fly the shuttle near Chopper, who takes the opportunity to stun his two clone trooper captors in the confusion. Hera uses the shuttle's weapons system to take out the command console, and the explosion triggers a wave of explosions. Chopper fires up his thrusters and boards the Nu-class attack shuttle, and the trio fly away. When Tech inquires about the multiple explosions at the refinery, Omega confirms it was them and that the weapons are down. The Marauder then descends on the undefended refinery, with Tech piloting and Wrecker using the Marauder's weapons systems to take out the gun emplacements. The clone trooper commander calls for reinforcements.

Rescuing the Ryloth resistance

Captain Howzer informs Vice Admiral Rampart that the refinery is under attack. He offers to deal with it, but Rampart insists on handling it himself, ordering Howzer to guard the Capitol. Meanwhile, Hunter and Echo stun the sentries guarding the Syndullas' cell and frees Cham, Eleni, and Gobi Glie. Glie is surprised to see the Bad Batch rescuing them, believing them to be mercenaries. Hunter explains that Hera hired them, and Cham asks if Hera is safe.

While Hera enjoys flying the Nu-class shuttle, Tech says her uncontrolled maneuvering confuses both him and the Imperials. At the Capitol, Crosshair accompanies several clone troopers and Elite Squad Troopers heading towards the refinery. When Crosshair tells them to stop, ES-03 says Rampart ordered them to protect the refinery, but Crosshair points out this is not the enemy's true target. Crosshair turns to look at the Capitol building as shuttles lift off, and Howzer watches Crosshair from a balcony before walking back inside the building. As Hunter and Echo escort the Twi'leks through the prison corridors, Crosshair's troops form positions outside one of the doorways while he takes up position on a balcony.

As Hunter, Echo, Cham, Eleni, and the other Twi'lek resistance fighters approach the doorway, Howzer warns them of the trap into which they are walking, removing his helmet as he tells them of the squad waiting outside the door. Glie is distrustful, but Howzer replies that he is on their side and insists that the Empire's actions are wrong. He faces the armed Hunter and Echo, urging them to escape but that the exits are blocked, but Eleni proposes using Senator Taa's shuttle in his private tower hangar. Howzer apologizes for not stopping the Empire's actions earlier. Cham reassures him that their fight for Ryloth is not over, vowing to return. Eleni invites Howzer to leave with them because the Empire will know of his treachery; however, Howzer is unwilling to abandon his squad, and he says he will try to get through to them, urging them to leave while there is still time. The insurgents and their clone rescuers flee in a different direction while Howzer prepares to face the Imperials.

Howzer's rebellion

After helping the rebels escape, Howzer voices his dissention from the Empire.

Later, Hunter updates Tech about their new escape plans. Tech is relieved since they are being pursued by multiple Imperial vessels. Meanwhile, ES-04 asks Crosshair if they should move in. Crosshair orders her to stay in position and insists this is their way out. Then, Howzer exits the gate and speaks to the clone troopers, addressing them as brothers. He reminds them that they came to free Ryloth from Separatist control and that they have succeeded. Howzer tells them that they have been ordered to target the very people they have sworn to protect.

He says that he will not be a part of this any longer before throwing down his blaster. He asks if any of the clone troopers will stand with him. Several drop their blasters and shields. Watching from above, Crosshair orders loyalist clone troopers to arrest the mutineers. Just then, the fugitives escape in Senator Taa's stolen shuttle. Crosshair tries to shoot it down but misses. Hunter watches from above while Crosshair glares. Captain Howzer, along with six of his brothers, are arrested and handcuffed.

Live to fight another day

Hunter speaks to Cham and Eleni before leaving Ryloth.

The Bad Batch pilot their ships to a hangar in Ord Mantell City, where they meet with Cham Syndulla and his Free Ryloth fighters. Eleni offers to compensate the Bad Batch for their assistance, but Hunter declines, advising them to retain the funds for their needs, noting that similar occupations are occurring on other planets. Cham expresses his hope that he had fought his last war, but acknowledges that his people require their assistance more than ever, and he pledges to begin to organize. Hunter offers his apologies for being unable to provide further assistance, citing his responsibility to care for his own people. Eleni suggests that if a war is on the horizon, it will involve everyone, not just the Twi'leks.

Eleni summons her daughter Hera, who has acquired the skill of scrambling a ship's signature from Tech. Eleni expresses her admiration and suggests that she will have opportunities to utilize it. Before departing, Hera reassures her co-pilot Omega that they performed adequately. Omega expresses sadness at her friend's departure, but Hera promises to reunite with her. She instructs Omega to watch over her brothers and expresses gratitude for her belief in her. Hera embraces Omega before departing with her parents and Chopper aboard another vessel.

Returning to the damaged refinery, Vice Admiral Rampart engages in conversation with Crosshair. Rampart concedes that he underestimated the capabilities of his four "friends" and expresses his desire for the Bad Batch to be fighting for the Empire rather than against it. Crosshair requests authorization to pursue the Bad Batch, which the Vice Admiral grants. Crosshair responds with a dark smile as Rampart and his troops depart.


During an early scene where Rampart and Howzer pass through a doorway in the Capitol, the clone stationed beside the door is missing the left pauldron piece from his armor.


