
Reeta, a Rodian of the High Republic Era, resided on the Outer Rim planet of Sedri Minor by 232 BBY. They were part of a colony alongside their partner Neeso and their son, Julus. In that year, 232 BBY, the colony began to experience disappearances due to the Drengir, sentient carnivorous plants that fed on living creatures. The colonists considered reaching out to the Jedi Order for assistance, but Speaker Kalo Sulman, the colony's leader, prevented them from doing so.

Julus eventually vanished as well, and his parents were unable to locate him. Shortly after, when the Jedi visited Sedri Minor, Reeta and Neeso shared their experiences with Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis. Sulman then escorted the pair back to the colony, where he began to assault Neeso for their conversation with the Jedi, despite Reeta's efforts to intervene.

Once the Jedi uncovered the reason for the recent events and learned of Julus' death, they returned to question Sulman. When the Hutt Clan arrived to protect the colony, a conflict erupted between them. Simultaneously, Reeta, Neeso, and other colonists passionately confronted the speaker, holding him responsible for the unfolding events. Neeso struck Sulman and attributed Julus' death to him, although Reeta attempted to discourage their partner, emphasizing that it would not bring their son back. Subsequently, a rancor demolished the building, causing the speaker to flee and abandon the colonists.


Sedri Minor Disappearances

Julus (pictured), the son of Reeta and Neeso who went missing

During the High Republic Era, there lived a Rodian named Reeta. By the time 232 BBY arrived, Reeta, together with their Rodian partner Neeso (whom they called Dree), had a Rodian son by the name of Julus. These three were members of a colony located on Sedri Minor, a planet situated in the Galactic Frontier region of the Outer Rim. The residents of the colony had entered into an agreement with the Hutt Clan, promising regular payments of grain, specifically Vratixia renanicus, in exchange for protection.

As the year 232 BBY rolled around, three individuals from the colony disappeared, having been taken captive by the Drengir. These carnivorous plants were sentient and fed on all living matter, and they had infested the crops of Sedri Minor. The colonists gave thought to contacting the Jedi Order from the Galactic Republic space station known as Starlight Beacon. However, they were prevented from doing so by the colony's leader, Speaker Kalo Sulman. He would seize their credits and physically assault anyone who dared to speak out, asserting that the colony would handle the situation internally. This left Reeta feeling frightened and believing that no one was taking action to resolve the disappearances. At one point, Julus also vanished, and despite the efforts of Reeta and Neeso to locate their missing son, they were unsuccessful.

The Arrival of Aid

In that year, the Jedi Order discovered an abandoned Hutt ship carrying grain that originated from the colony. The ship's crew had been slaughtered by the Nihil pirates. Subsequently, Jedi Master Sskeer and the Kotabi Jedi Knight Ceret journeyed to Sedri Minor to visit the colony. Shortly after their arrival, Ceret spotted Julus amidst some crops and approached to offer assistance, but was captured and infected by the Drengir. This caused Terec, their bond-twin, to cry out in agony, as they were also affected due to the twin's shared mind. Avar Kriss, a Jedi Master, and Keeve Trennis, a Jedi Knight, then traveled with Terec to Sedri Minor.

Reeta (far right) and Neeso made a samana spiced loaf for the Jedi and offered it to Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis.

Reeta and Neeso prepared a samana spiced loaf for the Jedi as a gesture of assistance, and they went to the Jedi flagship Ataraxia to distribute the bread. Upon their arrival, they discovered that Bartol, a human boy who was a friend of Julus, and a Gran child had conceived the same idea, having presented Trennis with a basket of bucco bread, which the Jedi Knight had accepted. Reeta inquired with Trennis about their friend, to which the Jedi Knight responded that they were certain the Force was with Terec and Ceret. In response, Neeso informed her of Julus' disappearance, noting that he was not the first to have gone missing. After Trennis inquired about the other disappearances, Reeta informed the Knight that there had been four, not including Ceret, and recounted that there had been talk of the planet being cursed due to the crop failures and disappearances.

Unveiling the Reality

Reeta informed Trennis upon inquiry that their Vratixian was decaying in the fields and that they had been prohibited from contacting Starlight Beacon for assistance. As Trennis inquired whether the Hutts had prevented them from doing so, Speaker Sulman arrived and began conversing with the Knight. Trennis then informed Sulman and the Rodians of the Jedi's discovery of the Hutt ship with its crew slain by the Nihil. In response, Reeta questioned whether she was certain of who had killed them, and the speaker further inquired whether the Knight suspected the colony's involvement. Trennis indicated that she did not believe the colony was involved, but noted that the ship had been transporting grain from Sedri Minor.

Kalo Sulman led the colonists away from Trennis in an attempt to hide what was happening on Sedri Minor.

When the Knight brought up the disappearances, Sulman dismissed the concerns, claiming that the colony's residents were fantasists. In response, Neeso stated that Julus had indeed gone missing and that they had been unable to find him. Ushering the colonists away from Trennis, the speaker told Reeta that, as he had previously stated, the colony would handle the situation themselves, asserting that the Jedi did not need their food or to hear their rumors.

The Knight attempted to stop Sulman, but after mentally noting that the colonists were all scared about what was happening, she left to investigate. Bartol joined Trennis, and the two soon uncovered the truth about the events on the planet: the Drengir had captured them. The boy recognized Julus being held alongside Ceret, and when he asked why his friend was not moving, Trennis informed him that Julus was one with the Force, leaving the boy devastated about the loss of his friend.

Facing the Speaker

Upon returning to the colony, Sulman began to assault Neeso, questioning whether they were listening to him. Attempting to prevent the speaker from further assaulting their partner, Reeta pleaded with him, stating that they meant no harm when they spoke with the Jedi. Sulman refuted Reeta's words, saying that now that they had "blabbed" to the Jedi, they were involving themselves with matters that were not their concern. The speaker then stated that the pair knew the rules and how things operated, and that they would now pay the price for their actions. Before he could do anything further, however, the Jedi arrived to confront Sulman about the Drengir being on Sedri Minor, deducing that it was why he had been so against their presence. As the Jedi spoke with the speaker, the Hutt Clan arrived at the colony with forces led by the Hutt warlord Myarga Anjiliac Atirue.

Reeta was among the colonists who confronted Kalo Sulman as he attempted to flee Seddir Minor.

Sskeer attacked Myarga, leading to a battle between the Jedi and Hutt forces. While Trennis fought the Hutt forces, she told the colonists that she would not be able to hold them back and called for them to move. Ceret—who had been rescued—informed Trennis they would get the colonists clear and notified the colonists to go with them and used the Force to hold back a rancor blocking their path. This allowed the group to flee over to Sulman, where they found the speaker attempting to escape.

Sulman claimed that he had a shuttle with free passage for anyone who desired to leave Sedri Minor, but Neeso instead grabbed him and criticized him for what had been happening, berating him for not allowing them to contact the Jedi, taking their credits, and beating them. After the Rodian punched Sulman and blamed him for their son's death, Reeta told their partner to stop as it would not bring Julus back. Though Neeso knew this, he responded that it made them feel good. When the building began to crumble as a rancor destroyed it, Sulman quickly made his escape and left the colonists behind, though was grabbed by a Drengir not long afterward. Ultimately, the incident on Sedri Minor saw the Hutt forces and Jedi working together to fight the Drengir, who eventually retreated.

Character Traits

Reeta pleaded with the speaker that they meant no harm with speaking the Jedi and tried to stop Sulman from attacking Neeso.

Reeta's skin was green, and their eyes were black. During the period of disappearances on Sedri Minor, Reeta experienced fear and a sense of inaction from others. Upon the arrival of the Jedi, Reeta and Neeso extended their hospitality by offering them food as a form of assistance. Reeta was taken aback when Speaker Kalo Sulman began to attack Neeso for their conversation with the Jedi, and they pleaded with Sulman, asserting that they had no malicious intent.

The Rodian attempted to prevent the speaker from assaulting their partner but was unsuccessful. Later, Reeta was among the colony's residents who vehemently confronted Sulman regarding the unfolding events. When Neeso struck the speaker, Reeta urged them to stop, emphasizing that it would not bring back their son Julus.


Reeta was seen wearing a beige dress.

Behind the Scenes

Reeta's initial appearance was in the third issue of the 2021 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, which was launched as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I. The issue was authored by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics on March 3, 2021.

