
Rebb, a human from the Imperial Era, made the choice to stand against the Empire after directly observing its military might. Rebb, alongside their companion Stell, aimed for a superior existence and thus became disciples under the tutelage of Jedi Padawan Ferren Barr. In 18 BBY, which was one standard year following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Rebb found themself on the planet Mon Cala together with Barr, Stell, and four other of Barr's followers. During that year, the Sith Lord Darth Vader and a trio of Inquisitors who hunted Jedi arrived on Mon Cala seeking Barr. The Sith and Inquisitors encountered the acolytes as they were abandoning their safe haven. A pursuit led them to the gateway of Mon Cala's Bel City, where Rebb and Stell elected to remain and resist Vader and the Inquisitors.


Becoming a Follower of Ferren Barr

Rebb and Stell watch the Empire occupy their home.

Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, Rebb observed from their residence as Imperial troops moved in and took control of their surroundings. Rebb voiced disapproval of the Empire, telling Stell, their human partner, that raising offspring under the Empire's rule was untenable. Despite Stell's reservations, Rebb was determined to oppose the Empire, asserting that it was their only concern. Eventually, Rebb and Stell encountered Ferren Barr, a Jedi Padawan who had embraced the dark side of the Force and started presenting themself as a Jedi Master, inside a local cantina. Barr extended an offer of purpose to Rebb and Stell, and Rebb responded by pledging their loyalty. Consequently, the pair joined Barr's group of acolytes.

By 18 BBY, Barr and his acolytes had established a base inside a cave shelter situated on the planet Mon Cala. There, Barr functioned as a clandestine advisor to Lee-Char, the King of Mon Cala. Emperor Palpatine, suspecting Lee-Char's involvement with a Jedi, dispatched Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, along with a unit of Purge Troopers, regular military forces, and three Inquisitors – former Jedi now hunting Jedi – to Mon Cala.

Battle on Mon Cala

As the Mon Calamari fought the Imperial forces, Barr employed a hologram to reveal to Rebb and the others that Vader was, in fact, Anakin Skywalker. Skywalker was once a respected Jedi Knight who betrayed and annihilated the Jedi Order, initiating a hunt for the remaining Jedi alongside the Inquisitors. Rebb responded by demanding that they and the other disciples be sent to eliminate Vader and avenge the Jedi. Barr, cautioning against Vader's strength, declined the proposal but assured Rebb that he had a strategy to avenge the Jedi. Upon learning from Lee-Char that Vader had located their hideout and was likely approaching, Barr promptly instructed his acolytes to evacuate. Planning their escape underwater, Rebb and the other disciples put on self-contained diving gear. After Barr instructed them to flee the planet, the disciples departed the refuge and navigated the water using Underwater Turbo Sled Pikes.

Stell and Rebb make their last stand.

The group quickly encountered an Imperial submarine crewed by Vader and his Inquisitors, and immediately scattered. Barr directed them toward the nearby Bel City. However, one of the acolytes, Nipaltoo, charged toward Vader's submarine and attacked, only to have their helmet destroyed through the Force by the [Sith Lord](/article/sith_lord], resulting in Nipaltoo's death. As Rebb and the others continued their escape, the acolyte Orvek provided them with more time by attacking the submarine, but Orvek also perished. The remaining group, including Rebb and Stell, arrived at Bel City, where Rebb made the decision to remain at the city entrance and fight, hoping to delay the Imperial forces further. Utterly devoted to their partner, Stell stayed behind with Rebb, who reminded Stell that nothing else mattered besides the fight as they both prepared their blasters.

Personality and traits

Rebb was a human possessing brown eyes, fair skin, and brown hair that later turned black. Rebb harbored strong opposition to the Empire and was incensed by witnessing its occupation. They persuaded Stell to join their struggle against the Empire and followed Barr unquestioningly when he presented them with a chance to find purpose. Upon Darth Vader's arrival on Mon Cala, Rebb was eager to avenge the Jedi, offering themself to combat Vader. When pursued by Vader to Bel City, Rebb seized the chance to fight and remained behind.

Skills and abilities

Rebb demonstrated proficiency in piloting an Underwater Turbo Sled Pike and using a blaster. They believed in their ability to fight Vader, although Ferren Barr expressed doubt, and they made an attempt to slow down Vader and his forces.


While observing the Imperial forces, Rebb was dressed in a gray and brown shirt with a mesh bottom, a gray skirt, and gray boots. They also wore a gray tunic with brown shoulder pads during their meeting with Ferren Barr. As a disciple of Barr, Stell was clad in Jedi attire. While attempting to flee Mon Cala, Stell utilized scuba-diving gear, an Underwater Turbo Sled Pike, and a blaster.

Behind the scenes

Rebb made their debut appearance in the fourteenth edition of the comic book series Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017), penned by Charles Soule, illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli, and published by Marvel Comics on April 11th, 2018. While Rebb's ultimate fate is left unresolved, a flashback sequence occurred following their last appearance, mirroring the flashbacks that followed the deaths of other acolytes.

