Star Wars: The High Republic 5 constitutes the fifth installment of the canon comic series titled Star Wars: The High Republic. Cavan Scott served as the writer, while Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, and Annalisa Leoni provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics published it on May 12, 2021. The narrative, titled "There Is No Fear Chapter V: Attack of the Hutts," depicts the conflict between the Hutt Clan and the Jedi, concurrent with the escalating threat of the Drengir across the galaxy.
HUTTS ATTACK! The JEDI of the HIGH REPUBLIC find themselves in conflict with HUTT forces. Expect GAMORREANS, NIKTO, and BATTLE RANCORS! A creeping alien horror has taken over STARLIGHT BEACON! Can VERNESTRA RWOH, along with her Padawan IMRI CANTAROS, discover a method to rescue the infected individuals on Starlight? Moreover, KEEVE TRENNIS uncovers the long-held, terrible secret of MASTER SSKEER. Will she ever be able to place her trust in him again?
Keeve Trennis employs Jar'Kai to deflect incoming blaster fire, urging colonists to evacuate quickly, acknowledging she cannot defend them for an extended period, lamenting that the situation could have been avoided. Ceret assures they can ensure the colonists' safety, but Keeve observes the Kotabi are still fragile. Ceret affirms the strength of the Force, while Keeve reflects that dialogue and understanding could have prevented the crisis. A Gamorrean atop a rancor confronts the fleeing colonists. As they scatter, Ceret attempts to restrain the creature. Keeve questions the Jedi's purpose if they cannot improve situations, as Ceret, weakened, is trampled by the rancor.
Previously, Marshal Avar Kriss receives a greeting from Myarga the Benevolent, a Hutt, who demands the Jedi vacate Sedri Minor. Avar inquires about the claim, pointing out Sedri's location outside Hutt Space. Myarga asserts the colonists entered an agreement with the Hutt Cartel for protection, offering regular grain shipments in return. Sskeer, observing, denounces it as a protection scheme and questions Avar's inaction, but Keeve reminds him she is negotiating. Influenced by the Drengir infection, Sskeer deems it insufficient and strikes Myarga with his [plant](/article/plant]-like arm. The enraged Hutt orders the Jedi to be dismembered. Keeve recalls this moment as the turning point, realizing her Master was lost, possibly permanently.
Avar and Keeve defend against attacking mercenaries, assessing their numbers aboard Myarga's ship. Recognizing enough to ignite a conflict, Avar requests reinforcements from Starlight Beacon. However, Estala Maru delivers grim news: the space station is grappling with a severe Drengir outbreak. Vernestra Rwoh proposes breaching a viewport to eject the infected into space, but Imri Cantaros argues this would not aid those already infected. A Drengir seizes Imri from behind, announcing the harvest has begun, prompting the Padawan to apologize to Vernestra. She encourages him to persevere, stating that despite her inexperience as a master, her own Master taught her there is always room for another lesson. She then transitions her lightsaber to lightwhip mode, freeing Imri from the encroaching vines.
Maru apologizes to Avar, stating she must resolve the situation on Sedri Minor without further assistance. Avar asks Keeve about Ceret's whereabouts, and she says that they are occupied. The Kotabi Jedi Knight forces open the rancor's mouth, longing for a [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber]. Fortunately, their bond-twin Terec arrives, wielding both twins' weapons, and attacks, dislodging the Gamorrean before pacifying the rancor. Ceret remains shaken by their ordeal with the Drengir, but Terec assures their sibling that it is behind them, and they will never be separated again. The twins then charge into the fray.
Avar declares the Hutt army will persist until their leader is freed, and she commands Sskeer to release Myarga. Keeve interjects that neither party is listening. Myarga snarls that Sskeer is "Trandoshan scum" and that the entire species are "worthless lizards" regardless of their attire. Keeve objects, stating that no one is worthless, especially not Sskeer, but the Hutt retorts that the Jedi are uniting and asks if she fails to see his infection. Keeve counters that she sees someone in pain who has lost himself, urging Sskeer to return to her. He doubts his ability to control it. Keeve, assembling her split saber, asserts he does not have to do it alone and severs the Drengir arm.
Myarga, now free, proclaims herself "The Merciless" and vows that no Jedi will escape her vengeance. Avar pushes her back, arguing that greater forces are at play, endangering both the Republic and Hutt territories. Sskeer remains infected, and the Drengir seize control, asking Keeve if she thought severing the arm would stop them. When she confirms, the infected Sskeer claims she proves his point and does not deserve to live. Keeve pleads with Sskeer, stating that this is not him.
Speaker Kalo Sulman fills a bag with valuables, intending to flee. However, a group of colonists led by Julus' parents and Bartol obstruct his path, enraged by his actions. He claims he arranged a shuttle for anyone wishing to leave, but Neeso exposes him as a liar, citing the Drengir presence and the delayed Jedi summons after the disappearances began, as Sulman prioritized taking their credits and silencing dissent, resulting in his son's death. Reeta notes that harming Sulman will not revive their son, although he admits it provides some relief. Sulman attempts to argue their similarities but is interrupted by a rancor crashing through the wall, causing the Artiodac to retreat.
Keeve duels Sskeer, endeavoring to reach him, even as the Drengir claim his demise. She kicks him back, and Sskeer briefly regains control, telling Keeve she must understand his motives. Keeve mentions his claim of investigating their plans, but he admits it was not his only reason. His connection to the Force has been weakening for some time: he failed to foresee the ridadi swarm that attacked [Shuraden](/article/shuraden] during Keeve's Jedi Trials, and he failed to sense the dark side upon arriving on Sedri Minor. Keeve questions his delay in sharing this, and he confesses it was out of shame, feeling he had failed her. Keeve disagrees, but he says it is irrelevant: the problem with plants is that they only need a single seed, a tiny scrap in the dark, to regrow stronger than before. Keeve believes there must be a solution, and Sskeer agrees there is one last chance at survival, but she is not going to like it.
Myarga insists Avar cannot win, but Avar counters that neither of them can. Contacting Maru, she asks if he is still receiving distress calls about the Drengir, and asks him to forward them to her comlink. Some calls originate from Nal Hutta itself, horrifying Myarga, who questions if it is a deception. Avar states that the entire Galactic Frontier is under attack, and neither side can defeat them alone. Myarga says that the Five Families will never agree to an alliance, and Avar says that if she is not interested, the Jedi will leave Sedri Minor since the Hutts claim it and the Jedi have enough of the galaxy to protect. Reconsidering, Myarga asks Avar to not be so hasty and agrees to an alliance against the Drengir.
Sskeer tells Keeve that she is essential to stopping the Drengir, explaining that they follow impulses transmitted through their telepathic root system, requiring them to feed and defend themselves. He suggests that Keeve try to convince the Drengir that all of their meat is spoiled through an immense [mind touch](/article/mind_trick]. She doubts its efficacy, but he says it will work if he lowers his defences to someone he trusts. The Drengir resist Keeve's initial attempt, so she intensifies it, telling the Drengir they want to run because the harvest is rotten and will poison them all, placing her hand on Sskeer's head as he screams.
As the Drengir retreat, Myarga asks what they are doing, and one of the twins notes that they are retreating. Denouncing the Drengir as cowards, Myarga opens fire and orders her forces to tear them to shreds. On Starlight, Maru reports to Avar that the Drengir are retreating as well, but Avar does not know why either, and Maru hopes that the tide has turned. Avar suggests that they not get ahead of themselves, since from what Sskeer said the Drengir do not give up. Myarga opines that Sskeer should be killed, but Avar refuses, stating that whatever the Drengir did to him, he will be restored. Keeve panics over an unconscious Sskeer, noting that this was not part of the plan and asking him if he hears her.
- UPC 759606099528; May 12 , 2021 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 00511; Cover A; Phil Noto 00521; Cover B; Bernard Chang