The High Republic Issue #3 constitutes the third installment in the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: The High Republic. Penned by Cavan Scott, it was brought to publication by Marvel Comics on March 3, 2021.
A BRAND-NEW SERIES ROLLS ON! A PROFOUND ENIGMA AWAITS UNRAVELING BY THE JEDI…BUT AT WHAT EXPENSE? A world afflicted by a strange plague. One JEDI unaccounted for, the other driven to madness. What dread lurks in the shadows beneath the blighted fields? Though death is narrowly avoided, a dreadful alliance takes shape. Can KEEVE TRENNIS safeguard an innocent life while contending with treachery from within her own ranks?
The Ataraxia has made landfall on Sedri Minor, and within its confines, Terec is seized by a violent episode, raving about a growing darkness that craves sustenance. Avar Kriss attempts to subdue the Kotabi, whose conduct is influenced by the events befalling their missing bond-twin, Ceret. Avar urges Terec to find composure, but, with foam at their mouth, they declare that the Jedi have already been defeated. Jedi Master Sskeer offers little assistance: positioned as a guard at the base of the boarding ramp, his former apprentice Keeve Trennis observes that the Trandoshan's condition deteriorates rapidly. Sskeer bluntly states that Terec is losing their sanity, but Avar counters by pointing out that he butchered an enemy in cold blood and lost Ceret mere moments after planetfall. In response, Sskeer retorts that Avar is not without her own mistakes, and that the focus should be on uncovering the source of the planet's troubles, not on his actions.
Keeve reflects that this is not how things should be, as guarding her former master as he descends into madness was not part of her expectations as a Jedi Knight. Two children approach her, offering a basket filled with fresh bucco bread. Keeve expresses her gratitude, but explains that they need not sacrifice their own provisions, as the Jedi have their own supplies. However, the children are not alone in their generosity: a Rodian couple approaches, bearing a samana spiced loaf. Keeve learns that their son Julus disappeared shortly before the Jedi's arrival, bringing the total number of missing persons, including Ceret, to five. Furthermore, the colony's Vratixian barley is rotting in the fields, yet no action has been taken.
Keeve inquires as to why they did not seek assistance from Starlight Beacon, and the man replies that they are unable to do so. She questions whether this is related to the Hutts, but an approaching Kalo Sulman interrupts, questioning their involvement. After Sulman is introduced as the spokesperson for the "honest, law-abiding" community, Keeve recounts the discovery of a Hutt Clan starship attacked by the Nihil, which was transporting a shipment of grain from this very colony. However, Sulman insists that the other residents are prone to "fantasies" and that they will handle the situation independently. Dismissing the others, he asserts that the residents of Sedri Minor have no need for Jedi provisions or "rumor-mongering," even as Keeve assures him that it's fine. Inwardly, however, she recognizes the palpable fear among the people, even in the domineering Sulman. With the Masters preoccupied, she resolves to investigate on her own.
Venturing into the barley field with her [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber] ignited, Keeve confirms the colonists' claims regarding the decaying crops, which emit a repulsive odor. She is startled by a boy named Bartol, who expresses admiration for her weapon as she attempts to persuade him to leave. Bartol, however, insists on assisting in the search for Keeve's friend and ventures deeper into the field, compelling her to follow as she contemplates her tendency to attract strays. Keeve detects a "shadow" of some sort, and as the child questions her ability to do so, the two stumble upon a large sinkhole. When asked if this is a common occurrence, Bartol expresses curiosity about what lies below and jumps in, forcing Keeve to use the Force to catch him before following him into the abyss. At the bottom, Keeve senses an entity aware of their arrival.
Aboard the Ataraxia, Terec has lost consciousness. Avar interrogates Sskeer regarding his failure to sense the influence of the dark side on the twin's condition, prompting him to offer an apology. Their conversation is interrupted by a communication from Estala Maru, but Avar reminds Sskeer that their discussion is far from concluded. Maru informs them that he has received the corpse of the Hutt recovered from the freighter. As two Jedi commence an autopsy, Maru informs Avar that Grand Master Xo Lahru was concerned by the request. Avar expresses her displeasure that Maru informed the Jedi High Council, though she is not entirely surprised, and informs Maru that she will contact Lahru herself later, as she is dealing with her own pressing matter.
Sulman, having arrived at the cruiser, is informed by Sskeer that he is not welcome. The Speaker retorts that it is the Jedi who have no right to be on "his" planet, and demands to know the whereabouts of the girl who had been guarding the ship. Sskeer asserts that the Jedi are attempting to protect Sulman's people, but the Artiodac dismisses this, remarking that they seem to be losing their own instead. Avar proposes that she and Sulman search for Keeve together, and instructs Sskeer to remain behind and watch over Terec. He vows not to fail her again.
Below the surface, Keeve recites the Guardian's Mantra as she and Bartol navigate a tunnel. When she stumbles, the boy inquires about her well-being, and she responds that the darkness is overwhelming. He asks if she is afraid of the dark, and she provides a basic explanation of the light and the dark, and that the Jedi are aligned with the light, before she hears a voice in her mind declaring that she will be consumed. Bartol decides to run ahead and search for her, pushing through a wall of roots as Keeve struggles to regain her composure. He screams, and Keeve shouts that she is coming before cutting through the wall. On the other side, she and Bartol discover Ceret and a Rodian child, bound by roots, and Bartol wonders what has happened to them. Keeve moves to free the two, reaching out with the Force.
Tragically, Julus is already deceased. Keeve comforts a weeping Bartol, assuring him that it is acceptable to be upset. She asks him to hold her lightsaber while she examines Ceret, who appears to still be alive. After Keeve removes something from Ceret's ear, pondering its nature, the first words uttered by the Kotabi upon awakening are "Beware." Something tugs at Bartol's leg, causing him to fall, but Keeve swiftly uses telekinesis to wield the lightsaber, which Bartol had dropped, to sever the appendage grasping the child. As she instructs him to take cover behind her and assures him of his safety, Ceret's mouth utters the words "No meat will be safe... not from the Drengir!" One of the plant-like entities advances down the tunnel, still chanting for meat.
Aboard the Ataraxia, Terec, now conscious again, senses that the darkness has ensnared them. Sskeer attempts to assist in re-centering the Kotabi, but is thrown back as Terec screams, expelling a black cloud. As Sskeer questions his inability to help, Terec rises, and an alien voice emanates from their mouth, inviting the Trandoshan to "Come with us..."
Underground, a possessed Ceret concludes the sentence, "...We can make you whole," while seizing a terrified Bartol, prompting Keeve to exclaim in exasperation, as she already had more than enough to contend with. The Drengir declares that Keeve's only options are to nourish them or become one with them, and she chooses "never"–but the Drengir retorts "Food it is" as its tentacles encircle her. Fortunately, assistance arrives as a green lightsaber cleaves through the tunnel's ceiling. Avar descends and bisects the Drengir, stating that she did hear Keeve's cries. Keeve explains that something is gravely wrong with Ceret, and Avar manages to persuade him to release Bartol and return to the light. Disturbed, Ceret explains that the Drengir were too powerful, while Keeve reassures Bartol that they will escape. However, the two halves of the Drengir reform into two separate individuals, who both chant that there is no escape. They are joined by Sskeer, afflicted by the same condition as Terec and sporting a wooden arm, who chants that the harvest will be plentiful and pure...
The cover art by Paolo Villanelli draws inspiration from Mathieu Lauffray's cover for Heir to the Empire 1.