Sai'torr Kal Fas

Sai'torr Kal Fas, a Saurin female, distinguished herself as a proficient warrior. She served as a bodyguard for her cousin, Hrchek Kal Fas. During a visit to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine, the planet, in 0 BBY, Hrchek prudently kept her nearby. While present, the two Saurins observed Wuher, the bartender, reprimanding Luke Skywalker, a moisture farmer, concerning the droids he had brought. Subsequently, they turned their attention to a confrontation involving Skywalker and the criminals Cornelius Evazan, a Doctor, and Ponda Baba. This altercation concluded when Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, used his lightsaber to incapacitate the criminals.


Sai'torr Kal Fas (left) and Hrchek Kal Fas (center) were patrons of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina.

As a Saurin female, Sai'torr Kal Fas functioned as a bodyguard protecting her relative, Hrchek Kal Fas. In the year 0 BBY, both were employed as traders and made an appearance at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, situated in the Mos Eisley spaceport of Tatooine, the designated planet. The locals referred to them as "Crockers." Hrchek made the smart decision to keep Sai'torr in close proximity during their visit to the cantina. While at the bar, the Saurin stood a few spots away when Luke Skywalker, the local moisture farmer, entered the establishment accompanied by Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Master, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Before the arrival of Zutton, the Snivvian, Sai'torr engaged in conversation with a human at the bar, her back facing Skywalker. Subsequently, Sai'torr, Zutton, and Hrchek collectively turned to observe Skywalker when Wuher, the bartender, loudly declared that droids were prohibited within the cantina. Following this, Sai'torr resumed her conversation with Zutton as Skywalker escorted the droids outside. With the human now returned beside her at the bar, Sai'torr's attention was once more drawn to Skywalker as he faced a confrontation with Cornelius Evazan, a Doctor, and Ponda Baba, the two criminals. After Kenobi's attempt to intervene, Evazan forcibly pushed Skywalker to the ground, leading the Jedi to strike the two criminals with his lightsaber.

Kenobi then cast a challenging gaze around the room. Sai'torr, Hrchek, and the other patrons nonchalantly resumed their drinking. Sai'torr engaged in conversation with the human patron and Nabrun Leids, a Morseerian, at the bar, while Skywalker and Kenobi joined Han Solo and Chewbacca, the smugglers, at a table. The bodyguard remained in the conversation as Imperial stormtroopers entered the cantina and walked past her, causing Skywalker and Kenobi to depart. Standing together at the bar, the two cousins observed Solo tipping Wuher as he left, having shot Greedo, the bounty hunter.

Personality and traits

Sai'torr Kal Fas is characterized by her green skin and black eyes.

Skills and abilities

Sai'torr Kal Fas demonstrated proficiency as a skilled warrior.


During her time in the cantina, Sai'torr was seen wearing a green shirt beneath a tan, sleeveless jacket.

Behind the scenes

Barbara Frankland played the role of Sai'torr Kal Fas in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The cantina scenes in which she participated were filmed between April 13 and April 22, 1976, on Stage 6 at Elstree Studios. On set, Franklin and Laurie Goode, the actor portraying Hrchek Kal Fas, discussed the breathing difficulties experienced while wearing the Saurin masks. Goode provided Franklin with a tip, suggesting she insert her hand into the mask's mouth to improve ventilation, which Franklin subsequently implemented. Initially, the Saurins wore green dish gloves adorned with warts and scales on set. However, due to excessive peeling, these were replaced with plain dish gloves.

Sai'torr Kal Fas mask was created by Stuart Freeborn.

John Mollo, the costume designer, created a concept sketch of the Saurins, labeling them as "Crocker" and also referring to them as "Gila-Men." Stuart Freeborn, the creature designer, created the masks for Sai'torr Kal Fas and Hrchek Kal Fas, drawing inspiration from a crocodile. This inspiration led to the crew nicknaming the pair "Crocker." Hrcheck's mask was later modified for use by the character Bossk in the 1980 sequel to A New Hope, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, whereas Sai'torr's mask remained unchanged and became part of the private collection of

Within the current Star Wars canon, Sai'torr Kal Fas was first identified in the mobile card game Star Wars: Force Collection, which was launched in 2013. Although the launch of Force Collection occurred before the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Leland Chee, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, confirmed that the game was continuously updated to align with canon. The character's name originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, where she was initially identified on a card in the 1995 Premiere Limited expansion set for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game produced by Decipher. There were considerations to officially name one of the two Saurin "Gilaass," but this name was ultimately never utilized.

