Bucco bread

Bucco bread was a type of bread that possessed a golden hue. This foodstuff was consumed by inhabitants of a settlement located on the planet Sedri Minor, which itself was situated within the Outer Rim. This occurred during the period known as the High Republic Era. In the year 232 BBY, a human youngling named Bartol, along with a Gran child of indeterminate name, carried a container filled with bucco bread, fresh from the oven, to a group of Jedi who had visited the colony. This offering was then presented to Keeve Trennis, a Jedi Knight of human descent.

Although Trennis appreciated the gesture from the two children, she explained that it was unnecessary, as the Jedi had their own provisions. Nevertheless, the Jedi Knight accepted the basket from Bartol and held onto it while engaging in conversation with other members of the colony. When she later departed to locate the missing Jedi Knight Ceret, she was no longer in possession of the basket.


Bucco bread was a golden variety of bread that came in the form of small, circular loaves.


During the High Republic Era, specifically by 232 BBY, bucco bread was a food item eaten by the residents of a colony on the planet Sedri Minor, a world found in the Outer Rim. In that year, two youngsters from the colony—a human male named Bartol and an unnamed Gran—brought a freshly baked basket of bucco bread to a group of Jedi who were visiting on an investigatory mission after the discovery of a derelict Hutt starship originating from the colony. After arriving at the Jedi flagship, the Ataraxia, Bartol and the Gran encountered the human Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis, who was standing outside the vessel.

Bartol (center) and a Gran (right) offered bucco bread to Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis (left)

Upon their meeting, Bartol explained to Trennis that they had brought the bread because they thought the Jedi might be hungry, identifying the bread and mentioning its freshness. The Gran then inquired whether the Jedi consumed food, to which Trennis confirmed that they did. Trennis then expressed her appreciation for their kindness, but reiterated that it wasn't necessary because the Jedi had their own provisions. The Jedi Knight did, however, accept the basket of bucco bread. Shortly after, a Rodian couple from the colony—Reeta and Neeso—approached, offering the Jedi a bowl of samana spiced loaf. Neeso, noticing the bucco bread, remarked that the children had a similar idea, prompting Trennis to ask if they had brought more bread as well.

While conversing with the couple and Kalo Sulman, the Artiodac speaker of the colony, the Jedi Knight held the basket of bucco bread in her hand. After Sulman escorted the colonists away, Trennis departed to search for her missing friend, Jedi Knight Ceret, and was no longer carrying the basket.

Behind the scenes

Bucco bread made its debut in the third issue of the 2021 comic book series Star Wars: The High Republic, which was a part of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. Cavan Scott wrote the issue, Ario Anindito provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics published it on March 3, 2021.

