Star Wars: The High Republic issue number 4 is the fourth installment in the official canon comic book series titled Star Wars: The High Republic. Cavan Scott is credited as the writer; the artwork is attributed to Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, and Annalisa Leoni; and it was initially released by Marvel Comics on April 7, 2021. The story presented is called "There Is No Fear Chapter IV: Song of the Drengir," and it depicts the Jedi's confrontation with the might of the Drengir on Sedri Minor.
ARE THE JEDI TURNING ON EACH OTHER?! AVAR KRISS and her group of courageous JEDI are helpless, trapped by a traitor among them. STARLIGHT BEACON is under attack by a sneaky enemy. Danger is coming from a very old enemy. Who is the person in charge on the faraway planet of SEDRI? Plus: The hidden history of the scary DRENGIR is revealed.
Six years prior, on Kirima located within the Mid Rim, Padawan Keeve Trennis feels unsure, but her Master, Sskeer, offers reassurance that she will succeed and avoid falling into the ravine he is asking her to leap across. He advises her to envision herself landing successfully on the opposite side, emphasizing that the Force is with her. An older Keeve reflects that Sskeer consistently believed in her and knew the appropriate words, even when she doubted herself. She attempts the jump but falls short of the other side. Keeve plummets, but Sskeer uses the Force to catch her and pull her back up, instructing her not to apologize. Recalling this event, Keeve acknowledges that Sskeer was always present to assist her, as he encourages her to try again.
Currently, as she, Marshal Avar Kriss, Ceret, and Bartol are held as prisoners by the Drengir on Sedri Minor, where Sskeer now serves them, Jedi Knight Keeve contemplates where things went awry. Avar endeavors to make Sskeer, who insists that the Drengir must be fed, understand the implications of his words and his betrayal of Jedi principles. She questions if this is the reason he severed his connection to the Force, preventing her from sensing him. The Drengir, deeming Avar too talkative, use a root to gag her, while the possessed Sskeer asserts that she should heed the Drengir's song to comprehend them.
Sskeer recounts the Drengir's history: once, they expanded throughout the galaxy, consuming flesh wherever they could find it, with abundant harvests. They allied with others who recognized their strength and harvested alongside them, only to ultimately betray the Drengir, as was their nature. The Drengir retaliated, but they were confined by totems that compelled them to sleep, including the foremost Drengir, the Great Progenitor. During her slumber, so did the others. However, eventually, travelers discovered the Progenitor and roused her from her sleep, awakening all the others as well.
Aboard the Starlight Beacon, Archivist OrbaLin oversees the postmortem examination of the dead Hutt, informing Estala Maru of the specimen's intriguing nature. OrbaLin clarifies that the Hutt, despite being severely wounded by the Nihil, did not succumb to its injuries or [nagnol](/article/nagnol] poisoning but rather due to a systemic infection. Maru inquires about the cause, but OrbaLin assures him that the autopsy team, including Vernestra Rwoh and Imri Cantaros, is adhering to standard quarantine protocols. Imri expresses disgust, responding to Vernestra's admonition by questioning how those things infiltrated the Hutt's veins. OrbaLin concurs that Imri's question is paramount, noting that they appear to be part of a root-like system. Imri begins to respond when the Hutt's corpse stirs, prompting him to exclaim that it is alive, although Vernestra deems it impossible. OrbaLin clarifies that the corpse is infested, and as Maru demands an explanation, Drengir burst forth from the corpse. The Archivist remarks that Starlight's quarantine measures are about to face their ultimate test.
On Sedri Minor, Keeve attempts to reason with Sskeer, complimenting his new wooden arm but emphasizing that he is not a Drengir. He experiences a moment of clarity before insisting that the Drengir have completed him, and Keeve retorts that his arm will regenerate in time, reminding him of his teachings about the absence of shortcuts on the path of light, urging him to remember because she still believes in him. Ceret, distraught, declares that it is futile, citing their observation of the reaping: the Drengir invariably endure, and Sskeer, along with themselves, is lost. Roots penetrate the prisoners' noses and mouths as the Drengir demand sustenance. Keeve, struggling, implores Sskeer, stating that whatever they have promised him, he does not need to do this. Sskeer, sounding more like his former self, asserts that he does need to in order to comprehend the true essence of the Drengir and their weaknesses. He employs the Force to push upward, dislodging the Drengir holding the prisoners from the ground, causing them to screech, with Bartol still in their grasp.
Avar approaches Sskeer, who apologizes, admitting that he believed himself strong enough but that the Drengir nearly overwhelmed him. Keeve reassures him that he and the Force were stronger, and Sskeer begins to share something regarding the weeks since the Battle of Kur. However, Avar interrupts, stating that his confession must wait as the Drengir still hold the boy, and the Jedi leap from the underground cave in pursuit. Sskeer's vine arm causes him pain as he battles the Drengir, but he discourages Keeve from removing it, explaining that he is part of the Drengir, and they are part of him, utilizing this power to immobilize the creature holding Bartol. Keeve attacks the creature, reflecting that while taking life is always a Jedi's last resort, the dark side must always be repelled wherever it is encountered, especially those who serve it.
In the colony, Kalo Sulman vents his anger on the Rodian couple who spoke with the Jedi earlier, asserting that they must pay the price for allowing the Jedi to meddle where he believes they do not belong. The Speaker's brutal assault is disrupted by the forceful entry of the building's door: Avar seeks a word with him. He attempts to flee, claiming he has nothing to say, but is intercepted by Keeve and Sskeer.
Sulman is terrified by the sight of the Trandoshan's vine arm, and Sskeer accuses him of being fully aware that the Drengir had taken root there, hurling him into the ceiling while demanding the truth. Keeve reminds him to remain true to himself, emphasizing that the other Jedi are present to assist. One of the Rodians inquires about the Drengir, and as Avar begins to explain, her comlink buzzes with a call from Maru. She asks if it can wait, given their current situation, but Maru replies that they are also facing a crisis: Starlight Beacon is under attack, as Maru and Vernestra combat the Drengir that emerged from the Hutt's corpse.
Keeve, however, has her own news for Avar: they have visitors in the form of another starship. A voice from the ship announces their arrival to liberate the people of Sedri Minor from "tyranny" in accordance with a pre-existing agreement that Sulman seems to be aware of, claiming ignorance of the Drengir but asserting that the Jedi are about to experience "real" power. Sskeer instructs Keeve to activate her lightsaber, suggesting that they anticipate a confrontation. An armored Hutt emerges from the ship, accompanied by Gamorrean guards riding rancors, and declares that Sedri Minor is now under the dominion of the Hutt Cartel.
- UPC 759606099528; April 7 , 2021 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 00411; Cover A; Phil Noto 00421; Cover B; Natacha Bustos 00431; Cover C; Leinil Francis Yu & Sunny Gho