Telvar, a human, served the Galactic Empire as its ambassador to Mon Cala. This occurred in the early years of Emperor Sheev Palpatine's reign, as part of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. After unsuccessful talks with King of Mon Cala Lee-Char in 18 BBY, Telvar boarded a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. This shuttle then exploded shortly after its departure from Dac City, resulting in no survivors.
Following Telvar's demise, the Empire initiated an assault on Mon Cala, one notable event being the Battle of Dac City. During this conflict, King Lee-Char reached out to Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, the supreme commander of the military operations on Mon Cala, seeking an end to the fighting, asserting their innocence in Telvar's death. However, as the war on Mon Cala neared its conclusion, Lee-Char's Jedi advisor confessed to Vader that he was responsible for Telvar's murder during their fight within the Royal Command Bunker.

During the early reign of the Galactic Empire, Telvar, a human, was a member of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. He functioned as the Imperial ambassador to the Outer Rim water world of Mon Cala. In 18 BBY, Lee-Char, the King of Mon Cala, secretly took on former Jedi Padawan Ferren Barr as an advisor. Influenced by Barr, Lee-Char engaged in delicate economic discussions with Telvar in Dac City, aiming to restructure their trade agreement. In one of these discussions, Telvar made it clear to Lee-Char that the situation hinged on Mon Cala's desire to remain part of the Empire. Lee-Char disagreed, arguing that the trade proposal would impoverish Mon Cala by draining its resources for the Empire's benefit. Telvar insisted that the agreement was for Mon Cala's protection, a claim Lee-Char refuted by stating that the galaxy was at peace and there were no threats to the Empire.
Following this exchange, Telvar assured Lee-Char of his respect for his position and promised to relay his concerns to his superiors. He suggested a possible annual limit on kelpite strand beam shipments to the Empire in the meantime. However, he also cautioned that Lee-Char's stubbornness would be unproductive, emphasizing that they were ostensibly on the same side. Raddus, a Mon Calamari, countered by pointing to the presence of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in orbit as evidence to the contrary, but Lee-Char quickly silenced him. After this tense exchange, Telvar announced his departure, expressing his hope for continued discussions and reiterating their shared goals. He then contacted the Star Destroyer Sovereign, informing them that he was returning shortly, describing his negotiations as "unproductive, but on-going."

As Telvar headed back to his Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, Lee-Char and Raddus observed and discussed the unsuccessful negotiations. Raddus dismissed Telvar as a "pompous dryskin fool," asserting Mon Cala's leverage and advocating for secession from the Empire, emphasizing the lack of benefits and the Empire's exploitative intentions. Lee-Char disagreed, stating that they were not yet ready for secession as they watched Telvar approach the landing platform with his trooper escort. As Raddus continued his argument, they noticed a black Zeta-class shuttle landing on a nearby platform, carrying members of the Inquisitorius, the Empire's organization of dark side Jedi hunters known as Inquisitors, their Purge Trooper soldiers, and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader.
As Lord Vader and the Inquisitors were greeted by Commander [Gial Ackbar](/article/gial_ackbar], Lee-Char's Chief of Security, Telvar boarded his shuttle. Vader informed Ackbar of their search for an enemy of the Empire, to which Ackbar replied that there were no such enemies on Mon Cala and that the king was engaged in peaceful trade negotiations. At that moment, Telvar's shuttle took off and exploded in mid-air. As the wreckage fell into the ocean, Vader informed Ackbar that he was mistaken.

Aboard the Sovereign, in orbit, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin was informed by a lieutenant about the explosion of Telvar's shuttle shortly after takeoff, resulting in total loss and no survivors. Tarkin inquired about the cause, asking if it was an attack, sabotage, or malfunction. The lieutenant responded that the cause was unclear and under investigation. Tarkin instructed the lieutenant to authorize Major Rantu to deploy landing craft and to have Colonel Bergon and ISB Commander Jordo commence their respective phases of the operation. Tarkin concluded by expressing his hope for an alternative solution, but lamented that the Mon Calamari had foolishly chosen war.
Soon after, the Battle of Dac City began as Imperial forces were deployed. All Terrain Armored Transports and All Terrain Defense Pods engaged in combat, and Imperial Troop Transports carried by Low Altitude Assault Transport carriers were deployed as TIE fighters filled the skies above the city. Vader, the Inquisitors, and their elite troopers secured their landing zone and proceeded to the palace to locate King Lee-Char and his Jedi advisor.
During the battle, Lee-Char contacted Tarkin in orbit, seeking the withdrawal of Imperial forces from Mon Cala, arguing that the attack was unjustified. Tarkin countered that an Imperial envoy had been assassinated, suggesting either Lee-Char's involvement or a lack of control over his population, justifying a military response. Lee-Char denied Mon Cala's involvement in Telvar's death, stating that it served no purpose. Tarkin demanded that Lee-Char order his forces to stand down and allow an Imperial investigation. Lee-Char retorted that the actions were an invasion, not an investigation, and that continued attacks would be met with resistance. When Tarkin questioned if this was a threat, Lee-Char clarified it as a warning.
During the invasion, Lee-Char sought shelter in the Royal Command Bunker as the conflict intensified. Vader eventually reached the bunker, eliminating its five guards and disarming Lee-Char. Vader then led Lee-Char to a window to witness Tarkin's bombarding of Mon Cala's northern hemisphere. Lee-Char's Jedi advisor, Ferren Barr, arrived at the bunker and confronted Vader. During their duel, Barr confessed to assassinating Ambassador Telvar, triggering the war on Mon Cala. Upon hearing this, Lee-Char immediately ordered a planet-wide ceasefire and contacted Tarkin, informing him of the deception and offering his surrender. Tarkin accepted but continued the planetary bombardment for a period until Lee-Char was arrested and Barr was killed.
Telvar, a human, possessed fair skin, brown hair, including a mustache, and blue eyes. Despite facing unsuccessful negotiations, he knew when to conclude discussions and postpone them for a later time, while expressing his hope for Mon Cala's continued membership in the Galactic Empire. During the talks, Telvar showed respect for King Lee-Char's position and offered to convey his concerns to his superiors. Telvar also sought common ground, suggesting a potential annual cap on kelpite shipments to the Empire, while acknowledging Lee-Char's inflexibility as an obstacle to progress.
Telvar, as an ambassador, excelled in negotiation and diplomatic discourse. Despite the opposition from King Lee-Char and Raddus, Telvar remained committed to finding a peaceful resolution, and despite the unproductive nature of the negotiations, he maintained that they were still ongoing.

Ambassador Telvar wore a green Imperial uniform and a white cape. His uniform featured two golden chains connected to Imperial crests pinned to the chest area. He also utilized a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle for transportation, accompanied by a stormtrooper escort.
Ambassador Telvar's initial appearance was in the canon 2018 comic Darth Vader (2017) 13, penned by Charles Soule and illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli.