
Chiraneau, a human character, held the rank of Rear Admiral within the Galactic Empire's Navy. He also functioned as an advisor to Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett. Furthermore, this Rear Admiral was a member of both the Navy's officer corps and the starfighter corps, piloting a VT-49 Decimator. During 4 ABY, Chiraneau was stationed on the Death Star II battle station, and he stood among the Imperial officers present when the Sith Lord Darth Vader made his arrival.


Chiraneau served as a rear admiral in the Imperial Navy and as advisor to Admiral Firmus Piett.

A human individual, Chiraneau's role was that of a Rear Admiral within the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy, specifically within its officer corps. They also acted in the capacity of an advisor for Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett, who held the position of commander aboard the Executor, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, and also led Death Squadron. Furthermore, Chiraneau was a pilot in the Imperial Starfighter Corps.

In 4 ABY, Chiraneau found himself stationed aboard the Death Star II battle station as it underwent construction within the Endor system. Upon the arrival of the Sith Lord Darth Vader to the space station for an inspection of the construction's progress, Chiraneau stood among a group of Imperial officers in silent attention within one of the station's hangars as Vader disembarked from his shuttle and engaged in conversation with Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, the commander of the Death Star. Jerjerrod, hoping to illustrate the alignment and harmony between himself and Vader through their synchronized departure, mirrored the Sith's pace and rhythm as he exited the hangar. Shortly after Vader's arrival, the Alliance to Restore the Republic destroyed the Death Star II during the Battle of Endor.

Personality and traits

Chiraneau's physical characteristics included fair skin and gray hair.


Chiraneau piloted a VT-49 Decimator.

The Rear Admiral's attire consisted of a gray Imperial officer's uniform, complete with a matching cap adorned with an officer's disk, and a black belt featuring an officer's disk on its buckle. Additionally, Chiraneau wore black boots and gloves of the same color, along with a rank insignia plaque displaying six red pips positioned above six blue pips. They possessed at least a pair of code cylinders and were known to pilot a VT-49 Decimator.

Behind the scenes

Chiraneau made his debut appearance in the original trilogy film titled Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which premiered on March 25 of 1983. The character was portrayed by Mike Havord, who also played Colonel Jendon in the same film. According to fellow actor Kenneth Coombs, Havord had previously portrayed an Imperial officer in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope; however, it remains uncertain whether this character was Chiraneau, Jendon, or a separate individual. The hangar scene was filmed on Stage 6 at Elstree Studios between February 22 and February 24 of 1982. The floor of the hangar required multiple repainting sessions due to frequent damage caused by the movement and positioning of the various extras on set. Production photos suggest that Chiraneau was included in an additional scene created for Return of the Jedi that was ultimately omitted from the film's final cut. In this scene, Chiraneau and other Imperial officers accompany Vader as they approach the Death Star's hangar to greet Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine upon his arrival.

Chiraneau in an additional deleted scene set as the Emperor arrived on the Death Star II

Within the film, Chiraneau and all other officers featured in his scene are depicted wearing a rank insignia plaque displaying three red squares above three blue squares, indicating the rank of commander. However, a card released in 2015 as part of the Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack by Fantasy Flight Games for the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, which served as the first canon source to identify Chiraneau, portrays the character with a plaque showing six red squares above six blue squares. Given that the rank plaques shown in Return of the Jedi are acknowledged as a costuming error, this article considers the card's depiction to be accurate.

Footage depicting Vader's arrival on the second Death Star was repurposed for his return from the planet Bespin to his flagship, the Executor, in the 1997 Special Edition release of The Empire Strikes Back. Consequently, Havord is visible in the Special Edition version alongside other extras who portrayed Imperial officers in Return of the Jedi; however, this article treats these as separate characters. Chiraneau's name originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first used on a card featured in the 2000 Death Star II Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game produced by Decipher.

