The comic book issue Darth Vader 14, a part of the canon series Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017), was released by Marvel Comics on April 11, 2018. Charles Soule penned the script, while Giuseppe Camuncoli provided the illustrations.
King Lee-Char's Mon Calamari and Quarren forces are engaged in combat with an Imperial battalion in Dac City. This battalion includes AT-AT walkers, AT-PD walkers, and TIE fighters. Simultaneously, Darth Vader, accompanied by the Inquisitors Ninth Sister, Tenth Brother, and Sixth Brother, along with Purge Troopers, secure the landing zone after eliminating numerous Mon Calamari and Quarren fighters.
The Inquisitors make their way towards the royal palace. The Ninth Sister questions the logic of assuming the Jedi fugitive would be near the King. Vader retorts that Lee-Char possesses knowledge of how to reach the fugitive Jedi. The Tenth Brother speculates that Lee-Char likely fled upon the arrival of the Imperial forces. Vader, however, using his connection to the Force, senses the King's presence, recalling their past encounter at Lee-Char's coronation and deducing that the King would not abandon his city until the battle concludes.
From the command center, Lee-Char observes the battle via hologram. Commander Ackbar reports that while the defenders are holding their ground, the Empire has deployed significant forces to all "above ground" settlements, an environment where the Mon Calamari and Quarren are at a disadvantage. Lee-Char instructs his troops to maintain their positions until the evacuation is complete. Ackbar assures him of their commitment and confirms that half of the civilians have been relocated below the surface.
Admiral Raddus objects to surrendering the surface cities to the Empire, emphasizing that it is their home. Lee-Char explains that it's a strategic withdrawal. He states that once the population is secure, they will determine their next course of action. His intention is to persuade the Empire to withdraw without further bloodshed. He sees two possible paths: diplomacy and war.
Using a holoprojector, Lee-Char contacts Governor Wilhuff Tarkin aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Sovereign, demanding the immediate withdrawal of Imperial forces. Lee-Char argues that the attack is unjustified and violates Mon Cala's treaty with the Empire. Tarkin refutes this, citing the murder of an Imperial envoy under Lee-Char's protection. He declares that this situation warrants military intervention and promises to restore order to Mon Cala.
Lee-Char assures Tarkin that he had no involvement in Ambassador Telvar's death, asserting that it would undermine their negotiations. Tarkin dismisses Lee-Char's claims and reiterates his demand for the King to order his forces to stand down, allowing the Empire to conduct its investigation.
Lee-Char counters that the Empire is not investigating but invading. He affirms Mon Cala's loyalty to the Empire but vows to resist any occupation of their lands or the killing of their soldiers. He warns Tarkin that the Mon Calamari will defend themselves if he persists. Tarkin dismisses Lee-Char's warning and terminates the communication.
Tarkin instructs a lieutenant to inform Major Rantu to anticipate a significant counter-offensive from the local forces once the Mon Calamari and Quarren complete the evacuation of civilians from the surface settlements. When the lieutenant inquires about the nature of the attack, Tarkin admits he doesn't know but believes they understand the locals' weaponry and expects no surprises.
Meanwhile, the Jedi advisor "Master" Ferren Barr addresses his followers, including several humans and a humanoid. Viewing footage of Vader and the Inquisitors, Barr expresses surprise at Emperor Palpatine dispatching Skywalker but acknowledges the will of the Force. When Verla asks about Skywalker's identity, Barr reveals that Anakin Skywalker is the "Chosen One."
Barr commands his droid, Endee, to display files 430 through 459. The droid projects a hologram of various Aurebesh characters, including Skywalker's name. As the droid plays a video of Anakin battling B1-series battle droids, Barr explains that Skywalker was the most remarkable Jedi of his generation, accepted into the Jedi Temple for training at an older age. Barr recalls sparring with Skywalker but believes the Jedi were mistaken in their belief that he was the Chosen One.
Barr presents footage of a fallen Skywalker leading the 501st Legion during the siege of the Jedi Temple. Barr informs his acolytes that he obtained the footage from a slicer who extracted it from a backup archive. Reflecting on Order 66, Barr suggests that their focus should have been inward rather than outward. Barr recounts Vader's killing of younglings and his continued hunt for Jedi alongside the Inquisitors, former Jedi themselves. While Skywalker has embraced the dark side and become Vader, Barr insists that even the power of the dark side cannot erase his past.
When Daren questions why Barr doesn't reveal to the public that Palpatine's enforcers were once Jedi, Barr believes it would be futile given the Emperor's skill in deception. Barr explains that this is their purpose. Once the galaxy witnesses the Empire's true nature, he believes they will resist. Barr considers the Jedi and Sith relics of a bygone era but believes people can comprehend oppression and freedom.
Rebb insists that the Jedi must be avenged and asks Barr to send them to destroy Vader. Barr deems confronting Vader too dangerous but reveals another plan that could bring down the Sith and their Empire if they succeed. When Rebb asks how, he answers that it depends on the King.
Barr communicates with King Lee-Char via holoprojector, outlining his plan. The King is hesitant, having completed the evacuation of his people from the surface cities. Lee-Char suggests allowing the Empire to continue their investigation, confident that they will find his people innocent in the Ambassador's death. Barr warns the King that the Empire will not leave.
Barr asserts that the Force has shown him the Empire's future and that the aggression against Mon Cala is the beginning of a relentless erosion of freedom across the galaxy. He claims his visions show that the Mon Calamari will be central to the galaxy's liberation from the Empire. He urges Lee-Char to take action to protect his people. The King agrees and activates a mechanism that summons massive whale-like creatures from the ocean depths.
Briefing Commander Ackbar and Admiral Raddus via holoprojector, he instructs Ackbar to coordinate the defense of the northern hemisphere and Raddus to lead the defense of the southern hemisphere. When Ackbar asks if he has taken steps to counter the Empire's escalation, Lee-Char responds that he had two plans to repel the Imperials. Since the first failed, he will implement his second.
The King intends to address his people but is interrupted by the arrival of Vader, his Inquisitors, and Purge Troopers, who have eliminated his guards. Vader throws Lee-Char against a wall and orders the Ninth Sister to probe his mind. Before the Ninth Sister can proceed, an Imperial signals officer aboard the Sovereign detects unusual signals across Mon Cala.
Several whale-like creatures emerge, generating colossal tsunamis that engulf the surface cities. Vader and his Inquisitors are caught in the wave, which also overwhelms the Imperial battalion in Dac City. The Inquisitors and Vader struggle against the tsunami but are swept away.
Aboard the Sovereign, a shocked Colonel Bergon notes that the Mon Calamari have destroyed all their cities. Governor Tarkin clarifies that Dac City and the others were merely surface outposts. He states that the Mon Calamari and Quarren's true civilization lies underwater. While the enemy has suffered minimal damage, the Empire can no longer use the surface cities as staging areas.
With the loss of Major Rantu's forces, Tarkin orders Colonel Bergon to lead the next assault wave, consisting of aerial landing platforms. When Tarkin asks the Imperial Security Bureau Commander Jordo why they were unaware of the Mon Calamari's ability to sink their cities, Jordo apologizes and vows to improve their intelligence gathering. Tarkin agrees but warns of the consequences of failure. Tarkin inquires about Vader's location, but contact has been lost. Vader descends into the depths of Mon Cala's oceans.
In one panel of the issue, Colonel [Bergon](/article/bergon] seemingly makes a statement, but Wilhuff Tarkin responds to Commander Jordo.
An Imperial officer incorrectly addresses Tarkin as "Grand Moff Tarkin." Tarkin was not promoted to Grand Moff by the Emperor until 14 BBY, after the events depicted in the Tarkin novel.
The name "Tyranus" is misspelled as "Tyrannus" in Ferren Barr's files.
- UPC 759606086665; April 11 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 01411; Cover A; Elia Bonetti, Giuseppe Camuncoli 01421; Cover B; Rod Reis