
Gumar was a villager who lived on the planet Andraven. In 232 BBY, when it came time to migrate the wellagrin creatures from one side of a mountain to the other, he and his friend Jam were joined by a trio of Jedi younglings: Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs. Their mission began well, with Gumar using his Andraven flute to return a couple of wellagrins who had gone astray back to the herd. When Solay tried using the flute, however, she caused the wellagrins to stampede and bring about an avalanche, splitting up the creatures.

The Jedi and villagers split up to reunite the wellagrins, which they successfully did, reaching the top of the mountain. However, just as they were about to continue their journey, Jam got separated from the group, forcing them to search for him. When they found him, he and Gumar ran toward each other, causing another avalanche. The five were able to traverse the falling snow by riding on the wellagrins' backs, landing at the orchard where they planned to take the creatures.

Sometime later, Gumar was in charge of overseeing the annual wellagrin hatching, and the Jedi returned to Andraven to witness it. The process was interrupted and nearly derailed by the businessman Raxlo, whose harvester melted snow near the eggs. Gumar and the Jedi were able to put a stop to the device, saving the baby wellagrins.

Migration time

Gumar was an individual who resided on the snow planet Andraven during the High Republic Era. In 232 BBY, a trio of Jedi younglings—the human Kai Brightstar, the Pantoran Lys Solay, and the Pooba Nubs—visited Andraven during the migration of the wellagrin creatures of the planet. After the Jedi played with the herd for a bit, learning to ride the creatures, Gumar and his younger acquaintance, Jam, were impressed and complimented Solay on her quick learning. Their master, Jedi Master Zia Zanna, then informed them via hologram that they were to accompany the wellagrins on their migration, which Gumar explained was to give them access to more food. The wellagrin trainer, Varna, cautioned them to avoid avalanches, but Gumar assured the younglings that if they stayed with him and Jam, they would be just fine.

Gumar was an effective flute player.

Gumar was an effective flute player.

The villagers, Jedi, and wellagrins then set off, with Gumar noting that they loved to explore and swim in groups. A couple from the herd, however, broke off and headed for a cliff. Solay cried out with concern, but Gumar told her to watch and played an Andraven flute, which drew the runaway wellagrins back to him. He explained that they used the flutes to signal which direction for the wellagrins to swim. Jam then tried to play as well, but he was not able to get the same sounds that Gumar had. The younger villager handed flutes to each of the Jedi to try—Brightstar attempted first but sounded, in his estimation, like a sick bantha, a creature native to the planet Tatooine. Gumar sympathized with the difficulty of playing the Andraven flute, encouraging Brightstar that he would get better with practice.

Well, well, wellagrins…

Gumar (second from right) and the others after the avalanche

Gumar (second from right) and the others after the avalanche

Solay then noticed one of the wellagrins, Snowball, veering up a slope and off the trail. Gumar expressed worry, so Solay tried to signal Snowball with a flute. Her inexperienced playing, however, made everyone wince and prompted the wellagrins to stampede, causing an avalanche. Gumar told the group they had to get to higher ground, insisting to a concerned Solay that the wellagrins could swim through the snow and would be fine. The three Jedi and two villagers were able to climb to a higher rock, waiting for the avalanche to subside. After it had, Gumar checked to make sure everyone had gotten through unscathed.

Coming back down to the trail, Solay lamented at losing the wellagrins, blaming herself for thinking she could play the flute like Gumar. Nubs suggested that Gumar play the flute again, but he informed the Pooba that they would not hear it from as far away as they were. Instead, they decided to split up in order to find the herd. Gumar and Solay together found a wellagrin tangled up in foliage. The Pantoran started by walking up to the creature, but it was resistant, so she tried again, this time going down to her knees and speaking gently with the wellagrin. It let up, giving the Jedi room to free it from the bushes. Gumar was impressed with Solay's skill and love for creatures.

In a jam

Brightstar then called the pair via holo, asking for help. He and Nubs were trying to move a stationary wellagrin, which Gumar, with a laugh, declared would not move. Solay noticed berries in a nearby tree, so she jumped up, grabbing a snack with which to entice the creature to move. Soon, the group had re-gathered the whole herd and reached the top of the mountain as fresh snow began to fall. Gumar, noticing this, re-emphasized that they would need to get to the orchard before dark. Solay, however, then realized that Jam was nowhere to be seen. The four called for him, but it was too snowy to see anything.

Gumar (left) tries to grab hold of Jam.

Gumar (left) tries to grab hold of Jam.

Solay became overwhelmed with the stress of the mission, but Nubs reminded her of Master Zanna's advice to take a breath, focus, and trust the Force. After the three Jedi completed the exercise, Solay decided to play her flute in the hopes that Jam would hear it and play his back, leading the group to his whereabouts. Gumar and the others looked up expectantly, and eventually, the notes of a flute came in response. The group linked together and found Jam, who ran to embrace Gumar. However, his and Gumar's sprinting cracked ice underneath, causing another avalanche. Gumar, Jam, and the Jedi slid down alongside the swimming wellagrins—Solay jumped onto the nearest's back and suggested the others do the same. Brightstar, Nubs, and Gumar were able to do so, and the latter tried to pull Jam onto his, but the child's hand slipped away.

Jam continued sliding down and was able to join Solay on her mount. The group, wellagrins and all, successfully glided into the orchard, completing their mission. That night, surrounding a heater, Solay recounted the day's adventures to Zanna. A snowball fight then broke out, with the kids giggling all the while.

Gumar, Jam, and Varna later visited the Jedi's planet of Tenoo for the settlement Kublop Springs' Visitor's Day, which attracted guests from all over the galaxy. They were in the audience when Solay unveiled the sculpture the town had created for the day.

Wellagrin from ear to ear

Gumar frets about the warming eggs.

Gumar frets about the warming eggs.

The Jedi returned to Andraven to witness the hatching of baby wellagrins. Nubs played with the adult creatures in the wellagrin pen, and Gumar, Jam, and the other Jedi cheered him on as he expertly rode a wellagrin through the snow. Gumar expressed his excitement for their visit as well as that year's hatching in particular, as he was in charge of caring for the eggs. He had been checking them daily to keep them in the cold snow. The group bar Jam mounted wellagrins and rode up the nearby mountain to see the hatching ground, but it was unusually warm when they got there, with some of the snow melting.

They rushed forward to the eggs, which they found exposed and without snow nearby. Gumar did not want to move the eggs out of fear of confusing the adult wellagrins, but he was concerned that there would be an issue with the hatching due to warmer temperatures. They then heard a strange noise and investigated it, discovering the businessman Raxlo using his harvester's laser to cut through the snow. Brightstar confronted him to stop, and he paused the machine, revealing his plan to harvest valuable Tenga rocks from Andraven. Gumar and Brightstar scolded Raxlo for his location of choice, but he was unconvinced and brought out several security droids to keep the Jedi and Gumar out of his hair.

Go Gumar

Despite having lightsabers, the Jedi were unable to defend themselves against the small droids, becoming encircled and trapped. The droids marched them to a small clearing under a cliff, where Gumar suggested dumping snow on top of their captors to allow them to escape. The Jedi used the Force to push the snow down, burying the droids. The group sprinted back to the harvester, where Raxlo had left the back door open, which they entered. Sneaking into the cockpit, they crawled around as they searched for a button to turn off the laser. Brightstar clicked one on Raxlo's chair, but it turned on music and woke up the businessman.

Gumar excitedly holds the newborn wellagrin.

Gumar excitedly holds the newborn wellagrin.

The younglings sheepishly waved hello. Raxlo began to lecture them on reckless button-pushing and continued to refuse to stop his harvester, so Nubs flicked several switches in retaliation. In the ensuing hubbub, more buttons and levers were pushed, and the laser aimed directly at a mountain, causing a large avalanche to race toward them. The harvester plummeted downward with the snow and had its laser ripped off in the crash. It came to a rest near the eggs, which were now covered in snow. Once the harvester's passengers caught their breath, Gumar realized that the eggs had been saved. Indeed, an egg that had rolled up to the cockpit hatched in front of them, so the Jedi and Gumar ran outside to greet it.

Gumar thanked the Jedi for their help, and he and Brightstar went to console a morose Raxlo. They reminded him that he could not harvest wherever he liked, but Gumar offered to show him which areas would not interfere with the wellagrins. Jam, Varna, and the adult wellagrins then arrived, just in time to see the rest of the babies hatching. Later, Gumar and the gang accompanied Raxlo to his new and more fruitful digsite, where the businessman thanked Gumar for his help and apologized for his earlier wrongdoing.

Personality and traits

Gumar was encouraging when Brightstar did not play the Andraven flute well, assuring him that it was difficult to master. He complimented Solay on her skill with creatures, quite impressed by her talent. When he had the responsibility of managing the wellagrin hatching, Gumar was quite concerned at the prospect of the eggs becoming too warm. At the discovery of the agitator, he did not express anger, instead offering a win-win solution once the tension had passed. Gumar had hazel eyes, light blue skin, and was a member of a trunked species.

Skills and abilities

Gumar was able to play the Andraven flute well enough to nudge the wellagrins in the direction he wanted them to go.


Gumar donned a mustard and brown hat with similarly colored clothing. He wore green mittens and carried his flute with a strap on his back.

Behind the scenes

Gumar first appeared in "Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue," the first part of the fourth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventuress first season. The episode was released on May 4, 2023. He was voiced by Liam Ramos.









