Darth Vader (2017) 13

Darth Vader #13 represents the thirteenth installment in the canon comic book series known as Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) (see: [/article/star_wars:darth_vader(2017)]). This particular issue was penned by Charles Soule, features illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli, and was brought to publication by Marvel Comics on March 14, 2018.

Publisher's synopsis

As the Empire's power grows, so too do the first signs of Rebellion within the Mon Cala system. Maintaining order becomes paramount...a task assigned to Vader, alongside his Inquisitors...and a certain Wilhuff Tarkin!

Narrative Summary

Master and Student

Darth Vader conjures a vision where he triumphs over Obi-Wan Kenobi during their fateful duel on Mustafar. Within this imagined scenario, the armored Vader uses the Force to lift his former Master, casting him into the fiery lava fields below, where he is consumed by flames. Returning to reality, Vader puts on his armor and has an audience with his own master, Emperor Palpatine, at the Imperial Palace.

Believing the time has come for the Galactic Empire to advance, the Emperor decides to drop the pretense that the Empire is merely an extension of the Galactic Republic. He resolves to make an example of the planet Mon Cala, demonstrating the consequences of resistance by showcasing the might of the Imperial Military. Although the Death Star is not yet operational, the Empire possesses a vast arsenal including Star Destroyers and advanced [starfighters](/article/starfighter].

With the Imperial ambassador currently engaged in negotiations with King of Mon Cala Lee-Char, the Emperor instructs Vader to investigate the possibility of a Jedi secretly advising the King. The Emperor entrusts the military aspects of this operation to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin.

War Preparations

Aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Governor Tarkin briefs Major Rantu, Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Commander Jordo, and Colonel Bergon about Mon Cala's unique geography. The planet is almost entirely covered by deep ocean, with major settlements and defense systems located underwater. Mon Cala's reefs and islands are home to a number of large cities, primarily used for trade and diplomatic relations with other worlds. Tarkin's strategy involves seizing these surface cities should conflict arise.

Major Rantu expresses confidence in his forces' readiness, citing their simulation exercises. ISB Commander Jordo suggests launching a propaganda campaign aimed at creating division between the Mon Calamari and Quarren populations. Tarkin rejects the idea of a disinformation campaign. When Colonel Bergon suggests using the Star Destroyer for an orbital bombardment of Mon Cala, questioning the need for a complex, phased assault, Tarkin explains that the Empire seeks to control, not destroy.

Tarkin clarifies that Mon Cala is a valuable asset due to its people, technology, and civilization, adding that the Emperor appreciates Mon Calamari Aquatic Ballet. He emphasizes that they will not destroy Mon Cala without a justifiable cause.

Difficult Negotiations

In Dac City, Imperial Ambassador Telvar asks King Lee-Char, in front of his Mon Calamari and Quarren advisors, to consider whether Mon Cala wishes to remain part of the "great" Galactic Empire. Lee-Char objects to the Imperial proposal that Mon Cala sell its kelpite strand beams to Imperial shipyards at a significantly reduced price, arguing that it would be economically harmful to his people. Telvar counters that the Empire provides protection for him and his people.

King Lee-Char disagrees, believing that a large military-industrial complex is unnecessary in a time of galactic peace. Telvar offers to convey his concerns to his superiors, suggesting an annual limit on kelpite shipments to the Empire. Despite Telvar's claims of being on the same side, Admiral Raddus is wary of the Empire due to the presence of the Star Destroyer in orbit. Telvar departs, expressing hope for continued negotiations.

Governor Tarkin learns that Ambassador Telvar is returning to the Sovereign, but that the negotiations were unsuccessful. While Tarkin hopes for a diplomatic resolution, the Imperials are notified that the Imperial Zeta-class shuttle Infernum has emerged from hyperspace. Tarkin notes that they were not expecting additional personnel and that the Infernum represents a different kind of diplomacy.

When King Lee-Char inquires about the talks, Admiral Raddus replies that Ambassador Telvar believes he holds all the power and suggests they secede from the Empire. He believes that they will gain nothing from the Empire, which seeks to exploit them. Lee-Char believes this issue is larger than the Empire. As Admiral Raddus is about to ask about Lee-Char's mysterious advisor, they see the Infernum descending towards Dac City.

Jedi Hunters Arrive

The Infernum touches down on a docking platform. The Sixth Brother, Ninth Sister, and Tenth Brother exit the shuttle, accompanied by a squad of Purge Troopers. The Imperial assault team is met by several Mon Cala guards, led by Commander [Gial Ackbar](/article/gial_ackbar], the King's Chief of Security. The Ninth Sister presents Ackbar with a datapad displaying an Imperial writ stating that "interference with any agent of the Inquisitorius shall be interpreted as an act of war against the First Galactic Empire."

Despite the Emperor's seal, Ackbar protests this intrusion into his homeworld's affairs. The Ninth Sister tells Ackbar to address his concerns with her superior, Darth Vader. Ackbar demands to know their purpose on Mon Cala. Vader directs him to read the writ, but Ackbar refuses to allow them off the landing platform without further explanation.

As the departing Ambassador observes, Vader declares that he is there to hunt an enemy of the Empire. Ackbar retorts that the king is engaged in peaceful trade negotiations and that there are no enemies of the Empire on Mon Cala. At that moment, Ambassador Telvar's shuttle explodes, shocking everyone present. Vader informs the Commander that he is mistaken.

The Onset of Invasion

Upon receiving news of the destruction of Ambassador Telvar's shuttle, with no survivors, Tarkin uses the Ambassador's death as a pretext for military action, regardless of whether it was an attack or sabotage. He immediately orders Major Rantu to deploy landing craft, while instructing Commander Jordo and Colonel Bergon to begin their respective phases of the operation. Inside the Star Destroyer's hangar bay, TIE fighters, Low Altitude Assault Transport carriers, and walkers stand ready.

Later, King Lee-Char informs the mysterious Jedi adviser that the Empire has deployed ships and landed troops. The Jedi advises the King to remain calm, as they had anticipated this possibility. Lee-Char warns the Jedi about the presence of Inquisitors and a tall, armored, masked figure, whom the Jedi recognizes as Anakin Skywalker.

Chronological Context

Upon its initial release, the opening crawl of Darth Vader 13 stated that "three years" had elapsed since the proclamation of the New Order, and Darth Sidious later mentioned that he had served as Galactic Emperor for three years. These statements contradicted the young adult novel Ahsoka, in which the Sixth Brother dies shortly after the Galactic Empire's first anniversary, due to the Sixth Brother's presence in the issue. Furthermore, one panel referred to Wilhuff Tarkin as a Grand Moff, despite the novel Tarkin establishing that this rank had not yet been created. These inconsistencies, along with other minor alterations to the opening crawl, were corrected in the digital edition of the issue.

In one panel, Commander [Jordo](/article/jordo], an Imperial Security Bureau officer in a white uniform, is depicted wearing a standard Imperial military uniform, despite being in the same sequence of events where he was shown in the standard white ISB uniform. In another panel, Tarkin also mistakenly refers to Colonel Bergon as Commander Jordo.

Available Versions

  • UPC 759606086665; March 14 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 01311; Cover A; Elia Bonetti, Giuseppe Camuncoli 01321; Cover B; Rod Reis

Cover Images

