Reva's lightsaber

The lightsaber of Reva, also referred to as the double-bladed Inquisitor Lightsaber of Reva, or the Third Sister's lightsaber, was a weapon used by the Jedi hunter known as Reva, or the Third Sister, while she served the Galactic Empire. It bore a resemblance to the double-bladed spinning lightsabers used by other Imperial Inquisitors. As the hunt for Obi-Wan Kenobi concluded, Reva chose to abandon her lightsaber, intending to reject the dark side of the Force.


Sevander holding her ignited lightsaber

Unlike many Inquisitors who carried their lightsabers on their backs, the Third Sister opted to keep hers hanging on her right side. The saber possessed the ability to split into two distinct blades, with the ringed emitter retracting along the sides, allowing the hilt to extend and separate. This feature enabled Reva to effectively utilize her Jar'Kai skills, which she had honed under the instruction of the Grand Inquisitor. The saber's kyber crystals were originally owned by Jedi who met their death during the Great Jedi Purge and were subsequently bled by Reva herself.


In 9 BBY, the Third Sister wielded this lightsaber during the Inquisitors' pursuit of the Jedi Nari, which led them to a saloon in Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. As Nari attempted an escape, the Third Sister ignited her lightsaber and lunged at him, but the Grand Inquisitor intervened using the Force to halt her blade, resulting in only an injury to Nari's left shoulder. Following Nari's escape, the Grand Inquisitor reprimanded the Third Sister for her impulsiveness in attempting to kill a Jedi he intended to interrogate. While the Inquisitors sought information regarding the Jedi's location, the Third Sister threatened to cut off the hands of those who refused to cooperate, using a woman who disputed the Galactic Empire's authority over the Outer Rim Territories as an example. Subsequently, the Third Sister directed her attention toward moisture farmer Owen Lars, menacing him with her lightsaber, but the Fifth Brother commanded her to stand down.

Later, the Third Sister brandished her lightsaber on Daiyu, where she orchestrated the kidnapping of Princess Leia Organa as a means to lure Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi out of his refuge. Cornering Kenobi in a shipyard, the Third Sister was interrupted by the Grand Inquisitor, who instructed her to step aside to prevent her from jeopardizing their target. In response, the Third Sister used her lightsaber to stab the Grand Inquisitor in the abdomen. Despite Kenobi's escape with Organa, the Third Sister managed to capture the young princess on Mapuzo, taking her to Fortress Inquisitorius on the moon Nur. She then employed her lightsaber to defend against an attack on the fortress, deflecting cannon fire from two T-47 airspeeders piloted by members of the Hidden Path.

Reva tries to kill Vader

Exploiting the attack, the Third Sister successfully located the Path's base along with Kenobi. She spearheaded the attack on Jabiim and used her lightsaber to breach the hideout doors, resulting in Kenobi's brief capture. Discovering the Third Sister's true intention to assassinate Darth Vader, Kenobi escaped, prompting the Third Sister to attack Vader with her lightsaber. However, the Sith Lord employed the Force to halt the blade, seizing the weapon from her grasp, splitting it in two, and dueling her with one half. Vader swiftly defeated the lone Inquisitor, impaling her with her own lightsaber, revealing that the Grand Inquisitor had survived her treachery.

The Third Sister survived her wound and journeyed to Tatooine after intercepting fragments of a transmission from Bail Organa mentioning Owen Lars. She attacked the Lars homestead and attempted to slay an unconscious Luke Skywalker with her lightsaber, but hesitated at the prospect of murdering children as Vader had done to her fellow Jedi Initiates. Upon Kenobi's return to Tatooine following a duel with Vader, Reva returned Skywalker to his family. Kenobi reassured Reva, affirming that she had not become Vader, and Reva left her lightsaber in the sand.

Behind the scenes

The double-bladed Inquisitor Lightsaber of Reva made its debut in the first episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, which premiered on May 26, 2022. A article discussing Hasbro products unveiled at Celebration Anaheim in 2022 initially identified it. A video on the Star Wars YouTube channel, covering news and reveals from Celebration Anaheim, first identified it as Reva's lightsaber. A article about the Reva Force FX Elite Lightsaber first identified it as the Third Sister's lightsaber.

Lightsaber prop used in Obi-Wan Kenobi

The lightsaber represented a completely new design created for the Third Sister. Doug Chiang, the vice president and executive creative director at Lucasfilm, developed many of the original concepts for the lightsaber. The splitting functionality into two separate sabers posed a challenge for the prop makers because the two halves did not appear aesthetically pleasing with the circle splitting in half. Brad Elliott, the propmaster, and his team conceived the idea that as the weapon separates into two pieces, internal handle extensions would extend to the grip, and retracting guards would pull in on themselves. They also had to conceptualize how the half-circle version transforms into a full circle when it spins. The designers determined that the semi-circle version would telescope out to create the full circle. Moses Ingram, the actress portraying the Third Sister, received the lightsaber as a gift from Kathleen Kennedy, the president of Lucasfilm. The weapon was customized to fit Ingram's hands.

Ingram frequently applied icing to her hands before mastering the art of wielding her lightsaber. Elliott and his team ensured that the size of the rings and handles were appropriate for the intended character. Ingram received fight training from Ewan McGregor, the actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi, who provided encouragement as she navigated rookie mistakes. During training, Ingram identified necessary modifications to the lightsaber, leading to several revisions. Depending on the scene being filmed, Ingram utilized three different lightsabers: a full-length prop, a medium prop, and a very small prop. Ingram also had a practice lightsaber that she took home. Industrial Light & Magic's visual effects enhanced the practical prop to achieve the lightsaber's transformation into a full circle. The props department confiscated the lightsaber whenever Ingram was off-camera.

