The ninth installment in Del Rey's Essential Guide collection, The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels provides an extensive examination of a hundred spacecraft, starfighters, and various aerial machines originating from the original trilogy, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and the Expanded Universe, notably the New Jedi Order saga. Each entry spans one to two pages and incorporates comprehensive diagrams. Nevertheless, the book contained some noticeable inaccuracies.
It saw republication as a component of The New Essential Guide to Characters, Weapons and Technology, and Vehicles and Vessels during the year 2005.
- Preface
- A Beginner's Introduction to Technology
- Principal Manufacturers
- Armored Assault Tank
- Anakin's Airspeeder
- Airspeeder Types V-wing airspeeder T-24 airspeeder Talon I combat cloud car Utilitech Metrocab TaggeCo. cargohopper Gaba-18 airspeeder Zam's airspeeder Anakin's airspeeder J12 twin-pod airspeeder M31-Speeder T-77 Experimental Airspeeder Tsik vai (Yuuzhan Vong flier)
- All Terrain Armored Transport
- All Terrain Personal Transport
- All Terrain Scout Transport
- All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
- RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
- Tribubble bongo
- B-wing starfighter
- Nssis-class Clawcraft
- CloakShape fighter
- Storm IV Twin-Pod cloud car
- OG-9 homing spider droid
- Yorik-et (Coralskipper)
- NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer
- Bantha-II cargo skiff
- Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship
- Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I
- Eclipse-class dreadnought
- E-wing escort starfighter
- Executor-class Star Dreadnought ( Executor )
- Seraph-class urban landspeeder
- Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter
- V-19 landspeeder
- IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank
- Scurrg H-6 Bomber ( Havoc )
- YV-666 light freighter ( Hound's Tooth )
- I-7 Howlrunner
- Aggressor assault fighter ( IG-2000 )
- Sentinel-class landing craft
- Lambda-class T-4a shuttle ( Tydirium )
- " Villie Special" Big Wing ( Inferno )
- Immobilizer 418 cruiser
- Luxury-class sail barge ( Khetanna )
- Sekotan Personal Starship ( Jabitha )
- Horizon-class star yacht ( Jade Shadow )
- Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor
- HAVw A5 Juggernaut
- BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter
- Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 ( Lady Luck )
- Luke's landspeeder
- Landspeeder Types Watto's landspeeder V-35 Courier A-A5 Speeder Truck Arrow-23 landspeeder Astral-8 Tantive IV landspeeder JG-8 luxury landspeeder LUX-3 landspeeder XP-38A utility landspeeder Luke's landspeeder V-19 landspeeder Seraph-class urban landspeeder Lars' landspeeder
- YT-1300 light freighter ( Millennium Falcon )
- MC80 Star Cruiser ( Home One )
- Multi-Troop Transport
- J-type diplomatic barge
- J-type 327 Nubian royal starship
- N-1 starfighter
- YT-2400 light freighter ( Outrider )
- Padmé's H-type Nubian yacht
- Podracer ( Anakin's )
- Podracer Types Ben Quadinaros's |Podracer Ratts Tyerell's Podracer Boles Roor's Podracer Dud Bolt's Podracer Anakin Skywalker's Podracer Mars Guo's Podracer Sebulba's Podracer Teemto Pagalies's Podracer Aldar Beedo's Podracer Neva Kee's Podracer Gasgano's Podracer Ark Roose's Podracer Ody Mandrell's Podracer Elan Mak's Podracer Ebe E. Endocott's Podracer Mawhonic's Podracer Wan Sandage's Podracer Clegg Holdfast's Podracer Knire Dark's Podracer Zanales's Podracer
- Rebel CR90 Corellian Corvette ( Tantive IV )
- Rebel EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate ( Redemption )
- Rebel GR-75 medium transport ( Bright Hope )
- Acclamator-class assault ship
- Consular-class space cruiser ( Radiant VII )
- Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
- Sandcrawler
- Cutlass-9 patrol fighter ( Sharp Spiral )
- Star Courier prototype ( Scimitar )
- FC-20 speeder bike ( Bloodfin )
- T-16 skyhopper
- Firespray-class starship ( Slave I )
- T-47 airspeeder Snowspeeder
- Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop
- 74-Z speeder bike
- Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery
- Single Trooper Aerial Platform
- Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
- Air-2 racing swoop
- Swoop Types Overracer Flare-S swoop FC-20 speeder bike JR-4 swoop MVR-3 speeder bike Peregrine-240 swoop 74-Z speeder bike Flitknot speeder Zephyr-G swoop Keluda's speeder bike
- Hardcell-class interstellar transport
- TIE Advanced x1
- TIE bomber
- TIE Defender
- TIE fighter
- TIE Interceptor
- Vangaak
- StarViper-class attack platform ( Virago )
- V-wing airspeeder
- Action VI bulk transport ( Wild Karrde )
- T-65 X-wing starfighter
- Yorik-trema
- Miid ro'ik
- Koros-Strohna
- BTL Y-wing starfighter
- Z-95 Headhunter
- Appendices A Concise History of Warfare The Battle of Naboo The First Battle of Geonosis The Battle of Yavin The Battle of Hoth The Battle of Endor Other Vehicles and Vessels of Note A-9 Vigilance interceptor Amphibion A-vek Iiluunu Starmite-class freighter (Bria) Carrack-class light cruiser Chariot LAV Chu'unthor Talon I combat cloud car Coral Vanda Dreadnaught-class cruiser Enforcer One Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser (Flurry) Guardian Mantis Hapan Battle Dragon Hapes Nova-class battle cruiser KR-TB "Doomtreader" (Hell's Anvil) Heyblibber Hornet Interceptor Seltiss-2 caravel Xiytiar-class transport (Hyperspace Marauder) I'Friil Ma-Nat Y-4 Raptor-class transport Ithullian ore hauler Minstrel-class space yacht (Star Jewel) Luxury 3000 (Jade's Fire) Jade Sabre Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry (Jaster's Legacy) Lancer-class frigate Kor Chokk (Legacy of Torment) Marauder-class corvette E-2 asteroid mining vehicle (Marauder Starjacker) Miy'til assault bomber Miy'til starfighter HWK-290 light freighter (Moldy Crow) MC80B Star Cruiser (Mon Remonda) MorningStar Mountain Terrain Armored Transport NB-1S Royal Bomber Coruscant-class Heavy Courier (Nebulon Ranger) Sheathipede-class shuttle (Lapiz Cutter) TIE Phantom S40K Phoenix Hawk-class light pinnace TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank Ro'ik chuun m'arh Sabaoth starfighter Scarab-class starfighter Scimitar assault bomber Shieldship Sith Meditation Sphere Sh'rip Sh'pa Shree-class battle cruiser (Shriwirr) Skipray Blastboat Pursuer-class enforcement ship (Slave II) Speeder bus Sh'ner-class planetary assault carrier Fw'Sen-class picket ship Star Home Starlight Intruder Conqueror-class assault ship (Stinger) Storm Sun Crusher Suuv Ban D'Krid Ithorian Herdship (Tafanda Bay) TIE/ad starfighter TIE crawler TIE/D automated starfighter TIE/fc starfighter TIE/gt starfighter TIE/rc starfighter TIE/sh shuttle TIE Vanguard TYE-wing Trade Federation gunboat Tsik vai Uro-ik v'alh Uumufalh Yorik-stronha (Stalking Moon) Yorik-ta Zoomer Hyperdrive Classification